Woody's journel

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Me last year.

I know I haven't changed. It's so scary.


Ash, at geo camp.


The hottest picture of Brian Molko photoshopped.


The hottest picture of the whole Smashing Pumpkins ever.
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I had the weirdest dream ever.

Picture this if you will readers.

My 18th I was dancing with Andy and like suddenly Benecke pulls a shot gun. I woke up and I fell out of bed. Also been having a lot of Benecke being a drug sindicate dealer dreams. The odd thing is Benecke is like the only guy I know that hasn't been stoned. Yeah been there done that, that was like in Year 9 I jigged school and came back home stoned.

OMG Mum brought up Shayne today and I cracked up laughing. Im like "Omg I haven't said his name for a good year and a half!" Well except that time when I was catching a bus home from the CBD and I saw Shayne, who started laughing at me and calling me a "Private Schooled Goth". Im like "I like Goths." He cracked up laughing and said that I haven't changed. I haven't ! Except I have more of a motive to hit him.

I need to call so many people. I've been treating them as though I don't love them. Anthea and Rav mainly. OMG Yvette's 17th is coming up. I haven't talked to her for ages. Oh God, do I miss her =(

My Brother said that I look like Melissa from The Smashing Pumpkins. I was ready to hit the crap out of him because she replaced D'arcy. I am seriously considering of calling my first daughter D'arcy. Im so in love with her guitar methods, despite Miles and Ed bagging the **** out of her, I still think she's hot.
My Brother is a **** head.

He lied to me about taking me to the Placebo concert for my Birthday.

I got rejected by NIDA. **** I feel down.

I know what I want to do now. I want to be an Author. So I've enquired about it at the careers office and said that I have to talk a Journalist course or a communications course at Uni. Well, last year about this time I wanted to be a Journalist, but then I soon changed my mind. But looks like I'm going back to the same course for a different reason.

Sending a letter to Rav today. Cos yesterday, I was so totally bored and I didn't want to do my Maths assessment. So I wrote a letter.
Hey Sarah dear I wanted to tell you that I can't reply to your PM cause your inbox is full but my answer is definitely yes, by all means!!! lol :D
Same goes here.

Thankies Jojo! Im just waiting for a response from the rest.


Ed keeps on saying D'arcy's seedy. Damn him!

In english, we played Quiet by The Smashing Pumpkins. I feel so happy. And Vicarious is about 72 pages long now.

I am so bored. I just printed The Smashing Pumpkins bio from wikipedia to put in my diary. LOL! it's over 9 pages long.

In shitty mood with Ash. Everyone is pissed off with her. Even Benecke.

I got Shayne's car impounded on the weekend. Went to a party. Got drunk. Drove his car and parked in a no stopping zone. He wasn't happy with me.
I will and I am.

Today after school, me and Rachel are going into the city to take some pics. Apparently, it's my late birthday present and we are going to grap a coffee or two as well. And then i have debating at 8.
Yesterday was so funny in assembly. This teacher goes to the year 12s (cos we share the same assembly time) that the year 12 formal notes were meant to be in, and that this guy was still looking for a date and if anybody from year 11 would like to go to the formal with him. everybody cracked up laughing.

Me and Benecke want to volunteer at Royal North Shore as one of those clowns that come in and tell those lame jokes to kids and make them laugh. Only cos we've failed to do our Year 11 community service.

Talking Royal North Shore, I was there yesterday for an appointment when a guy from my school called Tobey walked and saw me. He's like "What are you doing here?" Im like "Appointment" he goes "Same here."

And I am going back to Melbourne early Friday morning. So I get to miss out on double Modern History. Damn my HSC prelims are 2 weeks away and they haven't still drafted the final copy, we've had 5 DRAFTS of the timetable that goes for a week and a half.