{Wood'z Journal Act 2}

aaawww Sarah *hugs*

This kind of feeling sucks =/

I had the same not too long ago and actually do have thoughts like that now too, but you know... sometimes you just have to let it go as hard as it might seem... =/ It's the best for you, trust me, soon you will forget this feeling...

Idk if this might help you but if you have anything that remembers you of him like pics on your pc or on your wall or something just delete or put them away... thats what I did... and I gotta say I feel better ^^ lol

And whenever you're having those thoughts like "Aw how would it be when he's here?" then just slap yourself and say "Stop thinkin of him *** damnit!!" :D thats my therapy for myself lol

You'll be all fine soon :) you'll see :friends:



New member
Thanks :D

Omg my net was being so gay last night after a certain time. It wouldn't let me connect. And I had to reinstall everything and then it would let me connect for about five minutes and then it would disconnect by itself and not let me back on. So instead I listened to music.



New member
Dear Log

I have convinced myself I am really unstable mentally. I saw the tears in his eyes as I told him that I was eventually going to commit the deadliest sin to hit the catholic church, suicide. I still feel like it. Today was blown out of proportion completely, as was I. For the first time in ages I shrivelled up into a corner of the kitchen, grabbed a knife and slit across my wrists. I have convinced myself I should've gone to the hospital and be put on heavy sedatives or something. My nails are stone cold blue and I cannot stop crying or shaking.

He tried talking me out of it, but it's simply not working. I've fallen into the extreme depression stage tonight. I'm afraid he's going to call the cops or something. I don't know, I don't know why the pain feels so good. I felt like writing a suicide note to my family telling them I cannot cope with the life I am in now, I don't know even why I'm revealing this to every member who rolls their eyes at this, discards it and then moves onto the next thread for them to reply. I acknowledge I am alone. I've ****** everything up in this lifetime. My relationship with Daniel, just all relationships in general. This life has ****** me over and it has come to the end of the road for me. Rather I end up in a mental hospital or I get put on suicide watch, I don't want to know right now.

Everything in this world, everything that is good comes to an end. I'm not doing this for how I ****** my relationship with Daniel, I'm doing this because it seems like I have to in order for me to be happy just in general.

He went on the forums, these ones that I am posting in my journal, and went around to see if I was alright. He read my Tourniquet update he told me. I don't know why I even care. All I know is that I'm unstable, extremely, and I need to be saved from myself before I literally do kill myself. My last actual suicide attempt was about two years ago. I don't expect sympathy when people read this - I just want them to call the mental health department and be arrested for attempted suicide as it is a crime to kill yourself, legally, watching Constantine three thousand times does have its benefits other than listening to Maynard James Keenan playing in A Perfect Circle with their song Passive and knowing the words off by heart thanks to the three thousandth viewing.

I don't even comprehend my own words as I write them. Is this me? I think to myself as the other half just cries aimlessly not wanting to be in this lifetime. He started to cry when I gave him my final kiss goodbye. I just want to wither up and die tonight. I told him if I don't succeed tonight in killing myself, I'll do some serious self harm. I've already done that, but yet, I feel as though it's not enough. Just more, just more, I tell myself as I smile to the pain and the blood running down my wrists.

Again, I don't expect sympathy - just call the cops - save me from myself and what I've become. Or ignore me as you think die ***** just ******* die or please more drama, get over yourself. Think what you think. I don't expect sympathy from anyone. So go nuts with badmouthing me about my feelings and unstableness, I'll just put you on my ignore list.



New member
I just want them to call the mental health department and be arrested for attempted suicide as it is a crime to kill yourself
Give me your mother / brother / sister's number.


New member
There's no point trying to contact me. My phone is dead. I'm still using daniel's phone.

I can't be alone tonight. I can't stay here and watch myself sink too this stage. There's just too much blood everywhere right now, on my hands, my wrists and on my clothes. I can't be alone.



New member
Dear Log

Instability has taken its toll on me. I went for a walk for hours last night. I walked to places where I had never been before in this town. I felt like following the highway and walking to either Melbourne or Sydney, but I didn't. The only thing that held me back was a little angel on my shoulder telling me that I needed to walk somewhere where I know I'll be safe. I walked to Imogen's. She was at Liam's 21st that I now know that I missed out on. So I found myself tapping at Daniel's window. He smiled through the glass and came out. He hugged me and didn't let go.

He asked me if I had done anything to myself and I simply didn't answer and thus, he took for a yes and didn't let go of me for a good twenty minutes. I found myself smiling at laughing at things, like the cat that likes to follow us around whenever we walk past the neighbour's yard. It's ae pregnant black and white one. It sits there on the fence meowing at us or its basking in the sun on the pathway. Reminds me of my gorgeous cat, Miffy. It came over to me yesterday when I clicked my fingers and summoned it. I got to pat it. The old lady that owns the cat is very nice to Daniel and I.

He came over to my place last night and he knew somehow instantly that I wasn't alright by myself. I found myself laughing at him at times, sharing random facts like did you know that you cannot fold a piece of paper more than 9 times? Interesting. Then we would just be lying on there silently without doing anything and I would just start crying my eyes out. I don't think I've been so much hugged in my life by that man, ever. He kept telling me that everything was okay, I wasn't the cause for our relationship failing and that I'm going to be okay someday. I kept saying that if I hadn't been such a controlling ***** towards him we could've worked out, he just shook his head and said that our differences were too big and that's the thing that made us not work out. Is it fair to me to think this way, Log? I think it is.

I still don't want to be alive but I'm holding onto the end of all hope as Tarja Turunen would put it in Nightwish's End of All Hope. The cuts, some of them were deep. I told him to his face I've figured something out, if I cut closer to the hand the easier and more it bleeds. You know why? He would just shake his head as I felt a couple of tears drench my shirt. The main arteries/veins are the closest to the skin here as they peak upwards and go different ways to supply blood to all your hand so you have a functioning hand.

I woke up this morning still feeling like utter **** and as though Huxley's Brave New World had just taken a sudden hypocritical jerk in the "no human emotions" theme of the 1930s book which I wish never to read again, although I draw inspiration from it and show some connections between the book and Tourniquet, but Tourniquet is different, as I rather admit I have more of a connection between the book and the 1990's film Bladerunner with Harrison Ford in it. I never got to see the real cut of that movie, never, I've only seen the director's cut. It's funny how things work in this world, ain't it Log? It's also **** amazing how I've just drawn a conclusion between the word **** and Brave New World. Funny, cos the book is a piece of ****. Haha.

He said if I ever do it again, he's taking me to the hospital. He said I should stay home today and not do anything that might inflict harm on him or myself. I saw the sorrow in his eyes and still, I can't help but to feel like there's just something missing. I'm alone. And I'm blank inside. There's just an empty hollow space in me that is going to end up killing me. I wish I could've left this lifetime last night, I really wish it. Or I wouldn't feel incomplete.

I walked in front of several cars last night crossing the roads. It was a statistic worth trying to prove - how many people die from getting hit from cars. I hardly slept last night even though I had him beside me - telling me that everything is alright and I just can't see clearly. People slitting their wrists, it's normal. Everyone does it. He went through a stage where he hated his life (before I came around) and now I ask why he has these burns on his arms - it's where he burnt himself with a cigarette because he found his life meaningless as well, just how I feel. The veins in my hands as I type this are bluish green. It's a funny thing the human body.

I'm going to print out Tourniquet or the LPFs for him. He complains there's nothing to do at either one of our houses so I'm going to get him to read over Tourniquet for me. I think that's the only thing I'm looking forward to in the next two or so years, finishing Project Tourniquet's quest for the Old World and hopefully, publishing it, so it'll be on every bookshelf in the country. JT wants a copy if it's not released over there.


Blue Sky Turtles

New member
Don't do it. Not worth the pain you're going to inflict on your friends and loved ones. "He" seems to care a lot or so it seems. Not really worth it. Get help seriously.


New member
No offence but the state of mind I'm in right now, I ain't going to listen to someone I hardly know, okay?

Dear Log

It's been one of those days again, where all I do is sleep, eat, listen to music, and go on the net. I've hardly ate anything in the past few days and already I'm starting to show it in my complexity. Pale as a ghost and that's when the tears disappear. I went into a strange fit last night. I couldn't control it. I was shaking all over from my head to my toes I was just shaking as I laid there in his arms I asked him to hug me tighter to stop it. It went on for another fifteen minutes. It hasn't been the first time that this has happened. It was full on shaking for those long minutes and it was kinda terrifying. It was a violent shaking.

I'm hungry but at the same time whenever I eat something, I'm automatically not hungry. I had a sleep today and I'm about to go back to sleep soon. There's nothing to do and nothing for me to do about it. I wrote Tourniquet today, but not a full update which is not like me. When I write Tourniquet I usually write enough to update the day I start it unless it's a huge update. I don't know. I haven't installled Microsoft Word back onto my computer. So I'm using wordpad and I have to spell things correctly because there is no spellcheck on wordpad. There have been several times where I just wanted to go over to his place and beg for him to admit to hospital. I'm my own worse enemy as Chester Bennington would put it in Given Up.

A lot of people mistake my happiness and whatever is left of it, for pure escatasy, it's not like that. The depression's been there, I just rarely showed and it tried to put a brave face on. There's only so much I can handle. I don't understand Log, I don't. I don't understand a lot of things. Why he believes that I didn't **** everything up, why I had to turn out like this, why I had to take a turn for the worse when I was just happy putting on a brave face for all to see? Why? Why? Why? I'll go and have a sleep and have whatever dinner I want/find in the cupboard.

xx S



New member
Dear Log

I got into trouble again the other night and all I really want to say is that out of all the times that I've cried, I've never cried so hard and for so long. One of my friends had called the ambulunce on me and the cops, and I ran and ran away from everything. I don't know wither it's good news or what, but he forced me to go to the doctor's today and I was put on anti-depressants. I learnt how to cook Nachos yesterday with him, with beans, mushrooms (I felt like I was going to poison and die because of them) and so on. I felt so sick last night, I couldn't stand up because I was ready to faint. So I sat on the floor of the kitchen eating pancakes. I don't want to say anymore. But I will say this, the doc thought it was because of the breakup, it's not. It's been building up for a couple of months, this unhappiness that's been lingering in and out of my head. She said it was normal for this to occur. I don't feel normal though.



New member
I'm starting to have a panic attack!!

I still love him to death but after today, I think he feels the same way towards me. We went to the gardens today we saw kangaroos and chooks and all sorts of animals. We were just so happy together...but we're only friends still. Daniel knows how mentally unstable I've been lately, well, of course! I was the one that attacked him with a screwdriver and did more ****, that I thought he would never forgive me for, but he has done so. Are we meant to be together despite our verbal and physical fights??????

We laid down on the bed together and I was giving him a mesage and we started to talk to each other about what we do and don't like in one another.

Me - He didn't like the unstableness, he didn't like the pyscho Sarah, he liked placid Sarah, he didn't like the stubborn Sarah, and he didn't like the lazy Sarah.

Him - I don't like his indecisiveness, he says one thing, says he'll do it but he never does it and goes off to do something else. I don't like the fact that he thinks he's a ***** when he shows emotions - his upbringing, his father is emotionless, I've met him myself. It's something I just don't comprehend.

I'm just freaking out !! If we get back together, it'll be for the third time and then I'll have to explain why I am in utter love with this guy (again) to everybody who asks why I have suddenly changed my relationship status on facebook and whatnots!! He knows that I love him still through my mental unstability!!




New member
The movies I've watched lately in my friends and my movie marathon ($1 weeklys how's good is that at Civic Video?)


I found myself singing Passive by APC when he enters Midnight's nightclub. <3 Still one of my favourites.


******* AWESOME! Still has the ability to send shivers down my spine and make me cover up my eyes. <3 Still one of my favourites.


Really trippy ....

What I'm trying to find -




Active Members
I think Fountain should be interesting...i might get that....

Silent Hill was pretty good but creepy at some parts..and Constantine is genius



New member

Meet Pixie


Me and Dan bought her together today - ^ on dan's shoulder


Climbing down his back


Aww she's drinking



New member
Thank you.

Here's some pics of Dixie and Pixie -


Pixie -




New member
I thought this pic was so cute. Dan was busy playing guitar -


The shirt says Save a Cow Eat a Vegetarian




New member
Well last night/yesterday I was recovering from a migraine. So I have to see my doctor about my reoccurring migraines which are ****. I am going to Bathurst tomorrow >.> and now I am a Diablo II addict. I only have a Level 8 Necromancer specialising in Summoning (summons the dead and uses the skeletons as his own army!) called Constantine.

Yesterday I watched -


6/10 Richard Gere ruined it.


10/10 !! <3<3


8/10 Resident Evil has become one of my favourite series!


3/10 so not scary .....


Alright ... 6/10.

What's lined up that I haven't watched but is lying on the floor next to the dvd player -




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