{Wood'z Journal Act 2}


New member
I'm waiting for the only other mother that hasn't joined facebook to come join now *evil eyes*

My mum keeps on poking me. I hate being poked when I'm not bored shitless. Especially if its from her and she's poking at me to get up from sleeping in. I usually roll outta bed (literally hitting my head on the closest thing, that either being the toy box in bathurst (i've hit my head so many times on that thing) or my dressing table in sydney or anything that's sharp and pointy that i've left on the floor) Mel's added my mum on facebook despite the fact that they dont know each other hahaha

The only two people that haven't joined facebook thats in my family is a) my dad, he doesn't even know how work the printer half the time b) my brother - just utterly refuses to conform, emo son of a ***** he is at times.



New member
I'm waiting for the only other mother that hasn't joined facebook to come join now *evil eyes*
Surely you don't mean me? Don't hold your breath is all I can say. No interest, not even curiosity, whatsoever. Awesome though Mel added her. That's sweet. Yet another way to bring people together. Aww. Surely your other father (depends on how many of those you have too ;) ) has facebook. Go bug him :p Have fun with that.



New member
You've got top page of my journal three times in a row now Rav, you do notice this on going trend?

It's taken Daniel 48 hours to realise that I have his phone. Dumbass.



New member
You've got top page of my journal three times in a row now Rav, you do notice this on going trend?
It's taken Daniel 48 hours to realise that I have his phone. Dumbass.
To be honest I don't look for such things let alone notice, so no, I didn't :confused: As for the other part :lol: :thumbsup: and that's all I'll say on the matter.



New member
Well it's true. I would've expected Daniel at my door yesterday asking for his phone back and he didn't. I was like "What the ****?" when I got the message on his phone that started with my name "Sarah -" I can't remember it. I deleted it. Haha. It's just a strange coicidence that the girl that he's fighting with, has his phone....well that's what he gets for giving me ample ammo to take his stuff for not giving my stuff back and then calling the cops on me. And if he does go to the cops, he can't prove it that I have it, like physical evidence.

What am I doing today? Writing. Probably do some shopping for food. What am I listening to? Cigarettes and Suitcases by Something for Kate.



New member
Actually, be careful, you're walking in shaky ground. Would be better for you to return his phone, with a witness, and then at the same time deman your stuff back. If he doesn't return your stuff and refuses to, you can then go to the cops yourself and get them to help you. By law they have to, what he's doing (and what you're currently doing by law) is stealing. Regardless who hurt who and who did what etc, all the law sees is his property in your possession unlawfully. He can make life messier for you and again you're letting him. I know you think you're being clever and have the upper hand but seriously you don't. If anyone else knows or he gets the cops to arrive at your place to get the phone back and they see it on you, you're gonna lose all credibility with the law and he will look like the victim in everything that's happened and you will look like the instigator. Don't be dumb and childish and give it back. If he refuses to give your stuff back go after him legally. Then stop the roundabout **** and cut him out of your life alltogether. What you're doing right now, while you think it's justified, it's not. It's illegal. Doesn't matter what he's done to you in the past. You've now just stooped to his level. Congratulations.

And he can find out now - by posting it here and telling a third party (the rest of the world / LPF / me) you've now just indicted yourself. Great job. You just gave him, and the world, the proof. If he knows as much about computers as you say he does it wouldn't take him much to get into your LPF journal here and get this proof. How do you think Jammer came undone with her other half years ago?



New member
Oh I've tried that already and he badmouthed Imogen to her face, and just say, she's a 26 yr old that also has a problem with authority.And he went off at Imogen so badly, Imogen was restraining herself from physicallly hurting him. I was like "Give me back my stuff" "No" "You're not getting your stuff back in that case."

I was actually wondering how ******* quick it would take him to realise I've got his stuff. He can come over here and drop my stuff off first and the money he still currently owes me, and then I'll be happy to give back all his stuff. How's that?

edit. HOLIDAYS IN A WEEK !! *yay* Going back home hopefully!!

edit. He ain't that smart as I found out the other day. I had to tell him how we put images on the boards etc etc. And I don't think he'll be setting anywhere near this place because I'm on here. And I really doubt he's going to ring you up, or PM you, asking what have I said about him to you.

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New member
Oh I've tried that already and he badmouthed Imogen to her face, and just say, she's a 26 yr old that also has a problem with authority.And he went off at Imogen so badly, Imogen was restraining herself from physicallly hurting him. I was like "Give me back my stuff" "No" "You're not getting your stuff back in that case."I was actually wondering how ******* quick it would take him to realise I've got his stuff. He can come over here and drop my stuff off first and the money he still currently owes me, and then I'll be happy to give back all his stuff. How's that?

edit. HOLIDAYS IN A WEEK !! *yay* Going back home hopefully!!
To put it bluntly, childish. You're acting just as immaturely as he is. If that's the way you want to be percieved go nuts, but if you want to walk away from this breakup with any sense of self respect stop playing into his hands, stop playing on his level, give his **** back, get the cops, get yours (or if the cops seem too extreme, get your family and friends together, that's what I did, and trust me there IS safety in numbers) and then walk away. Besides all that, the so-called money he owes you've probably lost forever. Unless you can prove to the officials he owes you anything (and I mean on paper, JP'd, officiated by an objective third party, not your word against his), good luck getting that back. Just work on getting your physical items first - or you may find all this childish bullshit will see him destroying your stuff because, as he will try and justify (thanks to the phone episode), you pushed him into it.

As your friend I mean this in the nicest possible way; snap out of it.

Edit: I didn't specifically mean he would contact me. As if, we don't agree, so be it. I meant THIS here on LPF counts by law as a third party and I, knowing the context of what's happened, technically makes me an accessory after the fact, getting it yet? You think it's nothing, it's just a phone, theft is still theft, and the fact you seem to relish in hurting him now after the relationship's over goes against your character as a good sane person. Everyword you say about him online is digging the hole deeper for yourself. Don't think for a second he can't use any of this against you in a court of law, technically, he could.

And as far as him never finding out, don't be so sure. You have enemies. We all do. It's feasable as tight as you think your security is that someone with the knowhow could access files you don't want them to. Don't be so naive. I tell you this because all it takes is one smartass to take a grudge against you for whatever reason and get this stuff to him in some way and you're gonna get in a world of trouble. Don't think it won't happen to you. You're not untouchable. No one is. Use your head, stop reacting and start THINKING. ****.

Edit x2: I don't mean any of the above to sound harsh but seriously, did Jammer's past not teach you anything all those years ago or don't you remember it? I'm trying to look out for you but you're stuck in this mindset I can't get my head around.

Don't make me call your mother. For real.

Feel untouchable / justified still do we? ;)



New member
I don't even know if he's in town or not, so that's another thing that's stopping me and Kate now won't let me into his place or even let me talk to her now. Just say Kate doesn't like normal human beings. Okay, when he rings me to let me know he's in town, because he hasn't got uni for a couple of days, in fact, uni should be a nice and calm place to give back his stuff, then I'll give his stuff back. He sure knows my number, he's rung it that many times without the aid of his phone.


New member
I don't even know if he's in town or not, so that's another thing that's stopping me and Kate now won't let me into his place or even let me talk to her now. Just say Kate doesn't like normal human beings. Okay, when he rings me to let me know he's in town, because he hasn't got uni for a couple of days, in fact, uni should be a nice and calm place to give back his stuff, then I'll give his stuff back. He sure knows my number, he's rung it that many times without the aid of his phone.
That sounds smart. And always have someone there with you to witness it. Always. They can come in handy in case things get blown way out of proportion. If need be you can get the cops to escort you into his place with you and watch you get your stuff, then escort you out again. That's part of their job too and they will do that if you ask them nicely enough (and don't get all homicidal when you talk about D in front of them ;) ). IF you want your stuff back sooner but cant track him down, call the cops, tell them he has your things, you can't find him, and if after a few days or certain time has elapsed and he still can't be found the cops can look for him for you because holding your stuff against your will is still theft and he can be charged if he doesn't co-operate.

IF he has your stuff but you can't prove it, or enough time has passed for him to get rid of it, you'll be out of luck and the law won't be able to help you unless it can be proven he has lawfully destroyed your stuff. You need to get hold of him asap. If need be get someone else, family member etc to make the call to him for you so you two don't even have to interract. If you fear he's avoiding you and you can't get hold of him at all get the cops involved. It sounds extreme but if you let him drag this out (yet another facet in this pattern of control and abuse of your relationship) you're letting him win, and you're letting him get away with it. Destruction of private property is still an offence. You don't have to threaten him but a calm sane normally-toned voice with no emotion might serve as a nice reminder to him if he refuses to play along. And this is what I mean by keeping his stuff. He can do all this above what I just told you to you. You're walking a real fine line here. Give his **** back first in good faith, that way he has NOTHING to use against you later. Will make you look better in the eyes of the law and also you'll walk away with a sense of pride for having been mature enough to act adult even when he can't - and he was the one all those times in argumnents calling you that, remember? ;)



New member
He has my beloved checkered shoes as well! Now that I realise it. *mumbles* favourite pair of shoes.

And as for the arguments, just too many of them to remember what went on. Might give good ol' Al a call and see if he can come over, but I don't think he can come over until the weekend and try to convince D to give back my ****.

And as far Jammer - I really don't know exactly what went on with her. All I know is the stories that were used against her by an ex, she has kids to various guys, and yeah, that's all I can really remember what happened with her.

If you're ever tempted to click here and sign up > www.facebook.com

I would pay to see you sign up and stay uber active.



New member
He has my beloved checkered shoes as well! Now that I realise it. *mumbles* favourite pair of shoes.And as for the arguments, just too many of them to remember what went on. Might give good ol' Al a call and see if he can come over, but I don't think he can come over until the weekend and try to convince D to give back my ****.

And as far Jammer - I really don't know exactly what went on with her. All I know is the stories that were used against her by an ex, she has kids to various guys, and yeah, that's all I can really remember what happened with her.

If you're ever tempted to click here and sign up > www.facebook.com

I would pay to see you sign up and stay uber active.
Thanks but as I said, don't hold your breath ;)


New member

Well,I wrote a poem which can also be found in my poetry corner in the WC.

Highest Peak

I am the one who came above the rest

I am the one that survived your test

I don't know why I had to prove what I did was right

But I know I'll be the one sleepy soundly at night

I am the one who rose above and took the leap

I am the one who is hurting still and for this I weep

I am still trying to figure out what went wrong

I was the damsel in distress and you were just King Kong

But here I am I feel stronger than ever before

I'll spread my wings out and you'll see me soar

I am strong and but I am so weak

I am here standing at my highest peak



New member
I have applied for leave today. It's in the process of going through student admin.

But I'm a bit peeved off with some hypocrisy going on in my inbox -

To Sarah W%$^$&$&$,

I am writing to advise you that I am taking you to court. You Will receive the appropriate information in the mail within 3 weeks of this date and may be contacted by the police.

I am also writing to ask for my mobile phone to be returned in its original condition. As e-mail is my only means of communication at this point, you may reply to this address for the specific purpose of initiating the return of my property only i.e. any personal threats to my person or property will be used as evidence in court. To return my mobile, please either hand it to the police here in Wagga, or have a friend drop it to my address, as you are no longer legally allowed near myself or my residence. Your belongings that you left at my house will be returned to you in the same manner.

I would like to resolve this peacefully and quickly, however if you fail to do likewise I will consider laying additional charges of assault and theft.

Thanking you in advance,

Daniel Humphris.
And then I get

Sarah, you can keep the phone, its my parting gift to you. Can I have the sim back though? it is of no further use to you. Dont take the court summons to heart - no one is getting charged or fined, its just a safety precaution for BOTH of us, so we dont get hurt anymore. I will return all of your things regardless of if I receive mine or not. This is the last e-mail I will send you, so don't think I am harassing you. Be safe.
Daniel Humphris.
I replied back saying -

Dear Daniel
This is my last letter to you as I am applying for leave for university for about a year as we speak. I wish you all the best for the future, despite our differences it has been fun, and as much as I don't want to admit that it is true.

All I can really say is - it's a pity we've had to turn like out like this. You're welcomed over here anytime but come at your own risk while I'm here at Wagga. Guests will not be welcomed openly.


Sarah W %^$$^^^
I'm sorry but I am going to have a ***** about him right now and try to see how the fallout/s could've been prevented. There are a couple of things I haven't told this journal and its viewers about our relationship. But there were various times where he would suddenly turn around and say to me "Get ****** I don't want you in my life" just outta the blue. There was an incident that I'm still shaken up about which I am not ready to disclose and the only person that has been told is JT. Even though we sorted that incident out I still was cautious at times.

This is what I just replied to him to another email -

To be all honest I think you're the cause of the relationship fallout. I asked you to help me with my problems and you did nothing for it. My actions, as there is no real excuse for them, ultimately could have been prevented if you just understood my condition and help me.Come over tonight unescorted by anyone I promise I will not get violent unless I am provoked and trust me you know what I am like when I'm provokedand get your ****, including your underwear and jumper and your phone. I think you've seen my full potential. If you want to stay for drinks or anything I will be fine with that. Call it our farewell drink or anything. I think I deserve all my food/what money you owe me from the bet/clothes back as well.
I couldn't agree more. The first major fallout was when I went pyscho at him and he said he would help me with my problems which in the end he didn't and I knew it was only going to be a matter of time where I would dangerously lash out at him. I don't know how many times that I've said to him that mentally I am unstable I can and have been provoked easily resulting in dire consequences for both sides. Like Imogen pointed out (and this is the girl that a threw a heater at her ex?? LOL!) if he did "love" me why didn't he support me? I had been at the point of several times of suicide doing our relationship not because of him but because of other things that I never disclosed in this journal. No one but him knows about my suicide attempts. No one knows about me slashing my legs with a pair of kitchen scissors. Only him. Not Imogen not even my best friends (Heather and Mendes and Tabitha's in there somewhere.) Only a couple of people knew that I was depressed. I remember the late night conversations with a couple of people, include you Rav about uni and stuff. Mendes was a big help when I arrived in Bathurst. He took me out and he was just there for me. I would lay on him for hours at end just crying my eyes out. There were times where he ultimately cheered me up. Like when we used to hug he grabbed me and swung me side to side. Tabitha would be like "You're worth so much more than what you think you are. You've got me, Mendes, despite him being an utter poof, he's still good! Chin up." Mum knows I've been living it tough for a while and so does Ra, Ra was person that kept telling me "Keep hanging in there little sis I wish I could be there to suffocate you in one my hugs". I'm back to thinking about him again. SEE! This is the reason why I am undecided about how I feel about Daniel. The only person that really knows about what's been going on here, well people, are Mel (she's been real supportive), Heather, I couldn't have made it this far without that Goth Ninja Kid, she always puts a smile on my dial that woman, Liam, for telling me that "I'm so uber worth so much uber more!" and Imogen, for just letting me to stay at her places several times and getting me drunk and getting my mind distracted from everything.

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