[World War III]

[Are we in WWIII?]

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • No

    Votes: 21 65.6%

  • Total voters
No. I mean it's bad, but it ain't that bad. I give it another 5 years if the war doesn't stop now.

I'd like to point out tho. . . Every time a Bush is president there's a war. wtf!?

I dont like Bush. . . . This was is stupid & is only getting more dangerous. I think he needs to pull everyone out before its too late. Before it does turn into WW3.
I believe the were many gun shots in the cold war and America used chemichal weapons..............

Vietnam (Iraq as its now known as America ****ed up another war)
Korean War

Not 1 gun shot, not true.
FireHawk said:
Not a gun shot in cold war....many people have died in War On Terrisom
woah dude...are you kidding? loads of people were killed during and because of the Cold War...but nobody mentions it that much cause it wasn't in the US and USSR
ah i c i don't know much about Cold War era my mistake i'm just quoting my history book and i didn't know all place stenners talked about was during cold war
Yea that was also the time America was spiking peoples drinks with LSD in clubs so they could try mind control........... I think we should just blow up America (we will evacuate the awesome bits like Apple Pie) buttttttttt get rid of America and we will all be safe:D
Stenners said:
If u blow up the moon the world ends, so dont be silly ^_^

Thoug it will stop a war :D
yeah he does have a point lol we will all day if u blow up the moon (its actually even in a movie there is something that happends that causes it)
Reflectionist said:
I mean, most americans consider WWII to be when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Because that's just how egotistical Americans are. I've studied World War II, and there was plenty of fighting before then. I consider WWII to be when Germany first invaded Poland. That is what started the war.

You need to stop with the ****ing generalizations. I'm sick of you saying most people do this, most people do that, have you taken a country wide poll? **** no, so stop being an arrogant fool and making up statistics you cannot substantiate.

However, had you inserted a simple 'uneducated' before Americans, you'd be correct. And stop with the ****ing bashing of Americans, holy ****, every time there's something to do with someone being American, you play it like it's a downfall. Try having some civil sense in your arguements, and people will stop taking you like a little kid trying to get attention.

As for the World War III question, it's simple. Is the world at war right now? NO. The question was not "Are we in the beginning of World War III?" No, it was "Are we in World War III?" We are not. The world as a whole is not at war. Sure, there are little skirmishes here and there, but there truly is no World War going on.
Hyper said:
You need to stop with the ****ing generalizations. I'm sick of you saying most people do this, most people do that, have you taken a country wide poll? **** no, so stop being an arrogant fool and making up statistics you cannot substantiate.

However, had you inserted a simple 'uneducated' before Americans, you'd be correct. And stop with the ****ing bashing of Americans, holy ****, every time there's something to do with someone being American, you play it like it's a downfall. Try having some civil sense in your arguements, and people will stop taking you like a little kid trying to get attention.

As for the World War III question, it's simple. Is the world at war right now? NO. The question was not "Are we in the beginning of World War III?" No, it was "Are we in World War III?" We are not. The world as a whole is not at war. Sure, there are little skirmishes here and there, but there truly is no World War going on.

hahaha.... and you're the expert, yes?

I didn't take any polls, but it's obvious that's whats happening. It's called a DEMOCRACY. It maens the people choose what happens. If the people are intelligent and know what is happening, then bad things won't happen. If they're being lied to, and somehow believe that what they're doing is right, then BAD things happen.

By the way, that was a very mature post. I'm a little kid trying to get the attention, but somehow I haven't stooped to yelling insults and the word '****' every other word, like you have (the bold letters, in case your little mind can't comprehend it.)
Reflectionist said:
hahaha.... and you're the expert, yes?

I didn't take any polls, but it's obvious that's whats happening. It's called a DEMOCRACY. It maens the people choose what happens. If the people are intelligent and know what is happening, then bad things won't happen. If they're being lied to, and somehow believe that what they're doing is right, then BAD things happen.

By the way, that was a very mature post. I'm a little kid trying to get the attention, but somehow I haven't stooped to yelling insults and the word '****' every other word, like you have (the bold letters, in case your little mind can't comprehend it.)

Did I say I was an expert? No.

I made no reference to anything happening so you might want to take that into consideration before you start inserting irrelevant statements into your post.

I don't care if it was a mature post, you're one of the most immature people I've ever had the mispleasure of conducting a conversation with. You cannot yell insults via the internet, so get your facts straight again, nor did I use a '!' in any of my post. Nor did I use '****' every other word, I used it three times, one of which you failed to even catch. Your over-dramatizations amuse me.

But you have, in fact, stooped to insults. My mind is more advanced than yours. How so, you ask? The fact that I'm not an arrogant teenager who thinks he's right all the time. Sure, I'm a teenager, but I know when I'm wrong, and I'm not as close minded as you are. You defend everything, even if it's wrong.

Just grow up kid.