XrockinfreakX's journal ..such fun..

Shadowed Heart

New member
I kinda got freaked out though because one got all whacked out and went crazy. Then it blew up like three feet from my face! I screamed and my mom woke up and watched them with me. Quite a nice change of attitude actually.....


New member
Wow best fourth of july ever! Well uh my parents friends came over and yea we had a bbq and they talked alot lol. There where 2 other girls that went to my cousins school. It is so hillarious to see 5 year olds have a convo. they talk about whose drawing is better and all this other **** lol. Yea then uh all the "adults" got drunk haha I wanted some margaritas but they wouldnt give me any. Then when it got dark we did fireworks and some of my friends came over. They have been hanging out all day together so they had "conflicts" and my friends was reallly ****** off. She was being really negative and kept leaving and going gah. Yea the fireworks where cool then we had some other people attack us with firecrackers so we attacked them back. Dude our coldasack(sp?) is all trashy so I have to help clean it tomorrow. Yea then after that me and 2 friends split up from the other group cause it seemed like they didnt want to talk to us. Gosh there was too much drama with them so it ****** us off and then we went to talk to the dudes that attacked us. Eh one of them was hot :D lol he took of his shirt woah woosh. Heather knew him so yea and there was 2 other dudes yea we kept thinking they where gonna throw fire crackers at us or something. We walked down to the park in our naighborhood with them and we where gonna go in the pool but it was locked and I dont think none of us where in the mood to climb it. Then we played ding dong ditch on this one ladies house, lol then we went back to his house to get water and we left since where they live is the next coldasack from mine it didnt take long. Then my other friends walked back home since they live in the naighborhood. Yea it was a cool 4th of july except for that drama ****.. gah well wooooosh out.

Shadowed Heart

New member
Sounds like you had fun. I stayed home and did laundry...

Edit: P.S- I finished the last book too. Dang, I'm used to not careing about suspention because I could just start reading the next one! This SUCKS!!



New member
fiona- yea lol one of my friend knew him and she said he had a six pack and she told him to take it off lol that took a while.

Shadowed heart- Yea I cant wait till the next one comes out.

Forgotten kid- Heh yea.. I like your avatar lol.

Im gonna update later woooosh out.


Shadowed Heart

New member
ha ha ha!!!! it's mr. snuggles and hard to type with my paws. riss is looking hopelessly for me!!! i've been behind the cpu. all along!! this is what she gets for "accidentally stepping on me last night. she is still looking for me!! ha ha he he ho ho!!


New member
Woah that was so random.. hehe. Well last night I went to see war of the worlds it pretty good! I liked the part when the little girl said "are they the terrorist". Now Im babysitting a 1 year old he is sleeping thankfully..ugh I had to wake up so early!




New member
No problemo twi... yea especially at the ymca haha.

Well anyways uh today wasnt anything special gah my cat woke me up at 8:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so tired lol he kept meowing and jumping on my bed then jumping off! Eh well after that I woke up to the news with the bombings... sick people I tell ya! I hope everyone is going to be ok and that it wont be too bad... well it is too bad already. After that I had to go babysiting came back home did nothing then went to the YMCA. It was boring over there uh then came back ate and went outside to scare the **** out of the naighbors with some firecrackers. Lol I think they hate me now... well except for the kids well this guy who is 14 and this girl who is 10. Hahaha then there is this house across from us that this dude lives in I would say he is about 18... yea we havnt seen his dad in about 3 weeks so me and my mom think he killed him and buried him in the back yard. Lol if you would see this person you would think he is a killer he is always drunk or high and his friends are the same. Eh Im gonna go lol just had to share my story there well woooosh.



New member
Haha he isnt that scary but he is kind up there like woooosh. Ha read this:

you know you're living in 2005 when..

1) you accidentally enter your password on a microwave

2) you haven't played solitaire with real cards in years

3) thE reaL reason for not staying in touch with friends is that they don't have a screen name

4) you'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing to button on the tv.

6) your boss dont even have the ability to do your job.

7) you read this list, & keep nodding and smiling

8) as you read this list, you think about sending it to all your


9) and.. you were to busy to notice number 5.

10) you actually scrolled back up to check that there was no 5

11) & now you're laughing at your stupidity


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