"Stand up stand up he is a drunk and abusive" *song moment* Eh check that song out Stand up by Adema. My eyes burn from the pool today.. nothing really special happend just babysat uh went to the pool... STILL trying to blow up that stupid toy car. Found out that the neighbor wasnt murderd lol. Oh yea and we went to my aunts house for dinner eh so boring their comupter didnt work, its mouse wouldnt move on the screen!!!! Woah Im being too random for this! I dont think Ill make it till midnight too tired and bored! Ok well goodnight and uh good morning and good after noon woooosh.
Alright I'm not that stupid after all!! I'm feein' so hyper right now. Even though I don't really know you, I think you're awesome. PM me sometime or smthing and we could get to know eachother better. Or you could just mail me- shadowed_heart317@hotmail.com. TTYL.
EDIT- There is an underscore but you really can't tell.... srry.