Nope, don't feel bad at all for doing something that is perfectly 100% legal to do in my state.
I also don't recall saying it would be something I would use frequently or even ever again.
I believe all I ever said, is that I tried it to see what the big deal was, and to give my honest opinion of what I thought about it.
My conclusion was that it needs to be regulated more so that one needs to be older to purchase it... Currently, you only need be 18.
Then you got TJ ranting on about shit I'd be doing in front of my kids...
3 points here:
1. It's perfectly legal (hey look kids, dad is doing something legal...don't do that!!)
2. I believe I stated my kids were staying over night at relatives houses and weren't around
3. I have more faith in my children that they would make their own decisions and judgments without me holding there hand.
If they wanna be influenced by me... fine, then do what I do. Or, perhaps they could always take the road that I followed when it comes to alcohol.
My dad was a big time alcoholic, as a result... myself and my 5 other brothers and sisters aren't much into drinking at all. Perhaps because we saw the bad decision in drinking and decided it wasn't right for us.
Proving alcoholism is NOT a genetic trait.
But of course, Mr. I hate the government, and I don't need big brother watching over me, & those damn liberals always trying to tell people how to live their lives... has NO PROBLEM with wanting the evil government to make something perfectly legal into something illegal and taboo... why? Because HE PERSONALLY wouldn't do it... it's childish.