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Everything posted by phreakwars

  1. http://www.independe...rg/blog/?p=6958 And here is that research article in question, written in MARCH OF 2007 (guess Randall Holcombe forgot to mention that) http://www.econ.berk...merDraft307.pdf I can see though how one could accidentally press the "10" keys and not the "07" key when reporting the date, those keys are soooo close to each other. And March DOES kinda look like "JUNE" if your accidentally skip a needed consonant. Honest mixup. But anyways... Guess they advised Obama correctly when they said giving us YET ANOTHER tax cut like he did with the Recovery & Reinvestment act of 2009 would be the right thing to do. As proven by THIS document: http://news.uchicago...se_20090227.pdf GREAT FIND IWS, glad to see you sticking up for Obama for a change. . .
  2. So we should feel bad for a guy who says "OH, I WAS ONLY KIDDING" yet brand the woman who talked about how wrong racism is, but was purposely taken out of context to smear the current administration, a racist after all? . .
  3. Wow, and if FAUX NEWS reported the same exact story with the same exact remarks, that WOULDN'T be bias, right? Fair and balanced, right? . .
  4. The exception, or the excuse? How many isolated exceptions does it take? That's why the tea party always has been and always will be a frikken joke. They don't want to claim ANY leadership because they know damn well there are too many whack jobs among them. Claiming no leadership gives them the perfect excuse to say "such and such is an isolated incident" Typical right wing playbook scenario... NEVER take responsibility for what you have done. . .
  5. That will NEVER EVER happen. This idea that liberals (Democrats if you will) are anti 2-a or anti guns is nothing more then a stereotype myth. Yes, you do find SOME liberals (rarely progressives), who are for banning guns and taking away rights, but those on the left who are pro 2-a and gun advocates themselves (myself included) more then make up for the minute number of crybabies who fear guns. As for the video, I think the guys toting the guns are doing more harm for their own party's voters by emphasizing an intimidating stance with their guns. I think it will make the more moderate Republican cringe and say "hey now, we don't need to be making statements with weapons". . .
  6. So now the CBO is psychic? The report was made in 2005. So when the CBO offers their numbers for what a bill will cost "in the future" are they psychic? You guys kill me sometimes with your need to ignore common sense just to try and take shots all the time, lol. No. Read your words. You claimed the information in the CBO report Bender posted was based on numbers after the economy crashed. The report came out in January 2005, that is about 3.5 years before the economy crashed. How could their report in 2005 be based on something that didn't happen yet, or wasn't predicted, unless they are psychic. Catch up man. DITTO AGAIN... YEAH... WHAT HE SAID. Emphasis on "CATCH UP MAN!!!" . .
  7. TJ's a puritan. He's never went out and slammed a few with the boys, he's never celebrated the new year with a drink, never even had a sip of champagne. In fact, he's been a proud designated driver since the day he got his license. Shirley Temples are his beverage of choice if you invite him to the bars. But only in moderation, he doesn't wanna get too wild. The problem is, he thinks doing things like that is being a liberal. He wasn't listening when people told him liberals were "FREE THINKERS" he thought they meant "FREE DRINKERS" He also heard people socialize at bars... therefore, bars are for socialists. Gotta give TJ credit for his commitment to conservative values. . .
  8. Yep, YOU might be in denial, but AT LEAST Shep Smith from Fox News admits it. But of course follows up with.. what was the white house thinking, it's all their fault for listening to the BS. . .
  9. Amazing, the guy who sent her the walking papers, says he did so AFTER being snookered by Fox news, and yet, you STILL deny Fox News had any part of it. Fox News must have some sort of magical time warp. OMISSION ACCOMPLISHED. . .
  10. When conservatives speak, it's the honest truth. When liberals record conservatives' speech and play it back, it's liberal propaganda.
  11. Your right, a liberal would rather the facts are in the forefront and were used in the discussion
  12. From FOX NEWS: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/20/ex-ag-official-says-video-showing-white-farmer-story-excludes-key-context/ Now why on Earth would the guy who fired her make that statement about FOX NEWS if Fox News didn't report it first? Sorry, YOU need to do some fact checking. . .
  13. How is that media bias? If they were biased they wouldn't have reported the story, they would have covered it up. Hell, they wouldn't even have shown it on MSNBC if it was biased. Rangel was just mad they actually asked the question. I'd call that being very UNBIASED. . .
  14. Ever heard of Fox and Friends? Comes on early in the morning. I love how you defend Fox News. I suppose they WOULD deny it. Guess I have no choice but to post that "LIBERAL MEDIA" truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTdSKjYxAHY . . Again, what you people can't get through your heads, is the difference between commentary programs and news programs. Not a single Fox News program aired anything about this story. Facts please.
  15. And for another thing, I'll tell you EXACTLY why Fox News and other right wing news sites keep up this "I'm nt a racist, your a racist" theme of journalism. They don't wanna focus on REAL issues in our country. Why? Because they HAVE NO SOLUTIONS. Check out this fine example: . .
  16. They did? No sorry, she was fired AFTER Fox News spewed their bullshit edited clip. That's actually what caused her to get fired in the first place. And check your facts, it WASN'T the White House who fired her, they're just the ones who got the blame. Sure they over-reacted in firing her.. They kinda had no choice. It was all an effort to stomp out ANY racial tensions, and low and behold, what do we come to find out.. It was just another edited right wing propaganda clip Really? Try watching the entire, unedited video Or how about the guy she was "allegedly" racist against? His opinion tells a much different story, starts at 4:09 into the clip. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Fox News has now made this woman into a racist in the eyes of any idiot who doesn't wanna accept or research the truth, the damage has been done. . .
  17. So Fox News WASN'T inciting racial tension with, lets use just their most recent attempt... the Shirley Sherrod story?? I'd say my comment was right on the money. . .
  18. I wouldn't know, you'd have to ask Fox News. . .
  19. So what was their point in doing it? Of course it's legal, only has been for a few hundred years. So if your gonna nag about me pointing it out, then one has NO BUSINESS nagging about a small group like the Black Panthers doing the same. . .
  20. So was the Shirley Sherrod story liberal media bias too? You do realize where the phrase "LIBERAL MEDIA" started don't you? It started with the Vietnam war. The media at home started reporting on aspects of the war that showed the bad side and not just this caked over glorified version of how great America was. Of course, this pissed off the war mongering Republicans, who would see these commentary's and videos of what was going on, and thus, the term "LIBERAL MEDIA" was spawned to identify the TRUE aspects of the Vietnam war being reported and not the peaches and cream version war mongering Republicans were trying to sell. I see some things never change. The media reports the truth, their called "LIBERAL MEDIA" The media reports blatant lies... their called Fox News/Conservative media. . .
  21. My bad, I was thinking of the other video. In THIS video, you have morons walking around capaigning with their guns to the side. What the hell is THAT all about? Vote the way we want or else? That's nothing more then intimidation.... and childish. . .
  22. Mary Berry isn't exactly someone who is liked in the Democrat party. In fact, this is the same chick that thinks blacks should have their own party.. and as for Democrats trying to steal the Latino vote. Well gee, what have Republicans done to warm the hearts over of Latinos besides push for xenophobic border laws? If Democrats are trying to steal the Latino vote, they sure as hell don't need to try very hard. . .
  23. Nope, don't feel bad at all for doing something that is perfectly 100% legal to do in my state. I also don't recall saying it would be something I would use frequently or even ever again. I believe all I ever said, is that I tried it to see what the big deal was, and to give my honest opinion of what I thought about it. My conclusion was that it needs to be regulated more so that one needs to be older to purchase it... Currently, you only need be 18. Then you got TJ ranting on about shit I'd be doing in front of my kids... 3 points here: 1. It's perfectly legal (hey look kids, dad is doing something legal...don't do that!!) 2. I believe I stated my kids were staying over night at relatives houses and weren't around 3. I have more faith in my children that they would make their own decisions and judgments without me holding there hand. If they wanna be influenced by me... fine, then do what I do. Or, perhaps they could always take the road that I followed when it comes to alcohol. My dad was a big time alcoholic, as a result... myself and my 5 other brothers and sisters aren't much into drinking at all. Perhaps because we saw the bad decision in drinking and decided it wasn't right for us. Proving alcoholism is NOT a genetic trait. But of course, Mr. I hate the government, and I don't need big brother watching over me, & those damn liberals always trying to tell people how to live their lives... has NO PROBLEM with wanting the evil government to make something perfectly legal into something illegal and taboo... why? Because HE PERSONALLY wouldn't do it... it's childish. . .
  24. So now the CBO is psychic? The report was made in 2005. I second that!! . .
  25. Yep, a knee jerk reaction. Guess it could have been a worse knee jerk reaction... maybe something like a starting a war in the middle east under false info type knee jerk reaction... but, since it's the Obama administration, let's blame the president for not micromanaging every little department out there and say it's his fault. Let's make it out to be an even worse decision then Iraq and impeach him. . .
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