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Everything posted by phreakwars

  1. ZOMG, some liberal propaganda!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmOyaWaEwNk
  2. Ya know, I do feel kinda bad. One of the guys on my website posted this and the first person that came to mind, was TJ. So for you TJ, in honor of your birthday (although belated), I present to you, your cake CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO . .
  3. People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz People who have found themselves, don't need to quote others.~Phreakwars . .
  4. yeah, I'm a dick. . .
  5. Didn't see this topic till now. I tend to ignore topics that have "TJ" in the title. Hell the guy could be dead and I wouldn't see the news for at least a month. Hmm, so should I wish TJ a happy birthday? Nope, I wish him a liberal birthday and hope it's a reminder that this has been yet another year of enslavement for him. I know he still fears the boogeyman at his age, I'd just hope, he has learned to AT LEAST quit wetting the bed by now as well. I had always heard the older we get, the wiser we become. I'm glad TJ proved that theory wrong. At least it's an accomplishment. Besides, birthdays are socialist anyway. What with people always GIVING you things you probably don't deserve nor have you even earned. I know TJ would be too proud to accept charity, so I never got him a gift out of respect for his personal beliefs. He's undoubtedly, has turned much uglier then he was, most of that comes from the ugliness in his heart for human beings, but his sanctimonious rightousness counters this, so all is forgiven. . .
  6. I'm not finding that, I can only find up to Sec 802 http://thomas.loc.go...ADOHm8:e173300: What's your source? Edit: NEVERMIND, FOUND IT: . .
  7. BTW, here is the REAL text of the bill your trying to quote: http://frwebgate.acc...3590enr.txt.pdf There are 7 versions of Bill Number H.R.3590 for the 111th Congress. Usually, the last item is the most recent. http://thomas.loc.go...?c111:H.R.3590:
  8. Don't see the problem here, certainly not the one your making up...
  9. But see, if you cut and splice one line with another line like TJ says, you get a whole new line. It's all a part of the conspiracy. . .
  10. Huh? Please elaborate? Or are you just mocking TJ? He said irresponsible vaginas, not sniveling whiny pussys. :whistling: . .
  11. I will accept Docket#, page, and line number, no less. Can I make up things that aren't there too? I heard the new health care bill legalizes marijuana. Don't ask me to prove it by showing you the exact wording, you'll just have to take my word for it. . .
  12. Sounds like a wiccan witch hunt... oh wait, that was another political figure who's practices are irrelevant. . .
  13. Your silly illustrations are still not proof. Your inability to show proof only proves it to be nothing but theory and speculation.. . .
  14. Docket#, Line, page? Until shown, NO PROOF, sorry, try again. . .
  15. Docket#, Line, page? Until shown, they showed NO PROOF, sorry, you lose. . .
  16. Just checking in, I see TJ hasn't produced any proof, just more hot air. As expected of course. He has too much pride to concede that it doesn't exist because it's a right wing scare tactic myth. Ohh no... he MUST insist he is right. Proof of that??? NEVER. Just like all of TJ's posts, no proof is ever offered, and it is followed up with a "BUT, BUT....WHY DOES SUCH AND SUCH HAVE TO DO THIS....BUT BUT WHY DOES SUCH AND SUCH HAVE TO DO THAT....THE SKY IS FALLING" AND OF COURSE "YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION" Poor little chicken hawk TJ. Your questions keep getting answered, you just don't like the answer, so you make up reality in your head. Go back to the Shawn Hannity forums and hang out with some more like minded drones. People like you bore the hell out of me... you bitch, cry, complain, and pretend to be a victim of some big plot to get you, but alas, when someone opens up the closet with a flashlight and says "SHOW ME THE BOOGEYMAN" he just isn't there. When will us adults ever believe people like you that the boogeyman is real.. if ONLY you could show proof. . .
  17. He helped REAL workers and not big money, THAT'S how he helped. Hey, it's not the unions fault regular average joes didn't pull themselves up by the bootstraps and demand better benefits. That's what unions are for. Don't like it, go cry to freerepublic. I know how you just HATE those unions. What, with people standing up for their own best interests and not corporations interests and all. Ban myself? No, I said I'd ban you.. but, if you CAN prove it and post the exact wording from the exact bill your trying to claim exists, hell, I'll take Royal Orleans off the MOD position and put you in his place. Pretty sweet deal wouldn't ya say? Here's your chance TJ. Come on, take my bet... show me the evidence no right wing blow hard on any forum I've visited has ever been able to do. Come on, RO's position is on the line here too. Show me proof. See that's just how confident I am that your full of shit, I'd be willing to bet my MOD on it... And guess what, I REALLY don't expect to be losing my MOD in exchange for your sorry ass. Just ain't gonna happen. So come on TJ, Take my bet, show me the fabled bill lines. Exact bill # and page. If it's true, then you should be able to find a reference to it on the right wing drone sites you visit for info & become our new MOD. Piece of cake. I need to go, but I'll check back later tonight for that proof.. Gives you PLENTY of time to find it. . .
  18. The progressive crutch, bury your head in the sand and pretend things don't exist just because you have forced yourself not to see it. So show me which page of which document I can find it on. Wanna place a BAN bet on it? Bet ya a 30 day BAN you CAN'T find any document whatsoever that has been signed into law to back up you boogeyman claim... common TJ, take my bet. You call THAT an example? Then show me the wording in the actual bill, not someones interpretation of something made up What, that tax break for the unions, what about it? Unions are made up mainly of Republican voters, but, your too ignorant to accept that truth, so, believe what you want. I told you, I haven't dodged anything, I simply skip your posts when you start in with your lame ass "MARXIST, LIBERALS, SOCIALISM" shit. That's old as fuck and a worn out argument. You have no idea what socialism even is but your good at parroting that talking point, you also have no idea on what Marx's work was about, so another parroted boring talking point. Like anybody wants to read that shit over and over. Just like your dumb ass use of the word "progressive". Hell, your too dumb to know the difference. There are only about a dozen or so actual progressives in Washington. Mainly the house, and only 1 in the senate.. Bet you can't even tell me who that one lone progressive senator is. Another fine example of being too stupid to realize how stupid you are. Of course, your probably now gonna come back with "BUT YOU NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTION" even though it is perfectly clear that I have, So I'll say it again, in reference to your BITCH about the unions getting a deal with health care... IT'S A TAX BREAK, SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST TAX BREAKS, DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT THAT IT ISN'T FAIR THEY GET ONE AND OTHERS DON'T BECAUSE YOUR THE SAME MORON WHO WANTS TO GIVE TAX BREAKS TO THE RICH THERE IS YOUR FUCKING ANSWER. . .
  19. What page? I wanna read it myself. Until you can produce it, it doesn't exist.. PERIOD. . .
  20. You NEVER will see a source, because it's made up boogey man BS. . .
  21. TJ's mind revealed When the stupid don't realize they are stupid. . .
  22. There was a question in there? If I've dodged a question of yours 10 or more times it would only be because I never read ANY of your posts all the way through, I only skim them... I find you quite boring, redundant, too long and not worth the read, hey, at least I'm honest...but... It's your own fault for being such a boring cunt who repeatedly uses the same shit I read on dozens of other message boards... maybe if your vocabulary didn't consist of shit like "LIBERALS, PROGRESSIVES, SOCIALIST, MARXIST, BLAH BLAH BLAH, it's all Obama's fault , whaa, sob, cry, I'm an oppressed white guy who wants to take my country back " I wouldn't nod off and skip what you wrote whenever I see one of your posts... Once you start in with that shit, I skip over that paragraph...but.... In summary. TJ's solution, tax cuts for the rich, and fuck the middle class. How DARE people ask for a livable wage!! It destroys our economy. His comeback... show me an article about spineless Democrats who'll suck Republican cock too if it keeps them in office. BTW, you DID know the tax rate for the rich under Reagan was 50% right? How DARE Obama suggest we go to something similar to Clinton, which was even lower. Heaven help us if he ever went to the tax rate for the rich under Reagan, that would be a complete takeover of our economy, right? But, in the end, no matter how much TJ spins it, the fact remains. If the economy wouldn't have went into the tank under Bush (and his tax cuts for the rich), McCain would have won easily because people would have simple said "Hey, tax cuts work, keep those liberals out".. But... it didn't.. It made people like me, who voted for Bush 2x, know better, and morons like TJ, keep licking right wing corporate ass bung (tongue in deep) for no benefit to himself or his country, only to corporate interests just like he was programmed to. . .
  23. Just to clarify, TJ's version of unemployment falling and jobs being created. [attach=full]2990[/attach] Oh sure... looks like a HUGE dip in unemployment to me. . .
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