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Everything posted by phreakwars

  1. At 2:01 in the video, how many would you guess? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVFMx90y8Ew
  2. How many would you suppose this is? Divide by 300 million Americans, factor in the ones who couldn't make it? What HONEST percentage do you think it represents? Here's another one, Satellite photo of Obama inauguration Estimated 2,000,000 people http://www.popsci.com/files/DCCM20JAN2009-970.jpg . .
  3. http://www.topix.com/issue/marijuana Hmm, I would hope TOPIX doesn't change the results of this one like they did on the gay marriage one. As of this post, 9844 support, 2258 oppose. A difference of 7586 votes. . .
  4. Perfect political distraction to keep right wingers occupied. Gives them something to bitch about besides REAL problems like unemployment, which they, of course, have no solutions for. . .
  5. Yep, gotta agree here. If they have a uniform and dress code, then she should comply.. don't like it... apply somewhere else. That would be like me complaining to my boss I don't like the black frocks were supposed to ware because of religious reasons.. It's policy, so if I don't like it, I can always go apply for a different job elseware. . .
  6. Oh no!! I feel real bad that the corporate giants who crush smaller entrepreneurs dreams by taking over the markets and ship jobs overseas because Republicans and their bullshit "FREE MARKET", let them get away with it, are losing money. I know I'll toss and turn and night knowing it just means someone else will now have a chance to develop software and technology and we won't be forced to use products from corporations. Man, whatever will we do??? . .
  7. So how does Obama fit into this? I read the memorandum Page 5 reads: May 9, 2008 and it's the OBAMA administrations doing huh? Racist and they arrested whites too? Uh, OK. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't THAT particular date, the day of the court proceedings? . .
  8. Another reason I like Ron Paul . .
  9. How dare he be outraged. We should hold a Bible burning just to even things out. . .
  10. By a Republican/Tea Bagger. And they won't consider it a terrorist act :whistling: . .
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4y5zlCKZXc
  12. Guess I get to stake my claim of fame. Look like Karl Rove is a follower of the Suckage. http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Suckage/111651365543698 [attach=full]1250[/attach] . .
  13. This is why the only polls I trust, are the election booths. But even those are iffy at times. . .
  14. Hm, today the FOR number is even lower at 10,215 while the AGAINST keeps growing. Weird...or is it? Nope, we witnessed poll tampering. We all saw the initial poll results when I started the topic. It was well over 13,000+ FOR and just under 10,000 against. Someone didn't like those results, perhaps because it tells a tale that might be a more accurate assessment of how American's feel about gay marriage, so they changed the poll number results. I wonder if others on the Internet who read Topix, have noticed this as well. . .
  15. The irony of surviving one plane crash, just to be killed in another. . .
  16. I just looked at the poll again. Today the score was 14,000+ FOR and just over 10,000 against, now all of a sudden almost 4,000 FOR votes are missing. Hmm, I bet ya one of the right wingers in control of the boards is behind this. TOPIX voters tend to lean right, yet in this poll they didn't... now all of a sudden, votes are missing. . .
  17. The website TOPIX is mainly a right wing love fest of ignorant people spewing garbage, but something that I found interesting recently, was the results of this poll: http://www.topix.com...ue/gay-marriage Considering the radioactive high number of right winger extremist who make up TOPIX, It's interesting where the deeper pink colors in the poll are coming from, and the number of pro .vs against comments. Anomaly? . .
  18. Snatchfood has a birthday today? Well hell, Happy Birthday then!! . .
  19. It was $250k and WHAT new taxes? . .
  20. That's a plan? Looks more like a bitch and complaint job to me. How about a SPECIFIC plan of what the right wing is going to do, wants to do... something other then bitch and gripe and say what they think is wrong. They have had 2 years to come up with something. I still haven't seen anything. Seems to me like their entire platform is "VOTE FOR US, BECAUSE WE CAN BITCH ABOUT THE OTHER GUY" then have no plan of their own. Would you want someone who's bitching that a bomb isn't getting defused fast enough helping defuse the bomb when they have no plan of doing it? . .
  21. So what's the plan? I didn't catch it, underline it for me and repost it. . .
  22. Yep. Unfortunately, when I said that on DU, I got yelled at. How dare I call people on welfare leeches... which... was something I NEVER said. . .
  23. Kinda like admitting to being a liberal/progressive/liberal/etc... Nope, were Democrats and proud of it. Some of us are Liberal, some are progressives, some are even liberal progressives, but none of us are ashamed to say we are Democrats. What your trying to collate, would be like a Christian fundamentalist who denies being conservative or vise versa. . .
  24. Food stamps need cut, this is obvious. People are getting more food stamps then what they should. Take Nebraska for instance.. A family of 4 qualify's for $668 a month in food stamps. $668 a month? That's higher then my own food budget and my wife and I both work. Sure the liberals ain't happy about it, but hey, if I have to budget my food for the month and mine runs on average about $500 or less, AND we even go out to eat, then I think it's time the allotments given, get re-examined. Taking food out of kids mouths? Hardly, more like forcing people to budget like everyone else does. Taking food out of a kids mouth would be doing something like taking unemployment away so a person has ZERO income. . .
  25. Nobody ever likes to admit being a Republican, but it's how they always vote. Hilarious. . .
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