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Everything posted by RoyalOrleans

  1. Drill Instructors say shit to try and get a rise out of you. Whether he was right or wrong... he wasn't too far from the truth. That was me then... now my hair has dulled to brown.
  2. That's more like it! One, Two.....
  3. They weren't last night.
  4. Nope. Perfectly normal. However if you are taking the fecal matter out of the toilet and making "turd animals". Then, yes, it is abnormal. Not always. According to Richard Gere's publicist's publicist, Gere likes them natural. The furrier the better. They speak French, one of the many Romance Languages which broke off of Latin. Approximately 86% of the country speaks the national language. It would be 92% if you subtracted the languages of the territories and overseas holdings. Be sure you cut down the road and not across it. Help? Nah... help is for pussies.
  5. Too bad they didn't shoot you, fucking limey.
  6. If that's what you kids are calling it these days, I'm cool with it.
  7. So you're a she-male? I'd be cool with it, but so long as I have the fatter penis.
  8. But, you don't have an oracle?!?!
  9. So that's why muslims do not eat pork! It looks like their prophet.
  10. I don't know why I'm asking you this, because if you were brainwashed you wouldn't know it... ok here goes... Are you or have you ever been brainwashed?
  11. I didn't ask you.
  12. You're delirious.
  13. If you have to ask, then you already know the answer. Now shut up. NEXT!
  14. Cindy Sheehan can lick my left nut. What a disgrace to herself, her community, and most of all her son.
  15. Ahhh... a prodigy in the making.
  16. Yeah... Michigan, particulary the Clawson area, is full of posers.
  17. Speaking of some weird shit... http://byandlarge.net/scuttlebutt/images/pigs-balls.jpg
  18. I think neilsthepoet is at it again.
  19. Yeah! Homeworks stinks, too! Bleh!
  20. Talk to me, brother. Wouldn't you have challenged that TD callback? He thumped the pylon. Geez.
  21. (Elmer Fudd voice) Eh heh heh... I don't know any udda wascawy wabbit.
  22. I would like my rabbit in a stew.
  23. Why is there interstate highways in Hawaii?
  24. His sentence was up, automatically unboxed. He should go back, but I'm growing to like the dotard.
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