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Everything posted by RoyalOrleans

  1. It is in my humble opinion, that you've been called a lot worse. I'm not going to say them, but I'll most certainly type them; bitch, cunt, whore, pissmop, cum reservoir, gimpy gaper, fat, stinky, stool muncher, et. al. Oh... and if you see grammatical or spelling errors in my posts and you feel the need to point them out, fuck you very much. And another thing, fuck you.
  2. I hope this is not your last post, but considering your total and the date of this post... have a nice life.
  3. Are you out of your fucking mind, ditz-tard? Though I feel no need to explain myself to the likes of you, I will anyways for the sake of arguement. I was going with the flow of the thread. It was not directed at you. If you've got a fucking problem, Anna Banana, just say you do. I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker. Everytime I make a keystroke, I turn into the Guns of Navarone. I'm Superfly TNT.
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing a miracle of modern technology. Two wayward souls, adrift in ether finding one another. A love bred out of apathy and room service. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Insanos.
  5. Yeah... there's something so Un-American about staging a protest or march and only limiting attendees to one race. Not that I'd come within .357 range of the fucker, anyway.
  6. Oh... and Whities do feel sympathy toward the Darkies plight, I mean we gave them Atlanta. Sorry about the whole slavery thing.
  7. You ought not let Jesse Jackson hear you talk like that. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Man.... Fuck Jesse Jackson.
  8. I nailed 14/16, but that don't mean I don't know a she-male when I see one.
  9. I'm not saying that abusing animals is the right thing to do, nor do I practice any such actitivies. On that note, I must say that I defend the right to use such means to discipline animals, especially those that are used for specific functions. (ie bomb-sniffing dogs, et.al.) Just think about how much abuse we endure everyday as human beings and compare it to what a dog or a horse might go through. I mean, we ingest nitrates, cholesterol, fat, grease, nicotine, alcohol, caffine, etc, etc. As guilty as I am of self abuse in those terms, what makes you think that you're so much better being a PETA tree-hugger? Seriously.
  10. Yes. You've got to take builder on with a grain of salt. He's not American and thank the Big Empty not of Middle-eastern descent.
  11. Next time, I'll delete your post. You're not supposed to show up until tomorrow. Kidding.
  12. You weren't complaining about the collar last night. Child abuse? Yes. Animal abuse? No. Certain animals need to be taught boundaries in a slightly harder manner than others. I mean, if a drug-sniffing German Shepherd has been "talked to" rather than "disciplined" it'll never make it on the police force. Shut the fuck up.
  13. First off... Builder, you have no right to talk that way about our President in such a fashion. You don't live here... you're not an american. Degrading and insulting the Prez is our job.
  14. Yeah... this is another useless fucking thread concerning builder's intelligence or lack there of. Hey, MRIH... just because you can create polls doesn't mean you need to. I mean, shit ya' know, I have a fridge full of beer but I'm not drinking them all at once. - - - - - - - - - - Ok.... I'm drinking them all at once.
  15. I'm a realist not a rascist, so don't make any assumptions by my following statement... Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, refuse it or ignore it; the afro-american people owe their success and proliferation to the white race. There would be no hip-hop, Kobe Bryant, or descent Runningbacks if the nation's white ancestry hadn't have brought them over in boats. Better circumstances? The nation's forefathers never thought of blacks as equals. They were little more than monkey-children and property. There was no mention of slavery being legal or illegal in the Constitution, it was assumed that the rich 1% of the population would have slaves, keep slaves, or sell slaves. The yoke of the nation was pulled by blacks. That being said, you've got to believe that racism is a fictional almost laughable term. Rascism does not exist any longer... though prejudices still apply. I have mine, you have yours, and I'm sure everyone posting on GF have theirs. I'm quite open with my prejudices... I hate ******s. This doesn't only apply to those degenerate, knuckle dragging, welching, mooching jungle bunnies that sit on a stoop claiming they are owed something by the whiteman; no... this refers to sorry white trash, spics, wops, kikes, micks, etc, etc... Basically, any group of people of any given race that do not wish to excel and make the most out their life. Those people who abhor labor and hardwork, but bitch and moan when the welfare check is late. I'm talking about those lazy, degenerate fucks that steal from mailboxes. I'm talking about anybody and anyone who demand respect for doing nothing.
  16. Does anyone see the irony here? I do. Farrakhan wears bowties and the only folk that should wear bowties are little wormy looking accountants, ie Jews. Farrakhan is portraying a stereotypical image of the people he hates the most. Perhaps its irony or a shallow observation.
  17. Welcome to the scene of my last homicide.
  18. Yeah... life sucks. Then again, as long as my plates are clean... I'll be just fine.
  19. Well she would. Especially after meeting my folks.
  20. I have no problem with you, man. At least... not yet. Just make like your name and be cool, dude. Oh... and kiss my ass.
  21. He has nothing. Nothing. He's little more than a bored housewife with a bowtie. How can you take anyone serious in a bowtie?
  22. Pancake syrup in the fridge? Now I've seen it all.
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