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Everything posted by eddo

  1. what the holy hell is up with that guys ears?
  2. I've personally never had an issues with the MNPD, but then again I live nowhere near Tennessee...
  3. LMAO @ lying about being IN jail to try to save a job! ^^That right there says a ton about the crop of losers you have working for you
  4. Why is the breast on the right two sizes larger than the one on the left? Who cares?!?!
  5. eddo

    Dead Jesus

    Scholar: 'Jesus Tomb' makers mistaken
  6. lol, you're just asking for it there...
  7. picture of my roof: [attach=full]1226[/attach]
  8. my roof has shingles.
  9. it's quite funny how many will fall for this when you tell them how many children die each year from over exposure to Dihydrodgen monoxide...
  10. what a jackass.
  11. ummm, it's black lipstick (to match the stockings,) and it has no bearing on the level of your bi-polarness.
  12. she typed with her mouth?
  13. eddo

    AMA and ABA

    American Bowlers Association and the American Motocross Association?
  14. I prefer the term "leeches". and I hope that agentmal has a basement of her own for me!
  15. oh, then shut the hell up.
  16. I wouldn't want to be called a slacker.
  17. yeah, like I am special enough to own my own basement... I wish!
  18. I think it is sad that they force you to go to their website. Assholes indeed...
  19. Springer is an ass, but accusing him of molesting a 5 year old that many years ago is just unrealistic, IMO.
  20. eddo

    This forum

    How so? If they cannot reply, then how can they derail?
  21. I read this in one of the replies on the comment section:
  22. if you are a female, over 25, single, and cute, I would love to meet and console you over these asswipes attacking you. Buncha asswipes...
  23. yeah, cuz it is a requirement at daycare to say "Sparkling wiggle" at least once a day...
  24. Does that mean shes Bi? Damn, it was pretty nasty thi9nking about her going down on Bill Clinton, now I gotta think about her going down on Hillary? yeech...
  25. no kidding...
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