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  1. Friðbjörn

    In Person

    I might meet Gemma next year... which is an odd thing to think about. but yeah I think I'd try to be nice and normal...if that goes together in my case lol it would be really interesting to hear some people's voices, I know a few people have heard mine and I've heard at least Jona's
  2. Friðbjörn

    Twitter Anyone?

    what's the point...its just another pointless trend, lol and besides that, it follows the trend of worsening literacy and shorter attention-spans...
  3. Friðbjörn

    Rap or Rock

    First off, what an ironic spam bot haha the thread maker was annoyed about sexual material in music videos, this is what the thread again, the irony haha but yeah, why are you asking people to choose between rap and rock over how much artistic freedom a crap channel like mtv gives...
  4. Friðbjörn

    9,000 posts.

    yeah she got a life lol
  5. Friðbjörn

    9,000 posts.

    well, at this rate you guys will have no problem reaching my count :P if you think mine's bad, check out the top posters list, there are people with quite more than me :D
  6. Friðbjörn

    9,000 posts.

    if she's the motormouth, what does that make me then?
  7. Friðbjörn

    The "Who Remembers?" Thread

    Id like to think she still is, haha
  8. Friðbjörn

    The "Who Remembers?" Thread

    Yes I certainly remember. Good times =) I think we used to talk about social stuff like friends and love and also stuff like despair and depression...serious stuff :/ I remember all those huge big blocks of text, we sure did have a lot to say oh god how could I forget keza...I was LPF-married...
  9. Friðbjörn

    The "Who Remembers?" Thread

    I remember the good old days. I think my favorite period of time on here has to be from something like early 2005 to early 2006 at that time, the journals were the most amazing thing in the world, 10-15 people updating their journals very rapidly very regularly. I had a lot of fantastic...
  10. Friðbjörn

    The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0

    took the words right out of my mouth...
  11. Friðbjörn

    The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0

    Im thinkin about how absolutely nothing interests me on this forum anymore...
  12. Friðbjörn

    log in/log out

    this, like the other thread febehight posted in is an old thread... dude, read the dates on the thread:thumbsup:
  13. Friðbjörn

    What are you listening to? Volume 6.0

    mafackin BURIED INSIDE ****, everyone should hear this band check out the album Chronoclast, it's bloody crushing
  14. Friðbjörn

    Fall Out Boy

  15. Friðbjörn

    How Stupid Are You?

    1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out 2. [x ] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails 3. [ ] Broken a chair by leaning back in it 4. [ ] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking 5. [ ] Choked on your own spit while you were...
  16. Friðbjörn

    Happy Birthday Ravyn!

    all this time difference confuses me...which day is it exactly? lol anyway happy bday!
  17. Friðbjörn

    Happy Valentine's Day LPF

    sweet, I thought Id be the only one in here that despised this day lol
  18. Friðbjörn

    Stricken - LPF Family Saga continued

    intense stuff, me likes :P
  19. Friðbjörn

    Why is LPF so dead?

    only thing that keeps me coming lately is reading one story in the writing section...
  20. Friðbjörn

    Obama's 'beast'

    Breakcore meant no harm, he drops casual rap culture references all the time, usually not this explicit though. but I mean, it didnt have any hurtful intentions... I admit, I did laugh when I read it. I however can't blame black people for finding offense in it