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  1. H

    LPconcerts remix contest

    use the lplive contest :) more flexibility, more things to remix. prizes aren't as great but we still have some GREAT ones. and it's international too!
  2. H

    Battle of the songs 1

    sweet. this looks pretty split so I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  3. H

    Battle of the songs 1

    great idea. I voted Don't Stay. I loved it the first time I heard it off of Meteora. Great way to start the album.
  4. H


    K. I'm not going to instigate this further. Sorry if I offended you, but I thought you were talking about me coming back at Ref in those threads. I guess I'll stay out of this.
  5. H


    Sorry my presence offends you? Personally from me to you - don't act like you know exactly what goes on at the forums. I've been scolded a few times already about my posts. I know it's unprofessional. I've gotten yelled at. So I'm automatically a bad guy now because I'm the only one that...
  6. H

    LPLive Remix Contest

    We have announced a remix contest for the No More Sorrow master tracks from Guitar Hero. Go check out all the details, the rules, how to enter, and more at Enjoy!
  7. H

    US Winter Tour 08 - Setlists & Show Info

    London audio torrent! gogogogogogo!
  8. H

    Linkin Park Recording New Studio Album !

    actually I thought Joe did nothing but the scratching on the CD. and then it all got taken out except for WID and IP. live, he starts the songs off like Wake, Given Up, basically every song on the album except No More Sorrow, In Pieces, sometimes What I've Done, and Hands Held High. he does...
  9. H

    Linkin Park Recording New Studio Album !

    Amen to the fullest extreme!
  10. H

    Linkin Park Recording New Studio Album !

    One new song for June and PR please god. They have from March to mid-June to turn out ONE song. They did QWERTY in like 2 days flat. QWERTY live was a masterpiece. Come on LP throw some dope **** down for us :D holy crap that'd be so amazing lol
  11. H

    Better than Chester?

    azem lol. too much arguing.
  12. H

    Australian kid throws MONSTER party

    if that's a way to show the news, then why not? it's not like we're so active we need the space. I'd understand if we had a ton of new threads everyday but we don't.
  13. H

    Australian kid throws MONSTER party

    how the hell does this belong in LPF Games? this is in no way a game. this is a report about a kid throwing a party. just like the US Puppy story. it remained, why can't my story remain? makes no sense at all. never seen a thread move as crazy as this one in my history of LPF.....
  14. H

    Australian kid throws MONSTER party

    just saw it for the first time today. thought the kid was great.
  15. H

    Australian kid throws MONSTER party funniest. video. ever. this kid is HILARIOUS LOL
  16. H

    US Soldier and Puppy

    I think thats fake. its a real puppy but those aren't US Soldiers.
  17. H

    When was chesters voice best?

    I disagree. I think the sets need to be very similar, just a few songs different just like PR07. I still like APFMH/OSC/Papercut at every show. They've gotten to the point now where they're moving good solid singles from set to set and that's not good....
  18. H

    Projekt Revolution Europe! (all 2008 dates inside)

    Venice and Munich back to back! Holy **** total jealousy lol. I just got back from those 2 cities! I wanna go SO BAD :P Wilderness are you gonna go to Milton Keynes? Hopefully LP sells digipacks for ALL the European shows, including festivals, instead of just the PR dates.
  19. H

    Given Up Video !

    WID, Numb, and OSC are also in the video Ref....
  20. H

    When was chesters voice best?

    2004. Mid/late 2004. He was sick at the last part of MWT. From the Euro Festivals to the end of PR, Chester's voice was the best it'll ever be. Mountain View 04 = best time ever....