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  1. Hyper

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    Wow, the females around here are freakin hot lol. Oh how I miss thee LPF.
  2. Hyper

    Site upgrade!

    Not sure if that's directed to me, but I'm not completely bashing it. I do say negative things, but if you think everything can be said in a positive way and have your point still communicated,, you're gravely mistaken. Anyways, yeah, "It's good to see a change, but I would rather some other...
  3. Hyper

    Site upgrade!

    Oh don't worry, I'm prepared to give it a chance too. Not because I want to, but because if I don't like it, I have no real leverage on getting it changed lol.
  4. Hyper

    Site upgrade!

    I don't like it. Not to be an ass or anything, but it seems like the current design is a step back from where we were. When I look at forums, the first thing that you notice is the layout. Now, I may be guilty of judging a book by it's cover, but most sites that have.. such vibrantly contrasting...
  5. Hyper

    Member's Pictures 10.0

  6. Hyper

    Upgrade some loyal members

    hmm well i actually think the community choosing mods [ that are agreeable with admins ] is a good idea. cuz then instead of nobody listening tot he mods, they probably will. i don't know tho, i don't think it's ever been done really. could have, not sure tho. but it's kinda like a presidency...
  7. Hyper

    What the fuuuck...

    pictures are too small.
  8. Hyper

    So I don't think this is a big deal....

    There is a God. It's just.. everybody thinks that since they can't have what they want when they want it that they He doesn't exist. People get so self centered and think it's all about here right now that they forget there is a big picture. Just because God won't give you that red bicycle...
  9. Hyper

    Wish Granted

    granted, but now you're a lesbian i wish i didn't have to work as often as i do
  10. Hyper

    Spam Threads

    garsh it's odd seeing your names in red lol.
  11. Hyper

    Spam Threads

    Isn't that also in an episode of.. **** i forget where. But with the underwear gnomes and they go around stealing underwear. And they have this board that's like.. Step 1. Steal underwear Step 3. PROFIT!! and then someone changes it to Step 1. Steal underwear Step 2. ???????? Step 3...
  12. Hyper

    Staff changes...

    Victim is a very contributory member. Not as.. vocal as mark. but still a good member. :thumbsup:
  13. Hyper

    Rate the above signature v3.0

    8/10 I Don't Wanna Be Eatedd
  14. Hyper

    Staff changes...

    hooray sounds like fun
  15. Hyper

    LPF Island II signup

    Team: Hyper and LP~Shinoda~FM Team Color: INSPI(RED) Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because I still have my knowledge stick. And I'm still not afraid to use it :thumbsup: Oh, and I'm teamed up with a girl :thumbsup::thumbsup: (<-double thumbs up)
  16. Hyper

    LPF Island II signup

    Hey look, Hyper replied. I'm down.
  17. Hyper

    In need of a FEMALE

    To be partner for LPFI:2 I know I know, I shoulda posted in that thread. But hey, I want a partner and I wasn't in the original LPFI. If I don't get a partner, no biggie, I'll most likely end up writing the intro again :thumbsup:
  18. Hyper

    The Argument Thread

    I am totally for Gay Marriages. I don't see why this country should let God dictate whether or not two souls may live together in holy matrimony [ maybe because it's holy? lol ] I don't see the harm it will cause society. Nobody can argue that they'll raise Gay children [ They cannot have...
  19. Hyper

    I must have Defcon Xero

    lol.. so Xero Focus used to be the name of my GFX brigade back when I was into that. oh the joy
  20. Hyper

    the which boys/girls do you think are hot?

    Meh; I used to be into blondes. Shorter hair [ shoulder length ] and braces. a.k.a. Preps But somehow my girlfriend is the opposite of that. She's got luscious brown hair that falls to her ass. And her pearly whites are already in line and brace free. a.k.a. Normal So my preference got...