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  1. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    I couldn't help but notice that the Led Zeppelin drawing has a small package. Am I alone in that observation?:P
  2. Chi

    The negative rep game

    TJ thinks it's funny and no big deal, yet he spends a LOT of time repping himself to counter the negative rep he gets from others. LO-SER!
  3. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    So what other tattoos do you have IWS? I've considered it but never had the disposible cash for something like that and it would have to be something REALLY worth the pain for it.
  4. Chi

    AP - Georgia claims it has world's oldest person, 130

    Wow, that's amazing if true. I think it is. Then the having a kid at 60 - yowza!
  5. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    According to this, I'm a Virgo and not a Libra. I always thought the Libra descriptions were pretty dead on for me... I will compare with Virgo when I get the chance to.
  6. Chi

    Negative, no dropped calls. AT&T is the one notorious for dropping calls.

    Negative, no dropped calls. AT&T is the one notorious for dropping calls.
  7. Chi

    Who doesn't know how to make meatloaf?

    I was remembering this post and Eddo's disdain for meatloaf while taking the elevator downstairs to the cafe. I was hoping for meatloaf, vegetables, homemade mashed potatoes w/gravy and a roll, and that's exactly what was featured today! Yum, score!!:)
  8. Chi

    AP - Cops: Man holds his mom hostage for not ironing

    Hellz no!!! She should have beat his ass with that iron!!
  9. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    Nelson laugh Mainly because I think it's crazy to take zodiac signs and the like so seriously to have it tattooed on you.
  10. Chi

    AP - Bad set of teeth end negotiations for sex in Fla.

    Bad set of teeth? What about her disease ridden coochie?? If her teeth look like that, just imagine how well she takes care of herself down there... This is so dumb - "Gainesville police said it was unlikely the man would face misdemeanor charges for solicitation, because he was the victim of a...
  11. Chi

    Who doesn't know how to make meatloaf?

    Agrees. I didn't notice that before. I would greatly up on all the sauces to coat the loaf all over and generously.
  12. Chi

    AP - Nets owner, Jay-Z, Knicks make pitch to LeBron

    I agree. But you have to take into consideration all of the money the sport and players generate in ticket sales, merchandise, shoes, drinks, etc.
  13. Chi

    Who doesn't know how to make meatloaf?

    You must've had sucky meatloaf then. My sis makes some good meatloaf. She's a good cook.
  14. Chi

    Politics - Govt investigating Mazda, BMW for steering loss

    I hope this doesn't turn out like the whole Toyota recall thing. Tragic.
  15. Chi

    Who doesn't know how to make meatloaf?

    Sounds pretty good, Bender. Can you please also post the other more elaborate, better way to make the meatloaf as well?
  16. Chi

    AP - Nets owner, Jay-Z, Knicks make pitch to LeBron

    Whatever, you suck! I don't blame our good players from leaving, the greedy Bulls owners weren't willing to pay them what they were worth, so they went were they would and be better appreciated. I would have done the same thing. Anyone with a brain really.
  17. Chi

    AP - Nets owner, Jay-Z, Knicks make pitch to LeBron

    Damn it!!! Jay-Z is gonna make it hard for us to get LeBron!! Chicago needs to get back to it's once sports glory!! So far we have the Stanley.
  18. Chi

    AP - Police: Calif couple tried to sell baby at Walmart

    Poor baby... I hope it does go to a good home and those two don't reproduce again.