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  1. M

    Investing towards a Sustainable Future

    It's gotta stay in the can.... at the grocery store... for me ;)
  2. M

    A Corn Maze For Ali

    that's pretty impressive. my old neighbors had one a few years ago, but it was just shaped like a mitten (for MI) from what I was told.
  3. M

    Your pets

    We don't currently have any pets.. I want one, but feeding it AND my kids might prove difficult at this point in time ;) We have Katie, a big black Lab that lives next door... She comes over and barks at the back door untilI let her in... she'll hang out for a while then go back home. It's...
  4. M

    Investing towards a Sustainable Future

    mmmm... not so much. kinda makes me wanna vomit ;)
  5. M

    Tweeting BS

    eh... she's dead. I don't think she'll mind too much ;)
  6. M

    Tweeting BS

    So you named her after my Granny instead? Granny would not be pleased!
  7. M

    Gas company fleecing the government

    some said fleece! where's the sheep?
  8. M

    For snaffikins!

    first and last letter in the right place makes the wolhe tnihg esaeir, tuhogh, sanf!
  9. M

    "The revelation"

    also... I want to add that I really needed to hear that today. I've not been feeling like much of a nurturer lately. I feel stressed, stretched and disconnected. Thank you :)
  10. M

    "The revelation"

    You always do an awesome job on these kinds of things. I also agree with Chi & Em's assessment of you (and I don't need the mention of boobies as a disclaimer :p)
  11. M

    Who gets you?

    Chris gets me sometimes; but totally doesn't at others- like pretty much anytime there's a relative of his involved, he can't understand why smoke pours out my ears and I can't stop b!tching. Laura gets me sometimes; but it's kind of hit or miss. My family doesn't get me at all.
  12. M

    Baby pics!

    those were all perfect & hilarious!
  13. M

    Happy Birthday, Chi!

    Happy birthday! :)
  14. M

    get it right asshats.

    I agree that communicating an idea is the important part, but... Using proper grammar goes a long, long way towards communicating your idea effectively. Using improper grammar impedes a reader's ability to follow your idea without reading multiple times to grasp what it was that you were...
  15. M

    TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

    I don't have Sorels, never have :( Do construction boots count? I have 2 pairs of those!
  16. M

    joke of the day.

    This one made me think of the site censor: (I?m telling a group of visitors about the peacokks at our zoo. After I?ve finished, one of the visitors stops me.) Visitor: ?Young man, can I have a word with you? Me: ?Certainly, ma?am. How can I help you? Visitor: ?I don?t appreciate you using...
  17. M

    Tweeting BS

    how can you not get her???
  18. M

    Cool dream!

    that was hilarious!! I just hope (for your sake) no one let your number slip...
  19. M

    Cool dream!

    You're better at this than I am! That sounds exactly right.