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  1. L

    More ST stuff..

    Or what? You'll delete my account? Do you honestly think that will bother me? Yes, hahn. They do.
  2. L


    I have a bunch more stuff (dvds, cds, and products), but I'm going to get rid of the least best stuff first. lol :) So this isn't all I have to give you guys! You're probably thinking 'man, this stuff isn't that good'. That's b/c I haven't posted the best stuff yet. I have to get rid of this...
  3. L

    More ST stuff..

    AND, I forgot to add. Why even make the thread if you're giving the stuff away. You're BRAGGING. What's the point of this thread? EDIT: I know why. I figured it out. You want people to envy you. That's why you posted this thread. I realized it after reading through and seeing all the...
  4. L

    More ST stuff..

    You DIDN'T????!!!!!!!!!! You said, "Guess the ST really <3's me!". Hmmmmm....let me think...yep. I'm right. I bet I've been a LP fan longer than you. Just b/c I haven't been HERE my whole life at this forum doesn't mean I'm a new LP fan. I didn't say anything before, but I know for a FACT you...
  5. L


    Really? I'll have to fix What all do you have Vash? I did it! I went through my stuff and I categorized everything into piles. 1. Stuff I'm keeping. 2. Stuff I'm between on (meaning I'm not sure yet whether to give it away or not--probably will 3. Stuff...
  6. L


    I'll go through all my stuff today and see what I can find to give out. I'll post it all HERE on this thread, so come back here to see a list of stuff. I'll do a little at a time b/c it'd be too expensive to do it all at once. Hyper, I am giving more stuff later, so you might want to wait if...
  7. L


    I was going through my cds/dvds and I found some things I forgot I had!!! lol I have a bunch of LP dvds/cds, but I had forgotten that there was a dvd that only works sometimes. What I mean (and this is hard to explain) is that most of the dvd works, but it cuts out sometimes or it'll skip to...
  8. L

    Where do the threads go?

    Yeah, well. I'm sure everyone sees my point. I'm not the only one that's getting tired of the bragging around here. Like I said, I'm on the ST too and I don't go around bragging about it. It's not a contest to see who can get the most stuff (and like I said in the other thread, It's for...
  9. L

    Where do the threads go?

    I know it was deleted. It hasn't been moved b/c my profile says the last post was one I made yesterday. I posted it today. I know this one will be deleted. I'm getting my point across either way. Just b/c someone doesn't like what someone says, they delete their thread. It'd be nice if everyone...
  10. L

    Where do the threads go?

    I swear...everytime I get on here to see what else was posted in a thread, it's gone. I posted something in the thread where Hahn was talking about the stuff he got and lo-and-behold, the thread is gone. Is it still on here or has it been deleted? If it's on here and I missed it, I apologize...
  11. L

    More ST stuff..

    Cyro is right, Hahn. I'm a member of the Street Team too and you don't hear me going on and on about it. Lay off it and stop bragging to people that aren't in the team. In addition to that, you shouldn't HAVE all that stuff b/c you're supposed to hand it out. You're not supposed to try and...
  12. L

    LP Pendant

    Thanks for the trader rating thing! lol I've received a few and I never said thanks to all the people that have given me a trader rating---or reputation rating (I think the others are called?)!!! lol :thumbsup:
  13. L

    LP Pendant

    Haha! I'm glad you like them! :) I haven't gone through all my stuff yet, so I probably will have more stuff to give away. If I find time, I'll go through it to see if there's anything else. :)
  14. L

    LP Pendant

    haha Thanks! So, has anyone else gotten theirs yet besides omega??? :)
  15. L

    BTH mistake

    I have no idea what that meant! You mean you signed up twice? I thought you said something on the FMST thread about hoping they accept you even though you're 14? Remember? I told you they weren't picking based on age? If you were already a member, why were you worried? Again, not arguing, just...
  16. L

    BTH mistake

    Hahn, I have to ask you (off topic here) what you mean by one of the original fm street team members? It's been bugging me everytime I see your sig. Didn't you just get accepted a few weeks ago? I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but why do you say you're one of the original members when you...
  17. L

    LP Pendant

    Just so you guys know, Omega got the pendant today! That proves that I really did send them off (in case some of you didn't trust I would---lol).
  18. L

    Chester perform at the etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest

    Awesome! By the way, I love your sig Lpintheend! :)
  19. L

    LP Pendant

    I'm sorry, but I tried to let you know that you were getting the third pendant! When you didn't respond, I sent it to the next person in line. I'm sorry, but I had to send them out.
  20. L

    Fort Nature

    I haven't received any of my stuff either and I've been there since it started! haha Unhinged, weren't you just accepted a couple weeks ago? You've already gotten your stuff?!!!! They must be doing it differently than I expected. I thought they'd go in the order you were accepted. They must be...