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  1. Chestersbabi7

    happy bday DS

    dudee YAY. :]
  2. Chestersbabi7

    Dude, im still alive.

    && ive changeddd hella much. Whats up babbieess?
  3. Chestersbabi7

    "Omg shes back again.. brothers sisters everybody sinnggg"

    yeah yeah.. i come in.. i leave.. idk.. i try to stick around.. i have like a million other sites i have accounts on.. and effin MYSPACE is taking life.. i thinnk i need some rehab. But yeah.. im hated here.. i got voted off by EFFIN 6 ppl on the castaway/island thing. I SUCK
  4. Chestersbabi7

    "Omg shes back again.. brothers sisters everybody sinnggg"

    Thanksss! Lmao I was going for more hardcore. Thanks i have about 4 pericings.. Monroe..Both sides of the lip, and my nose :] My hair does look emo doesnt it? I remeber BOTH of you kiddos.. YAY FIONAAA
  5. Chestersbabi7

    LPF Island :: Discussion Thread.

  6. Chestersbabi7

    What country are you from and city?

    united States New Hampshire Wentworth A small town with only a gas station, 2 swimming holes, and houses.. theres only a population of like 900 no joke
  7. Chestersbabi7

    LPF Island Signup

    I got it :D
  8. Chestersbabi7

    The Hottest LPFer Ever Finals

    I have never seen what any of these ppl look like.. How are we supposed to know if there hot or not?
  9. Chestersbabi7

    LPF Island Signup

    I really dont see the concept of this? What is the thread about..? Well i know a lil but isnt a contest or something?
  10. Chestersbabi7

    "Omg shes back again.. brothers sisters everybody sinnggg"

    Hehe.. Killmeirish.. i remember when we used to hate eachother yes, i still have the private messages.. Ive missed you all and Thnk you sooo much <3 NOT EMO..BRITANY=CORE with emo hair :]
  11. Chestersbabi7

    Five things

    1. My Friends.. they keep me laughing all day long 2. Music.. whatever feeling im having it either makes me better, or keeps me moving. 3. Seeing ppl smile because of me. It makes me feel good that other ppl are happy becuase of me. 4. The Phone.. im never alone..tee hee 5. My hobbies.. such...
  12. Chestersbabi7

    LPF Island Signup

    Username:Chestersbabi7 Age:16 (im not sure if it asked for sex..short term memory.. but im a female) Why i think ill survive: Um well i got the hunting skills of a caveman you see.. and im pretty bright.. you know.. so I just know ill survive.. its a win or win situation :]
  13. Chestersbabi7

    "Omg shes back again.. brothers sisters everybody sinnggg"

    NOTE: You can totally move it.. the rules change around here alot.. and im not sure where to acutally put this. Hello. Im Brittany, for those who dont know me. Im making a surprise reunion appearnace. Ive missed all my friends, and i finally got a chance to talk with Azem.. and well here...
  14. Chestersbabi7

    The Hottest LPFer Ever Finals

    Azem Dawgg how do i get in? since you refered me hurr
  15. Chestersbabi7

    Brittanys New err.. Do?

    Well, basically i like to keep everyone updated? Why? cuz im a phagg okay?.. lmao.. But heres what Brittanys look is as of NOW: .com">
  16. Chestersbabi7


    I AM A DIE HARD UNDEROATH FAN!!!!!! Seen them in concert.. have all there albums.. they kick ASSSSSSSS! lol.. so glad other ppl like them :) (hahaha notice my post from about a billion years ago... i wasnt ALL the way into them.. holy ****.. there just awsome..powerful lyrics, and melodys!)
  17. Chestersbabi7

    Your death wish

    woahhhh... well how i would like to die.. problably fighting for my opinion, weather a ****in' gangster busts out his 9 and shoots me, or someone slices my throat with there cute lil pocket knife.. as long as im fighting for what i beleive in, and whats right. ORRR lol.. At a concert.. HAVIng A...
  18. Chestersbabi7

    Ok, here's something sm of you might like! (But it's nastey!)

    hahaha ive heard this one alot.. start with us, add the bed subtract the clothes, divide the legs and maybe we can multiply.. yeahhhhh
  19. Chestersbabi7

    LPF's Map of Awesome

    YEAHHHH NEW HAMPSHIRE UNITED STATESS!! lol.. im the only one from there :)
  20. Chestersbabi7

    Myspace Anyone?

    YAY.. i just request you add me, cuz.. well.. my computer sucks.. and im really dumb.. but i will eventually add you, im just really