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  1. ugur90

    Linkin Park Recording New Studio Album !

    yea i think theyll work on it during that 3 months then go on PR and then continue after but they have to wait for the new album release until DBS has been released.
  2. ugur90

    Classical Music Mass Download

    ok i need a site where i can download a bunch of classical music mp3s my dad gave me a list of 300 classical pieces and im wondering if ne1 of u know where i can download them with ease..p2p s dont have much i think
  3. ugur90

    Given Up Video !

    lol liking the little blurp of chester from breaking the habit
  4. ugur90

    Better than Chester?

    I actually think Linkin Park are one of the best live bands they have much more energy and the quality is good other bands live performances are **** compared to the record versions
  5. ugur90

    Umm yea :(

    yea so lately everything thats going on has been making me friends kinda ignore me a bit not totally ditch but yea they haven't invited me to ne hangouts for a while the girl i like doesnt talk to me much even tho shes a really good friend of mine and jst gives one word answers to...
  6. ugur90

    Better than Chester?

    Do you think theres a singer in today's rock music industry who is better than him and has the similiar style....i can't find any.....for people that are gonna say Gerard Way go to hell.. I love MCR but he can't sing for jack **** and I'm kinda disappointed that Chester said in an interview that...
  7. ugur90

    Linkin Park European Summer Tour 2008

    god please let linkin park ****ing come to turkey!! ahhh
  8. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

    ok episode 4 blew me away finally lost redeemed itself for me the ending was quite wicked
  9. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

    so episode 3 i think...better episode...ben being an assasin with sayid as his hitman is pretty crazy
  10. ugur90

    The New Riff In Points Of Authory (Live)

    yea its jst an extended outro they do in live shows they jst came up with it during the european tour no secret new song
  11. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

    yea thats what i thout too
  12. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

    ok i jst watched episode 2 most annoying thing ever still no answers except 1 but like 15 new questions added..this show frustrates me like no other
  13. ugur90

    United States Politics and its Consequences

    Ok i have 3 questions 1)Who is winning rite nw in the democratic elections 2)who is more likely to win the democratic elections obama or hillary 3)I think there is no way republicans will win this election hw do ppl think mccain will win
  14. ugur90

    United States Politics and its Consequences

    OBAMA all the way
  15. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

  16. ugur90

    Lost Season 4

    ok so for those who saw the 1st episode what do u think
  17. ugur90

    B-Day Gift Dilemma

    alrite here's the and few friends have been wanting to buy guitar hero for PS2 for a long time but we can only find it for PS3 so far.we've also found rockband for XBOX 360 which we are also willing to buy. i can buy an xbox with the money i've been saving but my parents will never buy...
  18. ugur90

    Linkin Park [KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas]

    theyve all grown up except Rob who always look the same and Joe who needs to go on a diet
  19. ugur90

    Bass Help

    Ok anyone who plays bass and has guitar pro can u help me with sumthing....I'm trying to learn Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin we're gonna perform it i have 2 tabs can u tell me which is more accurate....the link for the 1st tab is this...
  20. ugur90

    happy b-day FM2005

    Happy b-day dude