Search results

  1. S

    Fav cartoon?

    king if the hill, garfield*hell yeah!*, the simpsons, spongebob, family guy, south parks
  2. S

    Do you like school/work?

    wth would you be doing other than school/work thats so important?
  3. S

    The Hottest Chick Thread ~Revived~

    i think im in someone i met over the net.....:) plus we already met in person also..:D
  4. S

    pepsi or pepsi max?

    mmmmm.....vanilla pepsi!......:D
  5. S

    Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint... would stuff a flower.....oh...nvm....:D
  6. S

    Relationships, good or bad?

    Well i gotten out of a relationship that lasted for almost 6 yrs.....we been seperated for almost 5 weeks when he called me elary in the morning and askes to talk to me and so i let him which was a mistake.....he said all this bullshit saying how he loved me and wanted to be back with me......i...
  7. S

    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    BAD NEWS:.........we didnt go to las vegas.....we reschduled it to another two sux...i was all excited about it and everything...oh well...well yesturday i had like a sezure and anxiety attack come upon me at the same i was taking my drivers license test, which i...
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    Today's phrase

    " WTF is that!?!?" LMAO.. :thumbsup: .say it in public, maybe best to another person, and you be remembered... :D
  9. S

    Ice cream Flavour?

    ice cream is the ****! lol my fav would be the cherry chocolate minty w/ vanilla! mmmm! i also love the cookie dough!
  10. S

    What are you looking for in a guy/girl?

    LMAO!...well i didnt mention earlier about have to say he would have to be spontaneous, out going, dependable, reliable, nice eyes, nice hair; cant be long, light complexion, taller than me lol, and attractive,.....aint i shallow? lol
  11. S

    embarassing moments.....

    ok today was so ****nig gross....i was getting my drivers license today and as i was waiting i started to feel sick and then my left hand started becoming numb, my mouth was numb, i was only seeing half of everything.....and when i got my license and left the ****ing sucked! i had a...
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    weirdest or places you wouldnt have sex at......

    would it be wrong to have sex in church?
  13. S

    Post yur time.

    7:42pm just woke up from my nap :|
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    Coke Vs. Pepsi

    Pepsi!! yes!! coke's a lil too strong for me....
  15. S

    What are you looking for in a guy/girl?

    LMAO! shave my back!?! oh no, not that! its kinda hard to explain right try later explaining it
  16. S

    What are you looking for in a guy/girl?

    well id say i just gotten out of a prev. relationship with an ass....but im all good now that i found someone who fulfills my :D
  17. S

    Crushes, love, blah blah blah...

    Well, speaking of my crush now, we're together! :thumbsup: our first kiss was yesturday here at my house when we were just sitting around talking and when he was leaving...he was making a big deal about asking to kiss me when he could of just done it....buti t was SWEET!! :thumbsup:
  18. S

    Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint... all lucky, i had mine when i was about 10....yeah i got it right after i was jumping on a trampoline, afterwrads, i go to the bathroom and a few minutes later i was young! i didnt know what to do!! i didnt tell anyone, i thought something was wrong with but...
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    weirdest or places you wouldnt have sex at......

    or how about craziest place you ever done that **** at? lol
  20. S

    weirdest or places you wouldnt have sex at......

    lol.....has anyone tried on a tailgate?LMAO