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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well i guess im not feeling so good right now....i havent been really eating for the past week ive only been eating once a day and today i finally ate, and yeah i guess i feel tired right now. im suppose to go to work at 6pm so hopefully my mood changes till then. But yeah im happy that im with...
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    weirdest or places you wouldnt have sex at......

    the weirdest i say....or place i wouldnt would probably be in a public parking yeah a frend told me to try this hoping you dont get the wrong impression of me doing
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    embarassing moments.....

    LMAO! kewl beans! well yeah i barely got back on so yeah....another story? uuh...lets see....i remember i was in my elementary days and it was lunch, i wasnt feeling well and i still ate. i remember i ate an orange.....on my way back to my class i could feel that orange comnig back up my throat...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well its been a while being on here...well im with that guy now, its been a week, so kewl and happy....
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    Raindrops Keep Fallin on my Head

    oh yeah i love getting in the heavy rain...especially if your with a crush, bf.....but i have to say
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    The Best Pizza

    pizza hut kicks ass! yup i also love their crust...and the cheese!!
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    What's your name mean?

    wtf..i dont get just write your name down right? and all this **** pops up?...
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    Dane Cook-

    oh i love him! LMAO so ****ing funny, love the one "hopp up on the Q " and "Burger King" LMAO
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    embarassing moments.....

    LMAO! well i just read all of your posts and im still sitting hear laughing, cheesed out...well yeah i have another embarassing was long time was winter and so to say, all the ponds were cousin and i were just walking on them and at the time i...
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    Guys are dumb! (help thread)

    try being nice by just not to big...LMAO
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    Crushes, love, blah blah blah... each other up the wall!?!
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    im at home again right now....didnt go to sleep last night until around 1 and woke up at 2 this after i did call my fren and he invited me to go dirt bkiing with him on monday or tuesday, when he comes back from Albuquerque...cant just really tired right now...
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    Crushes, love, blah blah blah...

    i have a crush, i guess i havent talk to him for a while and i finally had the guts to call him and to ask him if he could neet me at our HS did meet up and started talking...he brought his dirt bike and the thrill of it was holding him...LMAO
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    Crushes, love, blah blah blah...

    LMAO....taco hell?!?!
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    Chainerreturns Journal

    LMAO!!!its funny how ppl get pissed off when you say things like that.....damn...still laughing about it...
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    The Ever IMMORTAL(89) Journal Entries

    LMAO why the hell would there be fleas in your bedroom in the first place!?!
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    LMAO...idk....but yeah yesturday i was at work...and i guess one of my co workers asked me if i wanted any shots and yeah i took a few. afterwards i felt like drinking so we both asked her cousin to make up another run and yup...i got off work...and there were 4 of us, 2 co workers, me and her...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well i went to work yesturday, but....i guess you could say there was nothing or noone to look forward to seeing, hearing,etc., after work when i came home. So i just decided to call someone i havent talked to for a while. i thought he wouldnt never talk to me again but yes! he did....i did tell...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well yesturday, likei said i was told to go home so yeah i was at home then i went to a frens house and i guess...idk....i started feeling she wanted to drink so yeah we asked someoen to get us a drink....then i guess my cell battery was just about dying so i had to go home and...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    yeah....but im not completly happy....damn i came back home....i was at work and i guess i forgotten my wallet some i came back home because my brother an ass and i thought he might take **** but it was all there...i got back to work...and my boss askes me whered i go and i lied to her saying i...