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  1. PTeddy

    Old School Roll Call

    I have no clue whatsoever who you are, but back in 04/05, my username was 'PsychoTeddy', but I went by my real name Jas in the chat. Haha, weird. I rejoined cause Neesha made me. ^^ EDIT -- There seems to be no way of deleting one's posts, no sorry for the double.
  2. PTeddy

    The New Simpsons Movie? Who's Going!?

    Haha fair enough. I'm not new to this scene as such, just this new forum. I couldn't remember the password for my old account so I made a new one. I'll try not to get too over zealous about posting KATG related links. XD
  3. PTeddy

    What does everybody want to be called? =)

    Nope. I was born biologically female, I just don't feel that I am female. I'm seeking hormones for sex reassignment. Just thought I'd throw that out there to indicate the diversity of current/former LP fans.
  4. PTeddy

    The New Simpsons Movie? Who's Going!?

    I know where the link leads, that's why I posted it. Its a joke that KATG (the podcast advertised) set up. Relax man, I didn't mean any harm by it. :)
  5. PTeddy

    ...I have clincal depression?

    I hate to say this, but you're 15. Almost everyone 15 year old feels like that, but they get over it with time. Look after yourself and find a way to get your feelings out. Giving yourself the idea that something is 'wrong' with you though, isn't going to help.
  6. PTeddy

    Need your advice about dropping out of school... :(

    Dude, **** happens at school. I was bullied all the way through primary school, and had to go through high school hiding who I really was. I finished school because I knew that if I didn't I would be severely cutting down my choices later in life. I understand where you're coming from about the...
  7. PTeddy

    Happy Birthday candygirl!!

    Happy birthday wishes to you!
  8. PTeddy

    What does everybody want to be called? =)

    There's a really long story attached to why that is the name on my birth certificate. Let's just say that it may have also listed me as 'female' at birth.
  9. PTeddy

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

    I'm pretty ****ing pissed off right now. There's this absolute <insert worst word one can think of here> in my life. She's an ex, of course. We've been trying the 'let's be friends' bs for the last 7 months or so, and for the most part it has just been a ridiculous waste of everyone's time. But...
  10. PTeddy

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

    I'm actually feeling quite good right now, for some unknown reason. Perhaps because I finally made it back to my beloved LP forums after a very, very long hiatus. This weird happiness tends to flutuate throughout the day/week though. One minute everything will be fantastic, the next its **** and...
  11. PTeddy

    Umm, Who likes "Milo"?

    Generic, homebrand chocolate milk powder is just as good for making chocolate milk, but I must admit that Milo is infinitely better for sprinkling on ice cream or the like. For those alcoholics out there: Chocolte milk + Frangelico = God's drink.
  12. PTeddy

    Happy Birthday Person

    Happy birthday! On a side note, there used to a birthday thread, what happened to that?
  13. PTeddy

    What does everybody want to be called? =)

    By birthname is Jasmine, but since I'm a dude, **** that, call me Teddy/Tedz.
  14. PTeddy

    The New Simpsons Movie? Who's Going!? ^^
  15. PTeddy

    Old School Roll Call

    I have no idea when I signed up. Somewhere around 2003/2004. I went through a couple of usernames in that time, PsychoTeddy was my original, then SocioTeddy, and I believe my final one was 'Orange'. For some odd reason... I haven't been around for a year or so as I was struggling to complete...