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  1. SingBlueSilver

    Summer Blues

    Yeah.. who cares.. when it all comes down to it.. school just sucks! :D
  2. SingBlueSilver

    Very Important!!!!

    If there is such a demo.. I do not have it. Linkin Park has so much stuff out there... You just got to find it.
  3. SingBlueSilver

    Chaz going solo?? o.O

    Don't feel to bad.. I tried clicking on it also! :rolleyes:
  4. SingBlueSilver

    Very Important!!!!

    Dedicated - 1999 Demo
  5. SingBlueSilver

    Summer Blues

    I'd say about.. August 22nd.. Early you say?.. first time we have gotten out in June.. We usually get out sometime during the last week of May.
  6. SingBlueSilver

    LP audio request thread

    OoOoOoOoOo Could you perrrty pweez upload the LPU v4.0 Easier to Run. :D Grey Daze.. alright I am going to feel retarded... what are the Grey Daze tracks? :(
  7. SingBlueSilver

    Summer Blues

    I hear you.. I am so ready to get out of school. We only had Friday and today off for Spring Break. 4 Days, including the weekend, for break is retarded.. I have heard some schools that have gotten 1-2 weeks off!! Because of Snow Days.. I get out June 6th.
  8. SingBlueSilver

    Hey Whats Up

    You don't happen to like M&M now do you!?! :rolleyes: Hope you enjoy your stay here...
  9. SingBlueSilver

    Chaz going solo?? o.O

    Let me get this straight.. 1. New LP Album 2. Mike Solo 3. Chester Solo This is starting to sound crazy! You would think they would not have enough time to do all of this.. I know these are rumors.. but.. get on with the new album!
  10. SingBlueSilver

    Hey Whats Up

    Welcome to MY Forums! :rolleyes: *Gives everyone a cookie*
  11. SingBlueSilver

    A.F.I. (A Fire Inside)

    AFI.. fairly good band.. but there is something about them that turns me away.. I still can not figure out what though! :rolleyes:
  12. SingBlueSilver

    Best intro to a song?

    1. Faint 2. Place For My Head 3. Somewhere I Belong
  13. SingBlueSilver

    Numb remix by Phoenix and Mike

    *Starts Dancing to Short Mix* :rolleyes:
  14. SingBlueSilver

    !!!!!The Rejected LP Song!!!!!!

    Not that bad.. needs a little work, but hey, better than I can do!
  15. SingBlueSilver

    Need Two Songs

    Wow. I can use this to. Thank You! :D
  16. SingBlueSilver


    They were a fairly good band... OVERPLAYED!!!
  17. SingBlueSilver

    new to the forum...long time rocker

    Welcome the the Forum.. and enjoy your stay! :p
  18. SingBlueSilver

    Favorite horror movie

    28 Days Later - That movie started off really good.. but it like.. turned into a family road trip gone bad.. I didn't like the fact that they had left in a car... and shopped at a store.... and... ya... Army Dudes? Did not like it at all. The Grudge - I have not seen this movie, but from what...
  19. SingBlueSilver


    Awww.. People so nice around here! :p
  20. SingBlueSilver

    What do you think about Collision course and when do you think anew album comes out

    Collision Course was an interesting album showing some of LP's tastes... and showing off others. Overall decent album.. maybe just a tad bit to much of the Hip Hop and JayZ then I'd prefer...