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  1. cynthiaa89

    What's Your Star Sign?

    The first time I saw that I laughed so hard. That's one of the mose true things I've ever heard in my life....Especially that last part...We should be murdered...The world would be a much better place without us. ;)
  2. cynthiaa89

    And the nominees for President in 2008 are ??

    Heh, I heard something about Christopher Walken on T.V. Goddamnit. Celebrities are taking over.
  3. cynthiaa89

    Origins of Your Username

    Wow, all of the sudden I fell completely unimaginative. Mine came from my old MSN name...
  4. cynthiaa89

    Female or SHE-MALE ??

    13/16..Damn. I lose.
  5. cynthiaa89

    Pictures of our members?

    Yea, it's really blurry. It was taken on the worlds cheapest webcam.
  6. cynthiaa89

    Pictures of our members?

    I just gave 2 people a 10. :rolleyes: I have a gay 7.9. Vote for me...and no 1's..... :)
  7. cynthiaa89

    Gay ******s from outer space wish you all a happy 9/11

    Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, OMG, Ouch. :rolleyes:
  8. cynthiaa89

    What the hell?

    I have this extremely religious nut for a science teacher. (That's odd in the first place.) Yesterday in class she went on for a whole hour preaching about everything that's going on in the world right now. She's saying that it's like the end of the world or something because of a few natural...
  9. cynthiaa89

    R U as sick as me ??

    Happy Tree Friends and HomeStar Runner are both ****ing hilarious. :cool:
  10. cynthiaa89

    **** Natalee Holloway and her attention whore mom Beth Holloway Twitty

    As if that wasn't obvious. :)
  11. cynthiaa89

    Which is worse?

    Ewwwwwww!!!!! Pat Robertson. That's just torturous. Evil, sick, twisted, and torturous. I mean, really..Who would do that to someone?..Really. Omg. That's horrible. Forget the Klan, that's not even that bad. But come on! Pat Robertson. Really... :o
  12. cynthiaa89

    Bites on Boy's Face, Body Prompt Investigation

    This is where "You get what you pay for" comes in. I mean, we all bitch about the education now days, but we don't pay the teachers worth a damn. And, to put up with some of the **** they have to put up with, they should be paid A WHOLE LOT more than they do now.
  13. cynthiaa89

    Rita proof that New Orleans should not be rebuilt

    Well, personally, I think Katrina was a SIGN! I mean, they have been saying FOREVER that this could happen. One sign is enough for something like this.
  14. cynthiaa89

    Which is worse?

    Being trapped on a bus full of ******s, that Al Sharpton is driving, while headed towards the edge of a cliff. And, in all honesty, if I was in that situation, I would be anticipating death.
  15. cynthiaa89

    Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

    That is so evil. :p :D
  16. cynthiaa89

    Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

    Very, very true. There are some ****ed up people out there. But, in a situation such as that, you could probably prove you were set up. Especially if other people knew you had been seeing "the accused."
  17. cynthiaa89

    Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

    Seriously. It doesn't look very comfortable. :rolleyes: ...For anyone :p Which is exactly why we should keep pedophiles around. :D That would be the ultimate punishment.
  18. cynthiaa89

    Anti-Rape Condom Unveiled

    Oh my god...I think it's a good idea, but some ****ed up things might happen with it. What if some bitch gets pissed off at her husband and yeah...Wow.. :cool:
  19. cynthiaa89

    Girl Expelled Because Parents Are Lesbians

    Seriously! That would have been the best choice. :p