Pictures of our members?

cynthiaa89 said:
Yea, it's really blurry. It was taken on the worlds cheapest webcam.
Well, I did the math Cynthia, I subtracted points for having dark hair, added points for being cute anyway, subtracted for the image being fuzzy, then added again the ****ability factor of the fuzzy image, then took into account your age .vs the typical persons comparable features, and finally come up with an 8.

Yup, I gave you an 8, it would have been a 9 if the picture was more clear, a 10 if it was you in a bikini and very clear image.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
:p I still say Tori's "raiding the fridge" picture is the best.

She's pretty HOT for a mother of 3! :p
Now that I look at the picture, it isn't her butt that is freakishly huge, it is her waist that is freakishly small. That has to be photoshopped, because that girl looks kinda chunky everywhere but her weird little waist.
I know, she was really thin and the had breast, butt, thigh, and calf implants...

Edit: It is definitely photoshopped. Look at the shadow behind her compared to her actual shape
ToriAllen said:
Now that I look at the picture, it isn't her butt that is freakishly huge, it is her waist that is freakishly small. That has to be photoshopped, because that girl looks kinda chunky everywhere but her weird little waist.
I know, she was really thin and the had breast, butt, thigh, and calf implants...

Edit: It is definitely photoshopped. Look at the shadow behind her compared to her actual shape

Pancake syrup in the fridge? Now I've seen it all.
IT'S OFFICIAL!! I'm Ugly!! Therefore the person who said I was cute and that other person who said I could potentially look good CAN KISS MY ASS!!

Proof that I'm hideous: