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  1. C

    The whole gay thing.

    When describing the mating habits of kangaroos, both articles explain, in some detail, the practices and rituals. If "most" preferred koalas, it would have been mentioned. That is how you evidence something you do not believe exists, by pointing to leading experts unbiased omission of what is...
  2. C

    The bible... you know the real one... the original... bible...

    Which is probably a word I don't know and do not have the characters on my keyboard to write in a language most of us wouldn't understand. So... we have the folks who follow "the bible as the direct word of God", most of whom have never read the "original" hebrew, aramaic, sanscrit, or Greek...
  3. C

    The whole gay thing. I would accept rutgers university professors or the University of Michigan zoologists as experts in their field. They very clearly document the mating habits of...
  4. C

    Are people basically good or evil?

    Why must you teach them that? Because YOU want a better society? All people are self serving.
  5. C

    Are people basically good or evil?

    I guess you really need to define good/evil. I think people are self serving.
  6. C

    religion...a waste?

    And that was YOUR reply to this? Thanks for the waste of heartbeats sport. Fine. I will begin with you. Well isn't that a convenient and utterly stupid thing to do. Why the **** would He "build age" into the earth? For what possible purpose? Let me guess, divine wisdom that you need not...
  7. C

    I love Lyrics!

    Stealin' down an alley on a cold dark night I see a halo in the rain 'round a street light I stop and look and listen to the sound as the raindrops penetrate the silence all around Alone, I gaze into the glistening street the distant thunder echoing my hearbeat urging me on to a secret goal...
  8. C

    Where do they get all those wonderful toys ??

    Ok... you and I are arguing different points. Sorry if I misunderstood you. I am saying that the government activly tries to and WOULD if possible hide that information. They just cant. I am arguing intent. You are arguing the futility of that intent. I think we agree.
  9. C

    Another Democrat

    Why? Why shouldn't they? If they are damaging to society, why the hell shouldnt they be removed from it? Don't have to shoot them. Put them on an island. If they cant feed themselves then nature will take its course. Of course I think shooting them is a more humane solution. Why should I...
  10. C

    Another Democrat

    Again... those tax dollars are going to support the food and healthcare of the prisoner who wasn't adopted. A .38 slug only costs a few cents. I'd vote for that bill. Do you really think that the couple is footing all of the medical care on their own dime? I don't know... but unless I did, I...
  11. C

    Another Democrat

    Eloquent as always... but correct.
  12. C

    Another Democrat

    In all seriousness... there are children who have brains that could use a loving home. Adopting a severely disfunctional child who would not be able to survive without your influence is the equivelant of adopting a pet. Some POSSIBLY FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY will now go without adoption and...
  13. C

    Another Democrat

    Hitler... huge drain on society and should have been terminated. That is all.
  14. C

    Another Democrat

    A drain on society and should have been terminated. That is all.
  15. C

    The whole gay thing.

    I agree eddo. She wasn't being asked to back up that she is an expert. She was asked to find experts that agree with her expert opinion. It must be presumed that she is an expert based on her word, or mine, or it must be challenged. Like I said, I am open to ideas on how to substantiate that...
  16. C

    Where do they get all those wonderful toys ??

    Well, it isn't BS. Because the government isn't able to police the internet doesn't mean that they arent trying to stop the dissimination of information. The anarchists cookbook became a felony to own at one point, (later overturned by the supreme court) but the information in it was...
  17. C

    The whole gay thing.

    Because it is an issue that does not lend itself to criminal behavior it is unlikely that there is such a ruling. Because something has not been ejudicated, does not mean it doesn't exist. For instance, I have not been ruled on, but I assure you I exist. You are AGAIN asking for the EXPERT...
  18. C

    The whole gay thing.

    Impotent means "not potent" or "without power". Her opinion carries power with the department of justice. Would you like me to find an expert to explain that to you?
  19. C

    The whole gay thing.

    This is hugo arguing protocal. See hugo arguing protocal? Here is hugo growing the balls to completely reverse the protocal argument to do exactly what he just said he wasn't doing. Here is hugo unable to follow protocal and find expert opinion in conflict with her. Flail hugo flail...
  20. C

    The whole gay thing.

    That is your remarkably impotent laymans opinion. Unfortunately it is not an argument. Thank you for playing. (You also got it backwards... u think u read gooder thin me?)