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  1. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    What other category? :confused:
  2. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    God I love your Avatar Lancer!!!!!
  3. Spleefman


    So you're a Puerto......"W"ican!!!!! :D Sorry...that was Vuadeville at best....but I couldn't resist! :rolleyes:
  4. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    I GOT $100.00 ON LOKIBIRD!!!!!!!!!
  5. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    Hey Loki....I didn't mean that in a crappy manner! Sorry about that.....I was just going along with what you said! . This little ****er has sent me four or five personal messages......all of them threatening, and saying he was going to kill me, whoop my hillbilly ass...that kind of ****...
  6. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    You think????????? ;)
  7. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    Hey man....why don't you post your address since you are this real tough street fightin thug? Oh...wait, I have your IP address...if I dig deep enough.... Threats like you have posted are a Federal crime I think.....maybe Phreak has the inside on that one. Anyway, you obviously are very...
  8. Spleefman

    How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

    As a musician......I will give the biotch one thing.....she at least can write her own songs! :o Beats the living **** out of alot of these bubblegum chewing pop-singing pansies!!! :cool:
  9. Spleefman

    The Army you have vs. The Army you want

  10. Spleefman

    The Army you have vs. The Army you want

    All that .......and you even attempt to use the word simple?????? My brain is fried from all that ****......and I still don't trust anything that has a diaper on it's head! :D If I have offeded anyone......****in' oops! :o
  11. Spleefman


    I still want an apology from that "dawolfg" tard!!!!!! :D
  12. Spleefman

    The Army you have vs. The Army you want

    GODAMM!!!!! MY EYES.........MY ****ING EYES!!!!!! :eek: Pass me that huka Phreakwars......I think I just went blind from all that!!!!!
  13. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    I could vote for Rudy....he's not so pathetically far Right. However, the Republican Party I have a problem with right now.....they have lost their minds!
  14. Spleefman

    Who has it harder Parents or Kids?

    **** the needle **** weren't chicken ****, it's the one location in your insanity that you found saneness!!!!!
  15. Spleefman

    Who has it harder Parents or Kids?

    Well...there's one way to take a **** on some wonderful thoughts! :mad:
  16. Spleefman

    Who has it harder Parents or Kids?

    I think teens of today do have it rougher than when I was a teen. (and that wasn't that ****ing long ago!) However.....Trust me.....enjoy this time while you have it. Live it to it's fullest extent. Don't let the bad times keep you down, keep moving because the next great time is just right...
  17. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote...
  18. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    **** man...I am done voting for dipshits in either of the "two-party" monopoly!!!! Too much power + too much corruption = No answers!!!!