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  1. Spleefman

    The Lord Of The Underworld

    I apologize for any inconveinence.....however, if I do vote for one of the above, knowing fully well what Bush is doing in the an avid and devout Texas Longhorn fan.......Bevo will hunt me down, gourde me to death, and I will have to spend the rest of eternity in hell........also...
  2. Spleefman

    Spleefy's Extras....

  3. Spleefman

    Why never America?

    Actually G., we do have a say. The most horrifying thing to all this is that there are too many "sheeple" as I like to call them that think they have to go out and vote for one of the two morons that the Democrats and Republicans trot out on stage. Both parties have sold this country out...
  4. Spleefman

    Join in the phobia

    Ummm waiter.....whatever that Gentleman is sure sure it dosen't get near my ****ing order! :eek:
  5. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Just what in the Wide, Wide, World of ****ing Sports was all that about? I thought she said she was basically joking in her first post of this thread. Isn't that what we were doing as well? And who in the hell is she specifically talking to anyway? Godamn....and I thought I was reactionary! :o
  6. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Hey ......that's might piss Sonya off!
  7. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Do you want to talk about ducks? What about elves? Does Santa exsist? Guess phreakwars penis size and win a prize! Porno? Good for the heart? Sperm...does it really soften your skin? Shaving your to avoid looking like a pubic version of Grizzly Adams! Anal Sex....can it...
  8. Spleefman

    Why never America?

    Let me ask you this.....How would you feel about a platform that included the following..... The security of our Nation would come down to secureing the North and South borders of the United States. The INS would be held to strict protocol to insure no mistakes like in the past. Military...
  9. Spleefman

    Spleefy's Extras....

  10. Spleefman

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    Blow me Wumbat! I stand by what I said. I stated..... "I'm getting just a bit beyond the point where I'm all bent out of shape trying to understand Islamic sensitivities. If there is something about your religion that should make me feel badly about poor Muslims getting their feelings hurt...
  11. Spleefman

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    There are verses in the bible that can be taken out of context. There are verses that I have not come upon. There is alot of stuff in the Bible that I don't do, that maybe i should do, and alot of stuff that I do or don't do out of personal convictions. Fact is...I don't agree with...
  12. Spleefman

    Senator Joe Biden - Close Gitmo

    Persoanlly I think they should have sank the ship that took those terrorist ****s there in the first place! Sharks need food too! :o
  13. Spleefman

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    Oh boy....I might really step in a pile of my own ****, but here I go. :o As a Christian it is embarrassing to me when Christians overdraw something from the Bible when they are uncomfortable with a specific topic or practice such as homosexuality. Alot of practicing Christians "condemn" the...
  14. Spleefman

    Spleefy's Extras....

  15. Spleefman

    And another thing!

    I'm game......
  16. Spleefman

    Spleefy's Extras....

    Redneck Yacht
  17. Spleefman

    And another thing!

    Sounds interesting...I'll check it out.
  18. Spleefman

    Kerry to call for impeachment investigation

    Democrats are pretty angry alot these days. They've lost two presidential elections in a row, they haven't had control of the House of Representatives in over a decade, the Senate slipped through their fingers and voters canned Tom Daschle as they went even deeper in the electoral hole this past...
  19. Spleefman

    And another thing!

    Jesus...I think I will just stick to my "Circle of Life Theory"!
  20. Spleefman

    And another thing!

    So how in the **** did we get from people who kill people are animals to people can't be animals because animals are not like people, to animals aren't aggressive, to religion? Oh I get it....It's that ****ing Circle of Life ****....right??? :o