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  1. Gray~Gal

    Stupid female bitching

  2. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    So what i will play an age card to anyone.....YOUNGER OR OLDER And if wasnt thrown to you....stay outta the game , I assure you that YOU cant handle. Also get off 8BALL...BALLS, ok he is gonna defend me no matter what, husbands are suppose to.
  3. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    Everything she contributes smells like old diapers and clogged toilets. She is full of **** with her views which is only my opinion. She has her right to say what she wants but what do you call a person who is so WRAPPED in theirselves. She can debate but I will always be on the other side of...
  4. Gray~Gal

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    That could be the best thing for them IE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
  5. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    No I am fine with what you said you ****ing *******. If you followed the ****ing threads then you would know why i call her a child. She can use big sentences and make sure all her t and i's are crossed and dotted but she still act like a ****ing child REGARDLESS of age. If you want to get into...
  6. Gray~Gal

    So what's my verdict?

    Yeah FREEDOM OF SPEECH...But some things should be ALLOWED to say. Its ok....I can deal with her little hits here and there....She might have been a pioneer here but she still is an aggrovating teen i use teen not to be an insult.
  7. Gray~Gal

    So what's my verdict?

    Just my opinion but i think if you got idiot boxed you should be automatically uneligable for MOD because your a ****ING IDIOT. No one like that should have extra **** especially any sort of power. Why is there a box if THEY STILL HAVE ADVANTAGES?
  8. Gray~Gal

    WAR! HUH! Good God, y'all!

    ONCE AGAIN.....Wait how does she say it...Another swing, another miss. Your little THREADS blow..the only reason so many respond is to tell you to get over yourself and shut the hell up.
  9. Gray~Gal

    So what's my verdict?

    I am so TIRED of seeing THREADS about Silver ****ing dragon. Does anyone really care? SD the world does not revolve around you nor will it ever.
  10. Gray~Gal

    Mix and Match

    HAHA Some ppl think ahead but let me tell you, we white women do turn into hellcats from time to time
  11. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    OK OK JUST GO AWAY....You are like a ****ing fly or gnat....
  12. Gray~Gal

    Let me know take 2!

    TOUCHE' .....Ever notice 85% of her threads are S.D. this....Who the **** CARES
  13. Gray~Gal

    ******s piss me off

    So what....People get over that dumb ****. A ****** is an ignorant person. LOOK IT UP!! If someone takes it to heart, then they themselves are probably a ******
  14. Gray~Gal

    ******s piss me off

    Another thing that ******s do and i HATE!!! Claim they all are from the "GHETTO" A lot of these dumb ****s live in the suburbs(sp, i think) and when they get there they ****in act straight cause if not their parents are gonna throw their stupid "THUG" asses out
  15. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    Sorry if i have made a mistake in my little comments. I try to make things as easy as possible for you since you seem a little ...well...I am tired of the name calling. You can call me a whore and dumb all you want child cause you see I am not neither one of those things but you....You are a...
  16. Gray~Gal

    SD and her Canadian friends

    Yeah i think ur wasting your time....Your just to
  17. Gray~Gal

    SD and her Canadian friends

    SD sent me a personal picture....I told her i dont swing that way..LOL Anyways lets guess which one is she???
  18. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    Hey SD dont be talking to me all dirty..LOL i dont swing that way. Anyways you are not worth wasting too much time on..just enough to ok i feel better
  19. Gray~Gal

    Who wear the pants..huh??

    Yeah I would still say he wears the pants but he likes getting into mine so doesnt matter much...Like i said i make a lot of the decisions....He is most of the time getting haggled with my can i do this or can we get this and finally he says do what you guess its almost...
  20. Gray~Gal

    Who wear the pants..huh??

    Hey I agree...i dont think no one should run anyone...but do you ever give your significant others more "power" or is it all up to you?