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  1. Gray~Gal

    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    You think children should be able go rent games like that where they can have sex with hookers and kill people for being on their block? Uh-NO! If a child is allowed by the parents then they (parents) need to be the one buying it for them because that means they would be responsible for it.
  2. Gray~Gal

    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    I dont think some 14 yr old need to be playing GTA...I dont care if it has M on it....mature to some isnt always right. AO just basically says only 18 and over can buy it. And things like that need to be rated higher...I dont my sister or my kids to have access to **** like that even if its a...
  3. Gray~Gal

    Free eye exam for Off Topic Forum members

    Damn you just scared the **** outta me with the ****in fart noise!
  4. Gray~Gal

    What's the biggest lesson to be learned from Hurricane Katrina?

    thanks phreak....thats what i wanted to add ;)
  5. Gray~Gal

    A Stupid Little Joke.

    HAHA yeah that could have got ya in a little bit of trouble...haha good one though
  6. Gray~Gal

    What's the biggest lesson to be learned from Hurricane Katrina?

    yeah your right, but i saw a similar poll and completely I added that last one though ;)
  7. Gray~Gal


    hey what was there 2 names?
  8. Gray~Gal

    Pictures of our members?

    well i want to thank everyone who thinks 8ball is a cutie....I cant take credit for it but I get to the satisfaction of knowing he is hot to :)
  9. Gray~Gal

    Morons Who Know It All...

    Yeah she is addicted to percoset and loratab.... she is just a feen for it too. I broke my toe and got 9 percosets and she paid me 20 dollars for one cause she had an appt. 2 days away. I think those people should have to die alone cause they make it where EVERYONE hates them
  10. Gray~Gal

    Living on the shore

    And Tizz...You expect people should drop what they are doing and give you food, water, shelter when everything around you blows away? If you know something horrible is coming you LEAVE. I understand about living off the shore..I live 50 miles from the ocean. But if there is a hurricane that is...
  11. Gray~Gal

    Should Sex in videogames be banned?

    I think the video games can have whatever they want it them as long as they are rated correctly...IT took them long enough to rate GTA San Andreas to rate them AO...ADULT ONLY! I mean mature could be 16/17 yrs least that is who they are sold to at Rhino here. But AO is what those...
  12. Gray~Gal

    Morons Who Know It All...

    OK here is the situation in our neighborhood with a bitch we all hate here. This bitch when she first meets anyone act like she'll be your best friend. Harbor you in, talk **** about exsisting neighbors and suddenly switches her tune when they are around. I for one was a complete MORON for...
  13. Gray~Gal

    What's the biggest lesson to be learned from Hurricane Katrina?

    Hmmmm what do you think?
  14. Gray~Gal

    ****ing assholes and their lack of compassion.

    I am not ignorant in the response to what she said or about suffering. I have had my own sufferings and i should have known better. I do not feel like i should have been pittied even though i pleeded (sp) for it. I learned a hard lesson i dont think people should have hand outs if they know what...
  15. Gray~Gal

    Pictures of our members?

    Well thank you...and i was tired...I had just has my son like 5 hrs before. We all were exhausted....THANKS :D
  16. Gray~Gal

    What is the point of this sub-forum?

    HAHA There aint nothing like giving the tongue a little work out if the "twig and berries" dont work
  17. Gray~Gal

    Pictures of our members?

    I for one DO NOT wanna be bashed for my If yall wanna put up a thread then go at it. And most my pictures are when i am pregnant so they all suck :(
  18. Gray~Gal

    Biblical Contradictions for AIG

    Wow...i guess muslim women dont care about sharing....I PERSONALLY AINT SHARING. I would be all over a bitch thinking she is as important to my man as i am. I couldnt do it. Are you willing to share your husband after you are married one day?
  19. Gray~Gal

    ****ing assholes and their lack of compassion.

    HAHAHA WOW....someone else sounds compassionate...LOL Hey you cant blame ignorant people...most were raised that way ;)
  20. Gray~Gal

    Pictures of our members?

    I know hes cute...are u implying that i am a cow? And if am I a cow in any means in that picture...i had just given birth?