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  1. cybacaT

    More religion!

    Lethal and Tyler Let me shine some perspective on the situation... Christians do charity work. Other than that, they're really not stepping on your turf. They teach and practice non-violence. Jews have a slightly more beligerent view, but if you don't attack them generally they won't attack...
  2. cybacaT

    What is islam?

    Sorry builder - not sure what your point is... What I'm saying is that when people are only nominally following their religion - be it christian, 7th day adventist, muslim, jew, etc - of course it makes it easier to tolerate people who leave the faith.'s not surprising that a nominal...
  3. cybacaT


    Love it!! :D :D :D My memory of Ramadan - last time I was in India the area I lived in was almost all Hindu, with the remainder mostly Christian. There were a handful of Muslims. But despite this numbers imbalance, these rude, inconsiderate, selfish people had loudspeakers pointing in...
  4. cybacaT

    More religion!

    Nah - I'll leave it to the pros. You can do life under your own power, meet every challenge under your own power - that's how I used to live. But when you have that extra power to call on...then why not use it? Makes life a hell of a lot easier! Let's see - christians consider ALL...
  5. cybacaT


    Tyler Kinda...less farming and hay though. Sure - tell them all they need to do is pray sincerely for him to reveal himself. Then wait...and he will. Hmmm...being a christian I don't usually abuse drugs or alcohol, although I am partial to the occassional red wine or bourbon... ;) One...
  6. cybacaT

    What is islam?

    Hameater Please provide more detail here...because every reference I've ever read, including Islamic or Islamic apologist websites state that Aisha/Ayesha was 6 years old when Mohammed married her...and only 9 when he had sex with her for the first time (he was 54 at that time). So if a 54...
  7. cybacaT

    I can't believe this stupid "muslim" bomber! :mad: !

    daisypapayus Not REAL Muslims? Let's see... The Bible teaches extreme non-violence - pacifism as far as you can take it. It teaches to love everyone. It teaches equality among all people. - The KK CONTRADICT these teachings by acting violently towards others, hating particular groups of...
  8. cybacaT

    More religion!

    Tyler Praying is for people who have opened their eyes and realised that God exists. They recognise the ultimate, unmatchable power that he is, and also that they can tap into that source when they need to... The bible doesn't teach that you should pray and then sit and do nothing - the lord...
  9. cybacaT


    Tyler Because I've lived in a lot of different countries and places. This has given me an appreciation for difference - ie. just because someone eats different food to me, or has different cultural clothes, listens to different music, or follows a differ version of christianity...makes no...
  10. cybacaT

    Liberal Elitists

    flamestar I agree with your pov. I think these people were accurately represented in Team America as the Film Actors Guild - they think they their vacant postulating on the world, that their hideously misinformed and ignorant opinions - somehow make the world a better place. They put...
  11. cybacaT

    I can't believe this stupid "muslim" bomber! :mad: !

    As you know AIG, you are not a real muslim. The real muslims are the ones that follow the teachings of the prophet as written in the koran. The koran teaches jihad, violence and complete intolerance of non-muslims. The reason the real muslims don't mind blowing up pretend muslims like...
  12. cybacaT

    More religion!

    Prayer is just communication. If you're a christian then you have a relationship with God. How do you think your relationship is going to go if you talk to them... Once a day for 1 minute? Once a week on a Sunday? Once a month? How about if you spoke to them constantly? You can believe in god...
  13. cybacaT


    CHRISTIANITY I think Bono once said "sometimes I think religion is the enemy of God", and there's a lot of truth to that...and I'm talking about christianity here. I've been to a lot of different Churches, and some of them are so full of man-made rituals etc that they weirded me out. I think...
  14. cybacaT

    What is islam?

    LethalFind I have a friend who has a similar world view - to him it's all just too hard and complicated. He thinks we shouldn't send troops anywhere - ever. He also doesn't think we should express opinions on any other country. He doesn't think we should offer aid to countries either...
  15. cybacaT

    Farewell Everyone

    AIG I'll second the comments that some have made here - you seem to be a reasonably intelligent girl - it's just a shame that your values, ideals and character are so corrupted by the evil religion you practice. Islami is like a satanic cult, or heroin, or a bad accident that causes serious...
  16. cybacaT

    Cats or Dogs?

    SilverDragon I think you're partially right. A vet friend described it to me like this - just about every time one of these dangerous breeds comes into the practise it's accompanied by a skinny guy wearing a tanktop and trying to look tough. You see them with their dog off the leash, and they...
  17. cybacaT

    Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

    Talk to any heroin or other hard drug addict wastoid, and there's a 99% chance they started on marijuana. It's a step into harder drugs. There was a piece on the news last night where heroin addicts are saying if they hadn't started on weed they'd have never been on the path to ruining their...
  18. cybacaT

    Cats or Dogs?

    NEGATIVES Let's see...cats eat the wildlife in Australia, all sorts of mini kangaroos, possums, native lizards, birds etc are eaten by cats, especially ferals. So I have little time for them in Australia. Dogs commit 10's of thousands of attacks on people every year - killing a few people...
  19. cybacaT

    London calling.

    AIG Firstly, no we don't believe it's "the will of God" whenever things happen. The first gift God gave to man was freewill...that's why you can choose to do good for people, or you can choose to blow people up, you can follow God, or you can follow the paedophile Mohammed with his idol Allah...
  20. cybacaT

    London calling.

    In the face of muslim attacks around the world, bombings of innocent people, beheadings of innocent people, and an ever increasing army of nut-cases... ...your response is to put up some random photos of injured or dead people? Were these taken in Iraq? Who are they photos of? What was the...