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  1. Asmodai

    Twenty Questions.

    1. Have you ever climbed to the highest point in your country of birth? -Nope 2. Have you ever lived overseas for more than 1 year? -No, sadly 3. Have you ever sung karaoke? -Yes, badly 4. Have you ever been without a shower for more than 2 weeks? -Yes, backpacking. mmm, smell...
  2. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    Thanks for using my real name, Matthew - I'll be sure to kick you in the nuts for that tomorrow. And besides, you missed the whole point. It doesn't MATTER whether or not people buy a gallon of coffee at a time - the point is they DO by coffee, and they usually pay out the ass for a...
  3. Asmodai

    what a depressing time to be alive

    That's right - two world wars would have brought your morale RIGHT up, jeep. Ancient Rome? Bah - for the time, they were even more corrupt consumer whores than we are now. I say ancient GREECE. Kickass gods, philosophy, and sodomy for all. :D
  4. Asmodai

    So much for women's rights!

    I feel this is going nowhere... But no, in the simplest terms, each country has an obligation to do whatever the **** they want. That's what they've been doing, UN or no. Genocide, gender-biased laws... they're going on everywhere, and the UN hasn't done anything about it. We're only caring...
  5. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    Yeah, second thread in one day, but this has been pissing me off for a while. I'm going to wring the neck of the next person who complains about gas prices being 'much too high'. Gasoline, actually, is one of the cheapest liquids you can buy. Think about it. A gallon of water at the grocery...
  6. Asmodai

    Who Wants To Be A Moderator ?

    I know I haven't been on lately at all, but I'll... casually give it a shot, I suppose. Though, I tend to be "in the middle" too much to count as really having a lot of character, eh?
  7. Asmodai

    So much for women's rights!

    At least it's SUPPOSED to be as important to the world as the constitution is to the US. As far as I see it, the UN is dying. It's sad, and the universal human rights would be a nice idea if we could get it together that much, but we CAN'T. The only reason we made the UN, and the league of...
  8. Asmodai

    Way to go Brits!

    Back on the topic of the British... Good job for them for kicking out 'hateful' people. Now they just have to do the same to NON foreigners, and the country will be perfect. I doubt it'd work for america, though. Our country's too physically large, and we're too big on nitpicking to agree on...
  9. Asmodai

    What's the worst genre of music?

    New country, new rap/hiphop ****. They make me want to go get killed, seriously.
  10. Asmodai

    So much for women's rights!

    I personally don't think any document can really set down a complete truth, so I don't really feel too strongly about it. I can see how people who follow the major religions can fall into trusting laws/documents/bills, though. The UN is a nice idea, but when has it ever really done anything...
  11. Asmodai

    Men - how many of you are in the closet?

    Aw, don't be so hard on leasbians/bisexual girls. Okay, a huge portion of them only do it to piss guys off or to get one a 'girls gone wild' video, but there ARE quite a few who just naturally like girls better. And usually men would claw their eyes out if they had to watch them have sex...
  12. Asmodai

    The school yard bully

    One small flaw in this analogy - I should really, really hope entire countries of competent adults would have more sense than small children. But then again, they probably don't.
  13. Asmodai

    So much for women's rights!

    That's true - if the UN doesn't want them doing it, they shouldn't let them in, but on a wider level, there isn't really anything one culture can do about the decisions of another. They're different - if they weren't they wouldn't be seperate cultures.
  14. Asmodai

    ******s attack soldiers.

    I usually don't suggest the oh so common theory of "Take all the ___, put them on an island, and nuke it", but if we could eliminate every single '******', I think the world would be a much better place. And it's not just the soldiers - though only a serious asshole would attack someone just...
  15. Asmodai

    So much for women's rights!

    I do agree that the Sharia laws are pretty ****ed up, from a modern western cultural standpoint, but I really don't think we can or should do anything about it. I didn't even think it was a very good idea to try and get the Iraqis to set up a democratic government... and we can all see how well...
  16. Asmodai

    Too many stereotypes at once

    I don't have a valid reason to be pissed off about this, but I actually screamed and upset my family when I saw this on tv. They were blaring Rob Zombie music at a nascar race. It made my brain trickle out my ear, trying to get away from the horror. Nascar dads have their place. They listen to...
  17. Asmodai

    Real Heros of the war

    Well, you can all start eating my heart too, but I rather agree with her. I wouldn't say it so... harshly, but I think she has a point. I think that a soldier can be a hero as much as any other person can. But just because you're a soldier and you die does NOT make you a 'fallen hero'...
  18. Asmodai

    What if God and Satan, made up after all these years ??

    Hmn, Satan and Jesus together.. I'm getting a thought. If you REALLY wanted to piss people off with a new cult, just say that the two have been secretly dating all along. Or maybe not a religion, just a hit TV show. "It could be a whole series.... with MANY complaints."
  19. Asmodai

    Lookin for some good Music type-shite.

    Alright, here's some of my favorites for when you're feeling strange... Nightwish - They're from... finland, I think? Sort of like a harder-rocking evanescence, by the sound of the lady's vocals. E Nomine - German band. A lot of snarling and chanting... Like a mix of rock, techno, and...
  20. Asmodai

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I'm actually pretty fond of the avatar for now - changed the profile pic. XD