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  1. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Read the whole ****ing post http://Off Topic from 1 to 22
  2. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    I looked up Christiania on Google and it is a commune that attempted to establish its own government outside of the Holland government, kind of like a self appointed sovereign reservation. It sounded like a commune located in a village that held meetings for popular consent on rules for the...
  3. Crispy Critter

    The ten comandments and govt

    That pretty much sums it up. It isn't over and the lawyers will continue to litigate unless an elected majority enacts constitutional law defining the issue. I say let the governed create law through their representatives, constitutional law and if the Supreme Court has a problem with the...
  4. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Ethnocentrism is the basis for America
  5. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Then write your own history if we don't want to review references with credentials. The way I wrote it is the way I see it. We were white supermist and now half of America wants to suck the world's dick. We evolved from the superior thing but if we don't get off our knees someone will put us...
  6. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Speed reader.
  7. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    In the beginning people evolved from apes, the fit of the fittest survived and the rest of the apes were only fit to be apes and eat bugs from other apes. Then there were plenty of bananas so there was peace, then a banana shortage caused the humans to compete for food. So humans would kill...
  8. Crispy Critter

    America turns on Bush over Iraq

    I honestly from the heart hope Bush can make the point tomorrow evening. The withdraw of troops is a wish list that means the light is at the end of the tunel. The American election was a basis for more attacks on Americans as screaming Dean, Dennis K. with their departments of peace and Kerry...
  9. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Ummm I don't know what enthnology is and my cheezy microsoft kid's encyclopedia doesn't either. I studied in college too but I sitll don't know what to make of enthnology. Sorry to refer you guys to a reference for my stated opinion. I pretty much base my opinion on things I read and learned...
  10. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Jhony5 and tizz Check out Encarta Encyclopedia, key in find Anthropology then read sub section IX, C., 1. Evolutionary Theory & 2. Anthropological Evolutionary Theories And Tizz you read 3. Cultural Evolution, Colonialism, and Social Darwinism Jhony 5 I answered two posts in my last post...
  11. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Perhaps a little strong saying evil but barbarian would fit nicely. Anthropologists have studied people in places not in contact with the outside world and that is why I conclude they would be barbarians. If everyone in a new generation would stop believing in god the world would not instantly...
  12. Crispy Critter

    America turns on Bush over Iraq

    I think America has a choice to suck Sunni's dick or suck China's dick. If we don't do this right we will be fighting with China and if they win the American flag and America we know will be no more. They are getting ready!
  13. Crispy Critter

    America turns on Bush over Iraq

    So where do you stand? Cut and run? Suck a Sunni's dick and hope one of the clerics that send him the car bombers will not send them here on Iraqi oil if a Sunni terrorist back regeime is installed? What the **** would you do? I will wait to hear what Bush says tuesday evening and see if...
  14. Crispy Critter

    Life liberty and teh persuit of...what was it again?

    Well dude the judges are in our government and Bush hasn't appointed one of them YET! Tizz, your comment is a good thread starter: Next it will be wether or not Oregon has the right to allow for assisted suicide. It is debateable! Next it will be wether gays will be able to serve in the military!
  15. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    I said
  16. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    There is still much unknown to science... I started a thread someplace on this site about good and evil... maybe it has relevance since in science positives and negatives are the norm and we kind of like the norm of electricity and automobiles and so on that work on the theory of positive and...
  17. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Are you strong enough to do #11 in a manual for living? That seems to be a true test to your or anyones strength...
  18. Crispy Critter

    Islamic cowards attack women.

    They remind me of Southern Baptist and the KKK my way or the highway. Department of peace isn't the answer since there isn't logic involved but giving them victory is definitely not a choice!
  19. Crispy Critter

    Islamic cowards attack women.

    You can go to debate web site after site and confirm what Karl Rove said about liberals... Ever since Vietnam the anti war liberals will put body counts on the bottom of their post as though when the price gets to a certain level the action is wrong and it
  20. Crispy Critter

    Sex as a weapon

    Dating in America is sex as a tool if not a weapon. When I was young it was first, second, third base and home run with girls. In most cases it was so choreographed I thought it was according to how much money I spent on dates as progress of getting the prize seemed to be tied directly tied to...