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  1. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Jersey sucks? I really liked Jersey but I was a hayseed import from WV. I learned quickly from an Italian guy to go to Newark and stand on the corner and ask every girl that came by if they want to ****? Get slapped a couple times, ignored 700 times and then that one would say yes! I liked...
  2. Crispy Critter

    Youngans showing skin...etc.

    Ninety five percent of fads are based totally on capitalism. Young people are the absolute most vulnerable to fads because of necessity to fit in. When parents accept the capitalism image for a minor I tend to question the maturity of the parent? We survived the mini skirt, burning of bras...
  3. Crispy Critter

    If You are 30 or'll dig this!

    My daddy said commodies were for ******s and white trash but when I was 16 dad went under the knife and worse yet he had leased a dairy farm and my brother and I did the deal getting up at 4:00 to milk the cows...clean up and off to school... home from school milk the cows. Summer break more...
  4. Crispy Critter

    If You are 30 or'll dig this!

    Damn did all that but sucker tobacco, you guys must have been rich or had contacts to have a tobacco allotment. My mom used to tell me and my brother go cut me a keen switch and we would always crack it so it would break fast and she whould smack us all the while saying wait till your daddy...
  5. Crispy Critter

    Clean Sweep for Michael Jackson!

    Me too! But I really wanted to see what the umbrella guy would do... Imagine being a clerk at the unemployment office and in walks "umbrella man!" Experience, expected wage... Well CA has a state bird, flower why not a state "it?" The illusive shaded one, high moral standard, non alcohol...
  6. Crispy Critter

    What do you know about SATAN...

    I asked the source, my wife who knows. Satan was a fallen angel after Michael and Gabriel got pissed at him for trying a coop to take over god's place they tripped him causes him to be a fallen angel. Since he has been the negative to the positive as in magnetism or as the conduction as heat...
  7. Crispy Critter

    Join in the phobia

    Everyone needs to listen to Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell album really loud...several times.
  8. Crispy Critter

    A test for birth control

    Damn you're good and fast too! I thought I would have to give hints. The Comstock Act actually made it a punishment of up to five years at hard labor to sell birth control items through the mail. Over 2500 people were convicted and served the time. Congress appointed former Union General...
  9. Crispy Critter

    A test for birth control

    In what year did it become legal for a single American man or woman to buy rubbers, the pill or any kind of birthcontrol device?
  10. Crispy Critter

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Sonnyathesweethart Tell preakness you have small hands. It's really quite simple and if I share this very private and personal thought with you will you please relaease your hostilities? Anyway let me try and not cry... My long-passed grandmother's birthday is coming up, and for me it is...
  11. Crispy Critter

    Spleefy's Extras....

    Your not saying, if I told you to get some KY jelly and a 60W lightbulb and advised that good ideas are acutally in your ass you would follow instructions, are you? I guess I got to check out the cow...
  12. Crispy Critter

    Spleefy's Extras....

    It's true I'm a hayseed but I didn't have the cows stump boke to back up to the stumps. I just didn't scrol pasts the chick and didn't know a cow was on the page. Now I ponder have you had occasion to stump break cows???
  13. Crispy Critter

    Spleefy's Extras....

    Imagine the smooth ride on this model. You must scroll down to see the ride We're talking a lot of bounce to the ounce on this model.
  14. Crispy Critter

    Spleefy's Extras....

    Add an umbrella or awning and that would make a great PR patrol vehicle. My wife always bitches the cops ride around in the cop cars without seat belts then pull you over for not wearing belts walk up to your car with wet pants between their legs caused by a supporting ice cold sweating beer...
  15. Crispy Critter

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    So what's your position on medical marijuana? Would you support prisons that punish bad guys? Would the space program better managed by private companies? Solar power and alternative energy could be interesting? How about divorcing the government and refusing to use a SS #, pay no tax and...
  16. Crispy Critter


    Gonna run outa ass if it is that easy! A father was concerned that his daughter hadn
  17. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    The reason I brought the anthropology into the discussion was because in the study people were considered to be in a barbaric state and then evolve as they go through phases of religion. I equate barbaric equal to the pecking order in the hen house, which has about a 40% survival rate from...
  18. Crispy Critter

    Senator Joe Biden - Close Gitmo

    The Democrats are losing their minds! Jesus Christ if so then take no prisoners just kill terrorist suspects and be done with it! What kind of losing game do the liberals want America to play? Or, do I lack...
  19. Crispy Critter

    You might be a terrorist if...

    Bring it on! Why take prisoners if you can't **** with them? If they cut off heads then let them wipe their ass with the Qoran. I'd give those prisoners a ride to the big house dangling on a rope from a blackhawk and let them bob for cat fish in the oil slime rivers of their homeland. After...