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  1. M

    The bombing of Iran.

    What a sad outlook you have, superior...You keep thinking that if it helps you get through the day...
  2. M

    The muslims in Britain

    charmed I'm sure... You actually like being filthy narrow minded cretin do you? Well it takes all sorts to make a world..
  3. M

    The muslims in Britain

    So pathetic, listen to yourselves, your language is disgusting. So blind of the facts that you can do nothing but insult one another, grow up!!
  4. M

    The muslims in Britain

    Islam means submission, not peace.
  5. M

    The muslims in Britain

    Oh the language just keeps getting better and better. Pigs? Dug? And you will keep insisting I am the stupid one, well well. Your intelligence is extremely low. It is typical of your sort to engage in cursing, because you cannot understand beyond it. Btw, "mullahs and ayathollas" are from...
  6. M

    The muslims in Britain

    Yes I am a she and no I am not American. msixty, playing a violin makes you cultured does it?? Music is nonsense, it brings you no benefit. It is like a drug, it does nothing for you, I'm not impressed. rolling out a few notes of Don Giovanni with your fiddle hardly makes you a more rounded...
  7. M

    The muslims in Britain

    I do love these little chats so.. I thank Allah I am not an American. The very thought is enough to send one to bedlam. Please wash your mouth out. We shall not speak of such things again. Msixty, No you curse because you are trash, pure and simple... A bit rough shall we say, no finesse...
  8. M

    Bloody Christianity!!!

    yessssss someone was nice to me..Well well, all is right with the world..
  9. M

    The muslims in Britain

    Stolen food? Please clarify... Knowledge, you have knowledge?? Please don' t be so arrogant, knowledge is a great thing, by your own limited talk I can say in all certainty you are far from having any knowledge. So you are as stupid as I first thought, look at you swearing and cursing, no...
  10. M

    The muslims in Britain

    You cannot speak on a subject you know nothng about, you have no training in shariah, so what gives you this idea that you know anything about it? You hear the term "stoning" "flogging" etc etc and thats it, you go mad...Do you actually think that is all there is to it? Do not think of looking...
  11. M

    Bloody Christianity!!!

    He says at the top, he doesnt care, but clearly he does care otherwise why waste his time typing...
  12. M

    The muslims in Britain

    G73M Your standards are lower than Islamic law..
  13. M

    The muslims in Britain

    What laws has britain introduced to comfort immigrants and Muslim?
  14. M

    The muslims in Britain

    I'm british myself so that would be a little stupid to consider all britains as freedom restricters no? My family are non-Muslim britains and they do not restrict my freedom... I live in an area which has a low percentage of Muslims and my area is infact nearly all "white". and I love it so...
  15. M

    The muslims in Britain

    Yes I am glad you see the hate and hostility towards working class baggage, (maybe you are one? I do not know) I only wish you could see your own hate filled nonsense and evil backwards racism which makes you so blind. I do recall seeing the term "hate" in his little speech actually. In other...
  16. M

    The muslims in Britain

    It is only in the last few months that Muslims have offended you, because your to stupid to realise when your being brainwashed. You are told we ere evil, so you believe it. When was the last time a Muslim came up to you and threatened you??? Please tell me. You are a racist pure and simple...
  17. M

    Holy ****. Muslim cleric ****s up bigtime.

    Seeing you stupid comments makes me change my mind on certain things. Old world?? Interesting... People like you since the beginning have been saying and doing the same old tired things, Drinking too much, smoking, using women, the filthy act of sodomy....Generation after generation you cannot...
  18. M

    Holy ****. Muslim cleric ****s up bigtime.

    His comments were wrong, but do not for one minute blame Islam for what he said.
  19. M

    Happy Ramadan.........

    And the response is peace..
  20. M

    Happy Ramadan.........

    Ramadan Mubarak, may all the Muslims benefit from the month of mercy.