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  1. M

    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    So simple...There is no substance there at all...Just pork fat i think... Why does everything have to be about race with you rednecks? Why is Osama Bin Laden racist?
  2. M

    Mecca, Full Of Infidels

    Palestine will be given back to the Muslims, they will win, and it is not for you or I to discuss when, as we know it will happen.. And I still do not know why none of you listen... 1) The Shia ARE muslims...Some deviant (not disbelievers) So therefore allowed into Mecca. You are...
  3. M

    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    Hadith - Bukhari 4:448, Narrated Abu Talha I heard Allah's Apostle saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."
  4. M

    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    Hehehehe I am a white woman am I? I don't remember telling you that.. well well, come come, it is not so very bad as all that. The mouth didn't slip, you ARE vile, I fail to see the problem, you are what you are... And as for my family, I am sorry to tell you, but there level is above yours...
  5. M

    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    well they can marry christians of jews but there are a lot of conditions attached...
  6. M

    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    Muslim men are not allowed to marry Kafirs either...
  7. M

    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    LethalFind change the record... I don't know whoes been telling what, but Islam means submission, not peace, and there is fighting when there needs to be, there is war when there needs to be, so rest assured you will not find a flaw...However bombing people who are not engaged in war is not...
  8. M

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    This is why filthy Kafirs such as yourself are not allowed into Macca and Madina, they are protected from the scum of the earth.. Travel to the gulf states, and you will be so scared....And its very very funny watching how scared you all are of Islam...
  9. M

    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    Yes you were married to a pakistani women, therefore you must no it all... Your all brainwashed yourselves, and your going to do the same thing to your kids..You yourselves on various occasions have called Jews and christains fowl names, and then you find some article on the net and then yet...
  10. M

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    believe me, criticism of your language skills should not the main object of abhorrence to anyone. This is the last thing you need to improve, try being a human for 5 minutes, you may like it, you never know..
  11. M

    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    No whites are not vile people, that would indeed be a foolish comment to make, but then I think you ignorant of the difference between stupidity and sense. The people who stole the continent and then decided to breed more of them (i.e people like LethalFind) are vile people. Those who joke about...
  12. M

    Pin that badge on her

    Some Guy, for the last time...Burkas are worn in Afghanistan. If you want to insult someone, make sure you get the right person, and above all else, try to grow up.. Feckless wench, it was for that cretin, lethalfind...Who likes to find fault with all but her redneck self...
  13. M

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    tomaust... Do not bother with them....No wonder everyone in the UK laughs at them...
  14. M

    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    LithalFind, why dont you go home..America is not yours anyway, your vile people stole it!
  15. M

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Burkas are worn in Afghanistan... Well, all I can say is, I hope you begin to think about your death. One thing is certain, when you do, you will be in for a great shock. And I am truly sorry that you hate most of the world. Its a shame for you not them, since you are the ones suffering so...
  16. M

    Mecca, Full Of Infidels

    Do you ever listen of are you death and blind... It has already been explained to you that you are not allowed to question another persons Islam, if they tell you they are Muslims you cannot ask them anymore.... Unless you see an action from them which takes them outside of Islam then you cant...
  17. M

    Pin that badge on her

    Yes you should face up to it, instead of blaming everyone else for your problems...
  18. M

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    Well you said it...You are stupid
  19. M

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    No Muslim is asking to sleep with you are they?? You don't have that option so therefore the only other option for you is to be stoned, if you want to have it done then go ahead, ask your friends and family to do it for you, I doubt anyone would miss you...
  20. M

    Mecca, Full Of Infidels

    What are you so scared of? Why do you think Mecca has not been blown up? Because you can't, it is protected against that, Allah has promised to protect it and no matter what you do you can't...Try it and you will see what happens to you...