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  1. F

    Bring Back The Lunatic Asylum!

    I was about to start a thread on schizophrenia - but I'm in two minds about it. Cheers!
  2. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    But that's just some academic's crackpot theory, right? Steady as she goes. Cheers! So, what would it take for you to divorce your cat, dog, budgie or crocodile? I'm dying for the answer. Cheers!
  3. F

    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    I still think we're both singing off the same hymn page about Sydney being the ultimate gig for Poofter's Paradise, though - driving along Oxford St, just don't get rear-ended. Cheers!
  4. F

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    builder wrote: All true, Builder, but slightly off target. No one has objected to feeding an infant. It's the way it's done that's the issue. I'd like to see some brats forcefed with a funnel, because that's my version of 'touchie feelie', but not many see it my way. Read Manicmonday & Angie's...
  5. F

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    Christ, girls! What's gone wrong? - civilised behaviour - courtesy - consideration - this is outrageous & unheard of here in Oz. But then, since the place was started as a maximum security prison and nothing much has changed in the interim, it's no surprise the inmates are just as feral now as...
  6. F

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    Only if she's out of vanilla. Cheers!
  7. F

    Bring Back The Lunatic Asylum!

    What a boring pack of lifeless, whining pedestrian nerds we've all become. What has the place come to that you can no longer get a decent day's entertainment out of mental illness, or a public execution? Does everything have to be so damned predictable? Not all capital punishment was a dreary...
  8. F

    Public Breastfeeding - A Malicious Act?

    She swans into a public gathering [insert facility, restaurant, etc] arranges the props and starts the ritual. She makes no secret of the fact that the "Public Breastfeeding Performance" is in take-off mode and the obsessively defiant body language is: "I dare you to criticise me or even look...
  9. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    Which simply illustrates one of life's ironies in the guise of women's attachments. I have heard of many, many women ditching their husbands in the most brutal ways - but I've yet to hear of one divorcing her cat or dog - no matter how vicious, selfish or spiteful (the animal) might have been...
  10. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    Everything you say is sad but true. To highlight the point, just observe the way some kids are treated after another kid is gone - say, two brothers & one gets run down & killed in an auto accident. The treatment of the surviving brother (or sister) will be visibly altered with all manner of...
  11. F

    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    builder wrote: Paedophiles swell the ranks and orifices of EVERY state, territory and city and town and street. I have yet to see one that isn't a poof or a weirdo of some description. No mystery - remember that Al Capone & his mob always dressed to kill & went to church too. Pauline Hanson...
  12. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    Are you entirely MAD Sir!? Are you suggesting we suspend our most important source of journalists & lawyers? How dare you! I shall meet you by the misty tree at sunrise with my seconds. Aaaaawwwwwooooooooooo!
  13. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    builder wrote: All quite factual, but not in line with the spirit of my thread. Of course the clone would be a different creature (like a twin of the original) and would have its own plumbing & wiring - no argument there. The big question is why would someone bother to go to such ostensibly...
  14. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    phreakwars wrote: All of course based on the rather quaint assumption that everyone else sees things the way we do. A quick glance at the Elvis Industry soon assures us that religious states & figures are a pretty widespread hobby. Elvis relics are traded like Jesus relics, except there's more...
  15. F

    Photography Is A Religion

    Thanx, PW most fair - I'm used to the whingers complaining that my gear is TOO damned original & they can't handle it. As an old hand, I'm proud to say you run a tight, but clean ship - also check out the replies I'm getting. Great, heartwarming stuff. Cheers!
  16. F

    Photography Is A Religion

    Hi, PW! No mystery, mate, because I'm from that grand old tradition of real live public (usually parliamentary style) debating where you actually think about and assemble your case well, because you can expect a counterattack from all angles. I can assure you that anything I post is all my own...
  17. F

    The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms

    Lethalfind wrote: Quite so, LF - I wish there was that option here in Oz. The judges have all gone to 'Handwringing' college and passed with flying colours. The 'justice' industry is a sham & a joke. I'm wondering what it takes to actually land in the slammer here, because the crims seem to...
  18. F

    The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms

    Phantom wrote: I get where you're going. In 'Judge Judy' type cases the term is 'On the balance of probabilities', not as rigorous as "Beyond reasonable doubt" for the nastier stuff. But the piece of the jigsaw I'm looking at is the absence of an escape hatch by way of 'the grand fairy tale' if...
  19. F

    The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms

    The silly, trivial nonsense is usually handed over to the tried and serious professionals such as judges and senior counsel - usually jaywalking, parking tickets, neighbourhood squabbles & such. The really serious, life altering material, like murder, mayhem, life shattering criminality & the...
  20. F

    The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms

    Phantom wrote: No, mate. It's the lawyers (who originally got paid by the word - see where I'm heading?) that are the bone in the throat. I can't see why some accountants and insurance agents (who know the price of everything & the value of nothing) shouldn't be the dreary drones to do the...