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  1. F

    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    I had an accountant & a folksinger that I felt the same way about - I feel your pain. Cheers!
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    Photography Is A Religion

    In today's world, religion has a reputation. But what sort of reputation is it? The short answer is that religion has come to represent all that is banal, pretentious and hypocritical. Few will have a bar of it. People will go to a concert to have a good time. If they go to a church at all, it...
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    The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms

    The only reason that a jury is still used in this 21st techno saturated century is that after the trial, no one is held accountable. It is a convenient way to clean the slate and wash one's hands of any moral responsibility. I refer to the jurors as legal condoms because they are used in a...
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    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    How often have we witnessed, helplessly, the heart-wrenching situation where someone
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    Fat People Are Bad People

    Ahhlee wrote: What the hell is WRONG with you Americans? An APOLOGY! - for ANYTHING? Outrageous! They can't even spell the word over here. Thanx, mate, it cheers me up no end to get some civilised to-ing & fro-ing. I just love this forum after the last jackbooted gulag I was in where you got...
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    Hitler - A Jewish War Hero?

    Hi, NN! You got it in one, chum. Nice work.Tick all your boxes & then some. I am an accredited and recorded folklorist & storyteller with the National Archive in Canberra, and it happens that I have studied many cultures through their formal as well as informal folkklore and their histories. It...
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    Once A Crim Always A Crim

    Lovely post mate, great stuff. You've got the knack of nailing the important bits & more power to thee.But let me go a bit deeper. I got just as many laughs out of the Hippies as any red blooded bloke could, and I certainly didn't go and live in Queensland or join a dope ring. The fulcrum of my...
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    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    Jhony5 wropte: You intellectuals just don't know when to stop bragging, do you? Such envy! Cheers!
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    "Racism?" - There's No Such Thing!

    Beautiful & elegant work here, J5. You've definitely got the gift, like Nazz Negg.I think this passage should be force fed to every feminist & PC geek in squabbling distance. The rider I would tag on here, though, is that the race (criticism) card gets played even in games where it definitely...
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    Fat People Are Bad People

    Ahhlee wrote: Maybe you were reading someone else's post to come to such a silly conclusion. I shall repeat my original observation - I do NOT drink because I DON'T LIKE IT! Anything ambiguous about that? It just doesn't work on me. Booze & I just NEVER got along. I have suffered all my life...
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    Hitler - A Jewish War Hero?

    Most conspiracies are
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    Fat People Are Bad People

    Ahhlee wrote: Lovely, sharp bit of thinking there, AH - I like the cut of yer jib (International Talk Like A Pirate Day starts tomorrow - What it does of course, is present us with the dilemma - are humans but mere animals best left to chew the cud whilst awaiting the trip to...
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    "Shakespeare?" - No Such Author!

    NazzNegg wrote: Well, I love you too, but Jeez, let's be a bit more subtle about it. As my chessnut mate once said: "Things have a tendency to be the way they are". Cheers!
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    Once A Crim Always A Crim

    NazzNegg wrote:
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    Fat People Are Bad People

    In principle, it works like this. I had a friend - a big, like really big fat bearded folksinger (now gone to the great fat farm in the sky, why was no one surprised & amazed?) who was enough in belly & arm to make any Sumo wrestler look like a matchstick. I said to him "Dave, if a bunch of food...
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    Fat People Are Bad People

    Fat chance of that. Skinny latte, please. Cheers!
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    "Shakespeare?" - No Such Author!

    Mate, as usual, brilliant work - give yourself another PhD in solid good sense. Translate your thesis to other lands and other political enclaves and there's no more mystery as to who loves the best forms of bastardry where. Cheers!
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    "Racism?" - There's No Such Thing!

    Jhony5 wrote: . All nice, warm & fuzzy stuff, mate, but my whole emphasis leans on the fact that if you scour all media before about 1960, you won't find any popular currency for the word, which, as I pointed out is an abstract noun and means nothing objectively. Then, like the change in meaning...
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    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    Jhony5 wrote: Y'all almost got that one - see, I reckon we should have a THIRD ANZAC day celebration (war heroes' "yippee" day). We aligned ourselves with a top ranking world power (England) in 1915 and got done like a dog's dinner by a 10th rate mob (Turkey). Then we did it again in...
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    To Worship Evil

    What's this NAY! business? - International Talk Like A Pirate Day isn't till TOMORROW, Landlubber! - Cheers!