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  1. Q

    How long will we let the oil companies SHAFT us?

    Have you ever thought what is going to happen when the all the oil is gone? We use it like its a never ending source, but its days are numbered and if something is not done to find a new source of cheap clean power the world in a hole will be screwed. You have to wonder if that is what's...
  2. Q

    Facism anyone?

    To say Hitler was not a catholic is perhaps one of the most misguilded pieces of crap you have said so far, even though Hilter turned his back on christianity in his later years, he was raised as a catholic, his views on anti-Semitism are based in catholic doctrine and were the basis for his...
  3. Q

    chick flicks, stop the pain

    bah! But the programs that does my head in above all else is "The Gilmore Girls" who ever thought this up should be made to suffer, it is the without doubt the biggest load of crap I have ever had to sit through, after an hour of listening to them prattle on about nothing much at all, I feel...
  4. Q

    Speak English if you have a job talking on the phone in America!

    Is australia if you right up information, you are transfered to a call center in India. They have tough them to speak with an australian accent and taught them about our cultural idiocies, I don't know what is more disturbing :confused:
  5. Q

    Facism anyone?

    doh sorry type I meant 1984 :P As to the godless commie 101 quote, bite me Religion and democracy do not go hand in hand, even though the bible bashes would like the world to think so. Hitler and Mussolini were good little catholics, so I guess if they repented for there sins they would be on...
  6. Q

    Facism anyone?

    Agreed, in a state of war the need for security is greater than the need for freedom of speach, during ww2 the allied nations basically became dictatorships, after the war they reverted to democratic rule. I think the worse thing that could happen in regards to any war and I will use the war on...
  7. Q

    emo ****heads

    Its hard to know why someone feels like they do, but waking up feeling alone and disolutioned is a common modern complaint and is one of the symptoms of depression, a metal illness that is growing in western sociaty. Depression is treatable, but only when the sufferer admits they have a problem...
  8. Q

    Hamas has won Palestine elections!!

    lol Sorry must be an australia thing, friend in a sentence turns it into an insult, my bad :p
  9. Q

    Hamas has won Palestine elections!!

    lol I hope not He started it by calling me "naive" I thought moron was apt, oh sorry I forgot Mr. Moron ROFL :D
  10. Q

    Hamas has won Palestine elections!!

    Can't she is dead :P Mr Moron :D
  11. Q

    Facism anyone?

    it was closer to 6 mil, around 5,709,329
  12. Q

    Facism anyone?

    not just the bigger stick, it has to be the right person Hitler was without doubt one of the best if not the best public speakers the world has ever know, it takes someone with charisma to brain wash the masses, anyone can tell a croud what they want to here, but a true facist can sell it. Mind...
  13. Q

    Facism anyone?

    Also one of the key goals of facism is the erosion of the idividual and the rights of the idividual, there right to question the state and to voice there opposition to the policies of the state. It is possible and highly likely we will see the rise of another facist idologically centers...
  14. Q

    Hamas has won Palestine elections!!

    Naive? god damn you're a moron
  15. Q

    White People

    racism exists in all forum and is not just a white mans disease. I'm white, I live australia and have been the victim of racial slures by asians, middle easterns and aboriginals, these have ranged from minor insults to threat to life. Racisim in what ever form is pathetic, its base and is the...
  16. Q

    Hamas has won Palestine elections!!

    FFS what are these people thinking, lets elect terrorists to run the country! I wonder is Hamas has worked it out yet, but if they still sponsor suicied bombers to attack israel it will be a state sanctioned attack and there for an act of war. The Palestinian people didn't just damage the...
  17. Q

    Making out at the gym

    it could have been worse, it could have been to men lol
  18. Q

    chick flicks, stop the pain

    I agree with you the rocky horror picture show is the best musical made, when I said I hate musicals I was commenting on the doris day, debbie reynolds type of clap trap. :)
  19. Q

    chick flicks, stop the pain

    rofl what can I say but :eek:
  20. Q

    chick flicks, stop the pain

    Chick flicks, you know the ones, the type of movie that makes every male on earth wish he could hide in the deep dark hole til its over, movies that spend two hours talking about issues and feelings, and relationships, with no real story, with names like "The bridges of madison county", "you've...