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  1. Led_Zep_Sx

    Columbus-another stoplight

    Sorry but phreakwars knows what I'm talking about.
  2. Led_Zep_Sx

    Columbus-another stoplight

    Well sorry for bothering you with the job...I have a great job now by the way. And in my defense it was not an old lady it was a WT fatass bitch in her 30's heading to the pizza hut buffet with 7 of her kids. She was trailing behind cuz it looked as though that was the first time she had walked...
  3. Led_Zep_Sx

    Columbus-another stoplight

    Ever notice when you go down 23rd that if your in front of the pack and you have to stop for one stop light you will hit them all. Unless you speed up to like 60 you will not make it...this pisses me off.
  4. Led_Zep_Sx

    Anyone read the columbus telegram xmas article.

    I think this was on the front page. Woman is pissed off that Wal-Mart says happy holidays to greet customers instead of Merry Christmas. Who gives a ****, I wish they wouldn't say anything. I don't even see how this makes it in the newspaper let alone the front ****ing page.
  5. Led_Zep_Sx

    Car Insurance

    AHAHAHAHAH oh man that made my day. About 80% of those ho's are talking on their cell phones at any given time as well. THAT IS A FACT...My sister is 22 and I'm 20 she has full coverage and I have the bare minimum and hers is still cheaper. Her car is newer too and she's had an accident!!! I...
  6. Led_Zep_Sx


    What the **** happened to our Columbus boards. Why and who locked it? Where those dumb bitches bashing WT too much or what cuz that's ****ed up. They were ruining all the good topics and talking about **** that doesn't even matter...ohhhh I'm pissed. Is the board gonna be unlocked or do you even...
  7. Led_Zep_Sx

    Christmas shopping

    I'm not buying anyone anything. Not because I'm selfish I just don't choose to celebrate it.
  8. Led_Zep_Sx

    Nebraska vs. Colorado

    I don't know how many of you are a fan of sports or even college football but the fans were ****ing rediculous. They had to stop the game for like 15 minutes cuz of the jackass fans throwing bottles and **** on the field. The announcer was saying they were idiots and everything which was pretty...
  9. Led_Zep_Sx

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    Think about it dip****!!! Some people use 1-2 gallons of gas a day on average. Some use less and some use a lot more. Do you buy a gallon of starbuck's coffee every day and do you have to have it in order to go to work or buy groceries? No, its not so hard to pay a dollar or whatever a small...
  10. Led_Zep_Sx

    Teachers that don't do their jobs

    I also had that teacher who said to "look busy". He made us read these books and he said to write a report about it when your finished. Which wasn't so bad till I finished all the books and did my best to write a good report and found out that some people didn't even finish half the books by the...
  11. Led_Zep_Sx

    10 games for steriods and 6 for....
  12. Led_Zep_Sx

    People who STEAL tips piss me off

    ahh the restaurant jobs...they all suck and are usually unfair. when you have managers who **** you over constantly you have to do the same. if the waitresses don't have to guts to all at once confront her then you have to do what i did and get as many people to quit at one time. it will really...
  13. Led_Zep_Sx

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    That was a pretty ignorant post. Everyone I know loves me including smokers. Except those I make fun of, they only hate me cuz I hate them. So your stupid.
  14. Led_Zep_Sx

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    If it's dangerous or hazardous to anyone else's health other than your own then it's a problem. This post is so old I'm not even pissed off about it anymore...
  15. Led_Zep_Sx

    Youngans showing skin...etc.

    I sure as hell don't blame them. They don't hear about the good people in this country..if there are any left, but I can't say I agree with some of the things they do either.
  16. Led_Zep_Sx

    Youngans showing skin...etc.

    Anyone noticed the future sluts of American yet? Some of these girls I seen around are wearing little to nothing. You can see em in restaurants, wal-mart or hy-vee for that matter. And my god is it getting sick. Some of these girls can be 10 or 12. I mean most of them can't even physically have...
  17. Led_Zep_Sx

    What do you know about SATAN...

    Well the bible explains who satan is. I do not remember it all though. I know he was an angel and I think his name was Gabriel. I think he betrayed God or did something wrong. Don't really remember.
  18. Led_Zep_Sx

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    Yea I meant I hate smoking, but I do hate some smokers. Oh and he was just stereotyping about the reject thing.
  19. Led_Zep_Sx

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    That was real ****ing original you fag. I hate what they do, anyways. Maybe you should read the post again.
  20. Led_Zep_Sx

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    Well I have various qualifications....even though I work at a pizza place in town and phreakwars likes to poke fun I really don't care. I'm only 20 and it's a least I'm surviving on my own. Also the highest paid employee besides the managers. I've done some carpentry and maintenance...