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  1. C

    Social Expectations

    Thats true. LIfe isn't always ideal...but I was personally never in a situation that made it impossible for me to step away and feed my child, or simply cover my shoulder(and breast)with the blanket to afford both of us a little privacy. Covering the baby's head with a blanket also stopped my...
  2. C

    Social Expectations

    Actually, doesn't offend me. I feel it is inappropriate, but not offensive. Yes, I breastfed my son, and I had the sense to do it in privacy. I didn't consider feeding my child an interruption of my life. I considered it a necessary part of my day, and I worked my schedule around...
  3. C

    Idiot parents

    I had to call CPS over the weekend. My neighbor is ****ing up her children, and it is pissing me off. Her young son came down the steps bragging to my kid that he was drinking whiskey and beer with his mom.(Kid is 10 years old!) Kid thinks Mom is the greatest ever...totally cool and all. Mom...
  4. C

    Social Expectations

    It makes me feel bad for the baby. Yes, the mom is feeding her child, but she isn't willing(apparently) to take the time to sit down somewhere, and allow the child to eat in peace. Multitasking is great, but there is an appropriate time and place for it. If your child is hungry, and it is time...
  5. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    That's going to have to wait until I have a way to get a picture online. Sorry....all I have right now is my laptop.
  6. C

    Social Expectations

    Exactly how am I supposed to turn my head and not look, when I am at work, standing at the checkout counter, and the woman I am checking out is nursing her child while paying for her purchase. If I turn from her, I can't do my JOB. I am simply saying there are appropriate times and appropriate...
  7. C

    Social Expectations

    The one that is baffling to me is the public breastfeeding. Yes, the baby needs to eat, and yes, it is a natural thing, but if you are out in public, walking around a mall shopping, or doing a place where there are a LOT of people miiling around, whats wrong with sitting down for a...
  8. C

    Your fired you lazy piece of ****.

    This is one of the reasons that I have resisted becoming management at "my" store. I see how inept so many of the people that work there(especially the evening shift! Why IS that?)are, and I would go crazy trying to manage these people. To have to be held responsible for their mistakes would...
  9. C

    I love Lyrics!

    I don't have the patience(frankly) to go through the whole list here right now, and see what has already been played, but the following is one of my all time favorites... Into the distance, a ribbon of black Stretched to the point of no turning back A flight of fancy on a windswept field...
  10. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I haven't vanished...just busy as hell. Got a 7 day workweek this week, plus babysitting at nights. That, plus trying to get my kid to do his homework. Nice to meet all of you. I will try to come in as often as possible. Probably won't be every day though. Oh, and about the "putting out"...
  11. C

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hello. I love places like this. Found this place while surfing around, and thought I might check it out. I'm a 32 year old single mom, busier than I have ever been lately..but loving it. I hate sitting idle, when there is always so much to do. Trying to teach myself how to relax a little bit...