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  1. hyperdevil8

    Gay Ass Names

    while were on the racial subject...why is it that when a women gets pregnant, they get to go on medicaid and/or welfare. they stay on it for about 6 months after they have the baby, but, in the 5th month, they puorposely get pregnant again...that, is a lazy piece of ****...but, then again, white...
  2. hyperdevil8

    I hate smokers!!!!!!

    So you hate smokers huh...Well, I hate people like you that hate people just because of one thing that they do. You know what, I bet you are the type of guy that would **** a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common curtesy to give em a reacharound. You ****!!!!
  3. hyperdevil8


    I didn't know that you were a mod. Was this a recent change because I really did not know that you were a mod. Ehhh, who cares, its all fun and games anyways right?
  4. hyperdevil8


    Shut the **** up, I didn't ask you for your stupid ass remarks...This is a debate site, not a ****ing AOL Instant Messaging system. You want to talk to me about that ****, then ****in E-mail me. BIOTCH
  5. hyperdevil8


    We got caught one time...But they let us off...That was some hott ****...Man Kyle, we've been chillin only for a little while, and we get in trouble all the time. ****, I don't think you really got in trouble that much this year until you started chillin with me...Right...
  6. hyperdevil8


    **** You!!! You'll be back...You always go back...
  7. hyperdevil8


    Good for you, man, you can tell he's bored in ISS when he starts complementing on stupid ****ing pictures of computers.
  8. hyperdevil8


    Ok...Lets get one fack straight...My mom is about 300 lbs. The fact that she stands on the corner...No...She sits...And I have a job to pay for all my things...just so you know...But no offense taken.
  9. hyperdevil8


    Daddy!!!!! I've found you!!!!!!
  10. hyperdevil8


    Nah, I'm straight on the spanish. So, how are you. Tell your mom I said HI. You ****in Idiot.
  11. hyperdevil8


    Go ahead dick ****. I'll throw you a diss in spanish so bad, your going to need to decrypt it on a spanish to english translator page. So go for it asshole.
  12. hyperdevil8


    That was corny, but then again it was funny.
  13. hyperdevil8


    Dear Rekshun, You are a ****ing raciest piece of ****. Who the **** are you to talk for anyone of any color besides your own. You say,
  14. hyperdevil8


    OK...I think I was a little off when I called myself a wigger. For 1. I'm 50% Puerto Rican 2. I don't act black, I act Puerto Rican. I actually get a really nice tan in the summer, and I don't burn. I don't know what the hell that had to do with anything, but I just felt like talking.
  15. hyperdevil8


    You know something, you are totally right, I too am glad that I stumbled upon this site, I will learn a lot from everyone on this site that will most likely help me in the real world...
  16. hyperdevil8


    ok...ok...Hes got a point with the whole sameri thing...I'll give you that...But one thing, my mom ain't no drug addict, and I'm an only child, and I grew up poor as **** all my life, so I already know what your talking about. I only recently moved to where I am, but before that, I didn't even...
  17. hyperdevil8


    Thank you, I greatly appreciate the welcome... But on some real ****, I have a really hard head, I just don't get things right, kind of like a ditz. Oh, and I'm not a ****TARD, I'm just ignorent, and in case you don't know what that means, it's "Stupid beacuse you haven't learned yet." and I...
  18. hyperdevil8

    New Members

    I totally agree with that, I think that if they do block this site in school, that it is taking away our constitutional rights. Also, I am glad that I could be here to annoy you, that makes me feel a lot better when I come onto this site.
  19. hyperdevil8


    Dude, are you a ****ing phsyco ?? Suicide might be a way out, but suicide is something that people with weak minds do. I said i was sorry because I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with people, not because I'm a *****. But all you mother ****ers are just heartless and can't see that. So...
  20. hyperdevil8


    Dear Everybody on this site, I am sorry for being a complete ass and calling myself a wigger and other stupid **** like that. I am also sorry for the comments on women that I made. In addition, I am thankful for the non-slamming of my rep points into the negatives. I am deeply sorry for the...