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  1. T


    Wow, I guess what I thought what was thinly veiled sarcasm I was delivering, wasn't so thinly veiled after all. I'm gonna have to dumb down my act a little!!! :D
  2. T


    Cheers for the support, Curt! It's nice to know that I'm not the only religious-hate-machine on here. I also appreciate the support others have given me on here as well... Curt, I wouldn't go off too much about this **** - obviously as we're newbie's here at this big ol' fraternity party, the...
  3. T


    Dude, are you truly a moderator on this board? :eek: Sorry, I didn't realize... If you don't mind me saying... I think you may have lost your passion for moderating this particular board? Perhaps it may be you just need to let off some steam on your own thread for a change instead of...
  4. T


    To cut a long story short, in my infancy I was raised with a biased opinion since birth. In hindsight... one of my parents believed in lies and the other the truth. Unfortunately, the one believing in lies chose a school for me to attend that took great liberties to expand further on these lies...
  5. T

    More religion!

    Yeah... how unoriginal of me to bore you to tears with my ranting on a subject you're sick to death reading about. My advice... don't bother reading my posts or threads... as they only seem to be upsetting you... I'll have a search of the archives though, cheers for the heads-up on that one! :)
  6. T


    You mean, am I going to actually kill someone over my beliefs??? Like a ****ing extremist? I think not! The only way that would happen is if one of these clowns actually approached me with intent of malice... in which case - it's eye for an eye. This isn't a point of view just extended to...
  7. T

    Is sexuality a form of discrimation?

    'I don't see what's so gay about having a 6 inch penis rammed up your arse? It certainly wouldn't make me happy!' (copyright, Bernard Manning). I have to agree with this statement, purely because I'm male & attracted only to females. I can totally understand why there are people who are...
  8. T

    More religion!

    I may not have asked to be here - but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and restrict my life to only fantasy while I AM here! I intend to use everything at my disposal to make my life as 'full and comfortable' as possible until the day my physical body turns to dust. I also won't be...
  9. T


    Ahhhh... you're a film fan too - how observant of you! 10/10 and 12 gold stars!!! :D I never 'claimed' to be original - I'm only one of millions of people in this world. When a quote is worth using, it's worth using well... it doesn't matter where it comes from... only that it has the desired...
  10. T

    More religion!

    I KNOW they don't... but if they did, then that's their ****ing problem... NOT MINE! I didn't ask to come here. As far as I'm concerned, if they did feel embarassed, it's their ****ing fault for playing equal part in my creation...
  11. T


    Yeah, you have misplaced sorrow here for sure! There's a vast world of difference between a couple of girls knocking your door to sell cookies (which are edible, you can utilise your 5 senses to actually KNOW they exist and you can experience the pleasure of eating the cookies), I have no...
  12. T

    More religion!

    The only gods are Man-Made ones! I don't know why I'm here - but the thing is... I don't have the audacity to question why! As far as I'm concerned, I just AM. As I've realised I AM, I have absolutely no need to feel paranoid to the point I can't 'live' without having some BFG, or imaginary...
  13. T


    I ****ing hate jehovah's witnesses! If they weren't so dangerous they'd be funny! Don't you just hate it when you've been working hard all week - out with friends on Saturday & looking forward to a nice lazy long sleep on Sunday... Sunday 7:30am ...Ding! Dong! - 'Excuse me... have you ever...
  14. T

    More religion!

    After the amount of gobshite you've spouted here in the past few days - I don't believe so. Feel free to try and convince yourself... because you sure as **** ain't convincing me! Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn! Tell me what YOU really think, and NOT what you've been brainwashed into thinking... please...
  15. T

    More religion!

    What would you know about perspective when you only think in infra-red??? I don't give a **** what your race is... when it comes down to it, it's all one big homogenized wives tale passed down through the ages and glorified as the years go by. Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy as well? What...
  16. T

    More religion!

    Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Extra power to call on!!! What the **** do you think you are? PAC-MAN... swallow an Extra Power Pill and gobble up all those big bad infidels! Hahahahahahaha!!! Like I said before, of course it's easier to delude yourself than to face things head on... I really laugh...
  17. T


    Well, if you can find freedom whilst being drowned in fantasy - I guess that's your problem. As for freewill being a gift from god? I didn't ask to come here, and I can't choose when I'm gonna leave... but one things for sure, I'll be on my feet ready to kill death when it comes for me!!! I...
  18. T

    More religion!

    Have you ever thought of a career in stand up comedy? It's YOU & I who help OURSELVES!!! Deities don't even enter the equation!!! I really find this **** hilarious... ultimate unmatchable power... tapping into the source... :D It sounds like something from a Power Rangers or Manga Animation...
  19. T


    When I say I am my own saviour. I meant it as, I look after my own life and my own mind... MY way. It has NOTHING to do with any fictional character you or your circus regurgitate verbatim from your so-called 'good book' :) god's gift to the ignorant masses indeed... :D I know I'm not...
  20. T

    More religion!

    Shite... Praying is sitting around wasting precious time 'thinking' of how you can achieve something you desire - rather than having the power of inner strength to actually physically get up and do something about it! Oh yeah... smoke a blunt... - the warcry of those who've ****ing gave up the...