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  1. Spleefman

    **** SPLEEFMAN !!!

    Attention illiterate.....I said this weekend!;)
  2. Spleefman

    **** SPLEEFMAN !!!

    Ha, Ha, ****ers are about as funny as cancer.;)
  3. Spleefman

    A Callout.....

    Good to see ya's great to see some things never change!:D ...and Hamza123...there is no comparison...sorry. Just to where you will understand where I am coming from(because you don't know me)...first and foremost I was AGAINST the Iraq War. In my opinon, after 9/11, we should...
  4. Spleefman

    Muslims in control of ports

    Yeah...I heard this morning that Republicans were extremely pissed! Somebody has the one of the Bush twins hostage or something, either that or he has lost his ****ing mind!:confused:
  5. Spleefman

    Muslims in control of ports

    I wasn't a Clinton supporter, but if Clinton would have supported this can bet that the Repubs would have strung his ass up by his testicles. I would have liked to see the response this proposal would have conjured up if it would have been mentioned in October of 2001. This thing...
  6. Spleefman

    A Callout.....'s been awhile since I was I thought I wouldn't **** around and see if I could piss off anybody REAL QUICK LIKE. Of course you've heard about the violent outrage by protesting muslims in the Middle East over a cartoon of Mohammed...with a bomb in his turban... Well...I...
  7. Spleefman

    What The ****?????

    I was starting to feel like a ******* at a family reunion.
  8. Spleefman

    What The ****?????

    http://Off Topic Jesus Christ!!!!:mad:
  9. Spleefman

    Longhorns Win!!!!!

    It's party time in Austin, Texas folks.....TEXAS LONGHORNS #1!!!!!!!
  10. Spleefman

    Pictures of our members?

    How about a Bumpercrop Christmas pic?
  11. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Uh....I would say I was touched by your sentimate...but's already sounding creepy enough!:eek:
  12. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Ah know who I am!:D Ya know ya missed me!:cool:
  13. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Yo Phreak..... Well we just got the Workstation back in our posession in October....we started redoing some of the tracks. The other day we dumped all of the material on that to our Sonar 5 system, that took about a good straight 12 hours, and we will start doing the serious **** there. It has...
  14. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Hello Jenn!!!!! No IP...I tried to call Jeff yesterday and he is out of town till tuesday....this part is pissing me off. Thanks Tori!
  15. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Thanks folks...yep....I am sure I missed alot! Yeah Snafu.....I actually have three witnessess. One sat right next to me. They only have 13 more days to answer my grievance letter. They still have not talked to any of my witnessess. I busted my ass for those people, and they did not follow up...
  16. Spleefman

    For the men of WYPO, what color of Bra and undies inflame you passions the most???

    Black or Red....Pink is nice too. White's OK as well. That nude color is cool. Chartruse looks good on Redheads....oh **** it....any color will do just fine. Just as long as they are not on a real ugly chick!:D
  17. Spleefman

    Knock, Knock.....

    Hello GF brethren!!!! Sorry I have been gone so long! Let's see...I last posted in August it says. That's because the fine folks at the American Cancer Society restricted the material we could surf there. My home computer fried soon after that. In October The fine folks at the American...
  18. Spleefman

    should gays be allowed to adopt ??

    I know alot of heterosexuals that shouldn't raise, have , or think of kids. :cool: What's to say a couple of fags couldn't do better? ;)
  19. Spleefman

    GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts

    It's called humor....... :)
  20. Spleefman

    GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts

    Nope...It's because the U.S. refuses to suck the dicks of the U.N.. Thank God! It's about time! Besides...i don't really blame them for building the damned wall. Have a few of your country men get their insides blown all over a market place and see how you feel about a wall! Wish we had a...