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  1. Morfos

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    Homophobes are evil. :eek:
  2. Morfos

    A question for non-Muslims

    Muslims take a bath/shower after using the toilet? We use toilet paper in the west.
  3. Morfos

    Homeland Invaded tonight

    This was ants all along!? lol :p
  4. Morfos

    funny pics

    Those are some nice pics. :)
  5. Morfos

    My grandma is a NUN

    Does it really matter?
  6. Morfos

    Bush Vs. Bicycle Round 2

    I never heard of that.
  7. Morfos

    Just another newbie thread...

    I just joined! :)
  8. Morfos

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hello! :) What pisses me off: ONE WORD: -Xenophobes -Conformists -Republicans -Conservatives -Fascists -Nationalists -Racists -Bigots -Homophobes -Fundementalists -Creationists -Rednecks -Enron -Greed -Hatred More than ONE WORD: -Dump Cartoons -Males hitting(slapping more specifically)...
  9. Morfos

    The Official **** list!

    **** Conservatives
  10. Morfos

    The Official **** list!

    RIGHT ON! :)
  11. Morfos

    who do religious rights aply to anyway?

    As long as they don't hurt others in the process of practicing the religion then they should be treated the same as Christianity.
  12. Morfos

    Which of the following should be legal

    I don't disagree with you. Your right about that; as a long term goal we can as a society achieve through regulation without encouraging chaos. They key is a good education and a lack of incentive to use drugs; be a prostitute, etc... Assault Rifles could be regulated beyone belief; but they are...
  13. Morfos

    First Post - Are Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists the same?

    I think both Christian and Muslim extremists are terrible people. Muslim extremists are much worse; but that does not justify the hatred of fanatical Christians.
  14. Morfos

    is violence ever an appropriate response to racism?

    Racism is never acceptable. Nor is violence; although any woman/girl has the right to slap anybody who is racist (a man may get carried away, male + violence = chaos); but other than that, violence is not acceptable.
  15. Morfos

    Which of the following should be legal

    I agree. I think we should legalize and regluate all of the above; execpt for mabey the more harmful illegal drugs. Nobody should be incarcerated for any of the above IMO. :o
  16. Morfos

    who do religious rights aply to anyway?

    I believe in the seperation of the church and state! I also strongly believe that all religions should be treated equally by law no matter how not mainstreme it may be! Only giving freedom to mainstreme religions is not freedom of religion. We should celebrate diversity! :)
  17. Morfos

    Morality...Fact or Fabrication?

    Morality is something personal; it doesn't apply to everyone. Morality is simply an emotion and/or dogmatic code. Humanism is another story all together.
  18. Morfos

    Which of the following should be legal

    Damn; forgot to allow users to pick more than one option! Well post here.
  19. Morfos

    Which of the following should be legal

    So which of the following should be legal?
  20. Morfos

    Stop immigration/contact from terrorist countries

    Good point MR. DR. I can understand strict standards to immigrate from those countries; but completely banning them?