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  1. G

    Teenagers !

    One thing you should keep in mind, is that this teen has just had his entire life completely uprooted and rearranged (e.g., new state, new home, new father figure, etc.). He might be acting out in ways that even he doesn't understand. Try giving him a little time to adjust to all the changes...
  2. G

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Thanks Builder, just one question though........what's a "gong?" Doesn't sound so good. LOL
  3. G

    My Final words on the Katrina&New Orleans situation

    In all actuality, this is an issue (racism/discrimination) that deserves its own thread. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it would be very welcome here. IMHO
  4. G

    My Final words on the Katrina&New Orleans situation

    Have any of you ever heard of a woman named, Jane Elliot?
  5. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Have a great night/day. Hopefully I'll have time to stop back in tomorrow.
  6. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Youthfulness. Youngsters Obssessively Underestimating Traditional Humbleness, Faltering Unknowingly, Living Nearer Extinction Seeming Surprised
  7. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Okay, scratch my last comment. I didn't see your post and I hate to pass up a challenge. Back in a minute with a response.
  8. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Hey Builder, I hope I haven't went overboard with this tonight. I guess I just needed a diversion from my otherwise crazy, hectic life. It's been fun, thanks. I'm off to sleep now. Take care..........GinGin
  9. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Longevity: Lifetime Offering Neverending Greatness Everyone Verily Inspires Themselves Yearningly
  10. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Supplication Seemingly Unexpected Prayers People Lyrically Inscribe Causing Tremendous Inspirational Optimism Nourishing (the) Soul
  11. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Outlooks Others Unnoticed Talents Looming Otherwise Outside Kindred Spirits
  12. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Alarmists Always Looking Around Readily Making Ignorant Statements That Scare (people)
  13. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    It kind of comes and goes. Like when I'm actually able to sleep, I feel somewhat better. Freakin insomnia on top of everything else, damnit. I hesitate going to the doctor because they mostly want to pump you full of drugs, and well, I don't want to go that route. I'll just try to keep things in...
  14. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Here's one for you my friend. Tizz Tremendously Insightful Zany Zealot
  15. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    LOL My bad re: your sobriety. No need to worry about bad press. I live in America, I'm rather accustomed to ignoring it. ;)
  16. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    I want to try this again. Builder Brilliant Unadulterated Insightful Linguist Doing Everything Rationally
  17. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Thanks Builder, damn I seem to be saying that a lot to you. lol In all seriousness, though, congratulations on your sobriety. That's a great thing. Just remember, keep it simple. wink
  18. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Yeah, I'll finish school eventually. I'll be starting my Thesis in a few months. I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I agreed to that. lol Damn, I'm only a junior. That's some heavy **** coming my way. As far as breathing, it actually hurts. I feel like an elephant is standing on my...
  19. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    I know Tizz, your misspelling is part of your charm. I wish I wasn't so flippin anal about things having to be perfect. I might actually enjoy life a little more. lol Anyhow, things are going okay for me. I'm just soooooo stinken exhausted, these 16 hour days are killing me. It seems everything...
  20. G

    Vocabulary improvements

    Now I'm wishing I wouldn't have done that. lol