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  1. S

    My Job Suck's Ass!!!!!!!!

    I'm just a Security officer at an airport! AND IT REALLY SUCKS ASS.
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    nazi scum coming to your town??????

    You know what time it is!
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    Moron's who STILL believe that islam is peaceful

    I agree with you! The Muslims say they're about peace. But i have'nt seen 'em do any peaceful things yet. Hippies are more about peace thn they are.
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    God Hates Fags

    I don't mind them. Just as long as they leave me the hell alone.
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    Women Who Set Men Up!

    For your info. The woman was never injured. He never layed a finger on her.
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    People that don't get my culture piss me off!

    Shut the hell up. Before i holled you down for a little bit while Vortex ****S YOU IN YOUR YOU KNOW WHAT.
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    People that don't get my culture piss me off!

    You're right! Forgot to put the J in fijians. Instead i put a g. Every one makes mistakes sometimes. I do pretty good then other ones from Samoa. Sounds like you're a little prejudice there. Grow the hell up you imbecile.
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    Women Who Set Men Up!

    About three months ago my good friend Robert got locked up in jail. The reason why is because his ex girl friend put a restraining order on him. Because he left an angry message on her cell phone about her keeping a bunch of stuff that belonged to him. But he was never served with it. He ended...
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    People that don't get my culture piss me off!

    That's a good one bro!
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    People that don't get my culture piss me off!

    You got that one right! Also many great pro football players are Samoan.
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    Farrakhan Strikes Again!

    Farakahn is just a prejudice Nigga.
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    Ashlee Simpson Die Bitch Die

    Would not mind getting some of Ashlee Simpson though!
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    People that don't get my culture piss me off!

    In my Samoan culture. Men sometimes wear what we call a lava lava. It basically looks like a skirt. It also has flowers on it. Hawians, Figians and Tongons wear the lava lava as well. It's just part of are culture. Once in a while some punk ass mother ****er opens his stupid mouth and says...
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    Jeff Gordon Hater's piss me off!

    Are you kidding?
  15. S

    Why are they country?

    As a Polonisian i should like my own native music. Which i do love my Hawian and Samoan music. But i like country much better. My favorite singer is Kenny Chesney. Now that guy can sing!
  16. S

    Jeff Gordon Hater's piss me off!

    Jeff Gordon is not gay man!