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    Every person in the United States has heard of the illicit substance called marijuana. Yet, unknown to most people, there is one place in the United States where marijuana is grown legally. That place is the Medicinal Plant Garden, right here at the University of Mississippi. The Medicinal...
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    Hemp as public enemy #1 Hemp was the first plant known to have been domestically cultivated. The oldest relic of human history is hemp fabric dated to 8,000 BC from ancient Mesopotamia, an area in present-day Turkey. It has been grown as long as recorded history for food, fuel, fiber, and for...
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    I don't smoke it.. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of Hemp, which began to be worked in the Eighth Millennium (8,000-7,000 BC). The word "canvas" is derived from the Dutch pronunciation, twice removed from French and Latin, of the Greek root word "Kannabis" which can be traced...
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    no inanimate object is and of themselves inanimate objects cannot abuse themselves.. cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, guns, money and Dungeons and Dragons and now video games have been abused and blamed as causes of criminal activity :eek: when in fact if left on a table they are...
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    should marijuana be legalized ? :confused:
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    have video games gone too far ?

    I'm just taking a break from "Grand Theft Auto/San Andreas" :D I love that game :)
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    have video games gone too far ?

    Video games and violence Joseph Adam Sujka | Posted October 22, 2005 Ever feel like you are going in circles? The relationship between video games and teen violence seems to come up every once in a while and spout the same ideas about teens and how violent we are. Another cookie-cutter...
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    because of the priest incident ?
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    Man Believed 'A' On Hat Stood For Antichrist, Killed Retired Officer

    I wonder what their first clue was :D
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    sounds like someone was molested by a priest
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    Liberal Elitists

    no such thing as too much money :D
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    i have a crazy idea

    it is crazy !
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Thanks y'all :D
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    Congratulations snafu and the rest of Alaska!

    I was born and raised in Alaska :D one day I will move back..interestingly my mother never had a license or permit to carry her Colt Python .357 magnum but she carried it everywhere she went
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    What were you doing at the time on 9/11

    I was driving northbound on I-85 in Atlanta headed for a large Honda dealership because I needed a driver side half shaft/cv axle for my old Accord
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    there are certainly worse things to fixate on :D never did understand the foot thing but I probably never will..Howdy y'all