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  1. B

    2thejungle complaints about eddo

    Chi, I'm not referring to everyone when I made my comment. I am aware that several were here before Wez was BUT some weren't. And I thought it was only right to point that out and call them on it. If everyone hates Wez so much then be glad he's not at TJ anymore and let him hang out here without...
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    2thejungle complaints about eddo

    Just had to come check out this post. Yeah...nosey. And believe it or not but I'm actually going to somewhat take up for Wez. Why the HELL have some of you followed him over here just to fight with him? You hated him being at TJ and couldn't wait til he was gone then you go and join a site...
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    I love Lyrics!

    Wez my dear, this is for you... Slayer: I hate you You were just a waste of sperm They way you look Makes my stomach turn The way you think Is no way at all God you really think you have balls I hate you aint it true I hate you and everything you do You walk around like a ****ing dick And...
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    Keep it Comin'

    Do you think I give a **** whether or not people like me here? Oh let me go cry in my pillow now. I'm not trying to improve your site, It's called speaking my mind. Oh I forgot, you have to suck up to the right people before speaking your mind isn't considered whinning around here. And LMMFAO...
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    A Parent's Role

    Hmmm, good question. I think it would be a lot. I mean, from whom do they learn their behaviors? From whom do they learn about how to handle situations? A parent is the main influence in a child's life. I know that you can't make them turn out perfect but it is a parents job to teach them...
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    What would you do if your teenager came home married one day?

    Sometimes, the only way for a child to find their way and mature into a responsible human being is to bail on them. If you feel like making excuses for them, then that's your deal. I just know that I've watched too many "adults" run to mommy and daddy ever single time they get into trouble. I'm...
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    Keep it Comin'

    Phreak, you have boxed me for saying **** about you before. You know you have. And it was nothing more then a power trip. So get off your ****ing soap box. I don't hang around here just to bash this site or the members, except for the brain dead sixes but I just do that for entertainment...
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    Keep it Comin'

    Phreak, I'm just saying that I think you all could gain a lot more really cool people that would stick around if you wouldn't give them such a hard time right from the get go. Why should someone have to "put up with ****" from you all before they are seen as a "good member" or someone worthy...
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    Keep it Comin'

    Wouldn't surprise me one bite. In fact, it would only reinforce what I'm saying.
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    Keep it Comin'

    Ya know, I agree with Gally. You say you don't censor but just as soon as someone says something that the most popular members don't agree with, they are put in the box. I saw last night that some guy got boxed for calling someone fat. IF that is true, that's pathetic. The other thing I've...
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    Keep it Comin'

    Ah, ok. I've gotten three so far. Two good and one bad. I think I know who they are from, too. Seeing as how the spelling sucks...
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    Keep it Comin'

    I don't get the whole rep thing, myself. Anyone care to explain or point me in the direction to find out what it's about?
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    What would you do if your teenager came home married one day?

    So let's coddle them instead? That's what's wrong with kids today. They aren't expected to own up to their mistakes/responsibilities. Yep, let's just keep letting mommy and daddy enable them to be irresponsible and make excuses for them.
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    What would you do if your teenager came home married one day?

    Well, you're right. It doesn't always mean you are throwing your life away. I guess I'm just looking at how kids are today. It's a whole new generation. Kids these days just aren't as mature as they used to be. I mean, come on. You know that's true in most cases.
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    What would you do if your teenager came home married one day?

    Ok, here's my honest opinion as I see it now. It could very well change some day seeing as how my two boys are only 8 and 10. If I haven't raised them to be smart enough not to throw away their life by doing something stupid like that, then they deserve to be out on their own. Let them see...
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    For those of you that are married or have been married, do you think age was a factor

    Oh and I don't see our age difference being an issue. I think the issues come in when you don't have chemistry or completely different interests.
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    For those of you that are married or have been married, do you think age was a factor

    Well, I was 21 when I got married. My husband is 8 years older then me. I had never been married before but this is his second marriage. I do know that his first marriage ended because they got married too young. The whole idea of marrying young and growing up together is not always true. I've...
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    When is it an affair

    If you're married and you're swapping spit with someone else, then there's something wrong. Nuff said.
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    Another fine case of parenting

    Ah, slap her twice for good measure!
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    What I find completely strange is how against antidepressants they are and yet, when the autopsy was done on Ron Hubbard, they were found in his system.